Home air conditioner 🥝 home-made water fan for air cooling

Every year, the heat breaks new records, the prices for air conditioners soar, and you want coolness in the house always and without big financial expenses. We offer you several ways to save yourself from the summer heat, for which you only need improvised means and ingenuity. We will tell you how to make air conditioning at home.
to contents ↑Important! All home-made air conditioners use the principle of surface cooling when water evaporates. Of course, a home-made air conditioner can not be compared with a split system, but it can lower the temperature in the room by several degrees. Consider some examples of the manufacture of heat remedies at home.
Heat remedy from our ancestors
Even in the absence of cooling systems, our ancestors used a wet towel. They wrapped, for example, a bottle, and put it in a through place and during the evaporation of water, cooling took place. This principle formed the basis of the simplest climatic device - a wet towel on the fan housing. If the process is automated, then part of the towel can be dipped in a container of water, it will be absorbed by the cloth and evaporate under the influence of air flow.
to contents ↑Important! Overdried indoor air negatively affects the well-being and health of a person, so it must be moistened. If you like to do it yourself, you will be interested to know how to make a humidifier.
The most primitive home air conditioner
If you do not want to spend a lot of time assembling a complex device, but still want to make an air conditioner at home with your own hands, you will definitely like this method.
To create a cooling system you will need:
- several plastic bottles with frozen water;
- fan;
- fastener wire or bottle tray.
Important! Plastic bottles tightly entered our lives. Someone throws them away, while others prefer to give them a new life. If you belong to the second type of people, read our post "Crafts from plastic bottles with their own hands".
Proceed as follows:
- Freeze bottled water.
- Place the containers at a distance of a couple of centimeters from each other, placing them on a pallet, or fastening directly to the fan.
- Turn on the fan.
Advantages of a homemade device:
- cheapness;
- reusable use.
The disadvantages of this design:
- a problem with the removal of condensation bottles appearing on the surfaces;
- the frequent need to replace bottles with containers of frozen water.
Important! Better place the bottles on a pallet so that condensate flows down there. The more powerful the fan, the more efficient the home-made air conditioner will be. Follow the link and find out how to choose a fan.
Pipe, water and fan
This is another option on how to make air conditioning at home using frozen water and its cooling properties, also does not differ in complexity.
To make the device you will need:
- several plastic bottles with frozen liquid;
- a piece of plumbing plastic pipe (with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the bottle);
- fan;
- hot glue.
Production Instruction:
- Put a few plastic bottles of frozen water inside the pipe.
- Attach a fan to one end of the plastic pipe using hot melt adhesive.
- Turn on the fan.
The principle of operation of this device: a directed air flow passes through the gap between the bottles and the pipe walls. Such contact of air with cold objects greatly lowers its temperature.
Disadvantage: condensate is not provided, but if you make several holes at the bottom of the pipe, this will not be a problem.
Important! Do not direct the construction towards a person, especially in the summer heat, as this is unsafe for health.
Hose, copper tube
If you set out to make an air conditioner a more advanced device with your own hands, take this method into your arsenal.
In this design are used:
- garden hose (preferably made of rubber);
- thin copper tube;
- fan.
- From a copper tube, form a radiator over the entire surface of the grille (leave spaces for air flow).
- Fasten the formed radiator.
- Connect one side of the tube to a cold water tap.
- Direct the other end to the drain.
- Turn on the cold water tap.
- Connect the fan to the mains.
Schemes of portable (portable) air conditioners
Such climate devices will be a real salvation for people who are attached to their workplace: office workers, gamers.
Container, ice and cooler
The principle of this small air conditioner is the same as that of previous models. Its main advantage is compactness, ease of use and direction of action.
In order to make an air conditioner with your own hands, you will need:
- 1.5-2 liter plastic container (for storing food and non-food products.);
- cooler (from the computer power supply);
- corrugated plastic siphon;
- stationery knife;
- glue gun.
Step-by-step assembly instructions:
- Make a hole in the container lid - a little smaller than the fan.
- Using a glue gun, stick the cooler into the lid so that it draws air into the container.
- Make a hole at the other end of the lid with a clerical knife (this is a hole for a corrugated siphon).
- Cut 25-35 cm from the corrugated sanitary siphon.
- Glue this section into the cover with a gun.
- Pour ice into the container.
- Close the cover.
- Turn on the fan.
Your portable air conditioner is ready. Turn a section of the siphon and direct cold air anywhere in the room.
Air conditioning from an old refrigerator
If you have an old refrigeration unit, then it will perfectly serve as a means for air freshening in the room. In practice - this is a real air conditioning. The principle of operation is based on the transfer of heat by freon from the evaporator to the condenser.
To make a device you will need:
- 2 fans;
- plastic pipe;
- jigsaw (with a file for metal);
- polyurethane foam.
Step-by-step instructions for manufacturing:
- Drill a fan hole in the door.
- Install a fan in the freezer door that blows air in.
- Make a second hole to let out the cooled air.
- Insert a plastic pipe into this hole.
- Carefully seal the cracks with mounting foam.
- Install a second fan pointing towards the condenser - for better heat dissipation.
- Plug in the fridge and fans, and you can cool the room.
Important! Not only air conditioning can be made from an old refrigerator.Want to know how else you can use it? We reviewed this topic in our review. "Old refrigerator".
Car radiator cooler
In order to make an air conditioner with your own hands from a car radiator, you will need:
- radiator (preferably from domestic cars);
- a fan (you can buy it with a radiator in an auto parts store);
- plastic clamps;
- rubber hose;
- sealant;
- case from a computer power supply;
- terry towel (as a tray).
Production Instruction:
- Mount the radiator on the back of the case.
- Install a fan on the front of the chassis.
- The air flow should move from the radiator to the fan.
- Install rubber hoses on the pipes extending from the radiator, attach them with clamps.
- Water is supplied through one hose. Connect it to a cold water tap. Another hose serves as a means for water outlet.
- Place the entire structure on a towel.
Important! Central to this system is the speed at which water will pass through the radiator and the speed of the fan motor. The cooling rate of a room depends on all this.
The advantages of this device is the lack of condensation.
- the radiator must be connected to the mains through a 12 V adapter, which must be purchased separately or used from an old computer power supply;
- laborious manufacturing method;
- if the apartment is equipped with water meters, then such an air conditioner will cost a little.
How to make air conditioning in a car?
To make an automotive version of an air conditioner, you will need:
- a plastic container (the capacity from a cooler bag is best);
- cabin radiator from the stove;
- a small submersible pump (aquarium or machine washer);
- a pair of fans;
- connecting tubes.
In the car, the device is able to work only from the cigarette lighter, so if you do not have a car charger for your phone, you need to purchase it.
To make the air conditioner in the car with your own hands, follow this instruction:
- Install a pump at the bottom of the container.
- Lead the wires out of the pump.
- Make a couple of fan holes in the container lid.
- Fasten the fans.
- On the inside of the cover, install the furnace radiator with silicone.
- Combine wires from fans, pump, charger.
- Connect the pump to the radiator using connecting pipes.
- Pour ice inside the container.
- The device is ready to go.
Important! Car air conditioning can provide comfortable conditions in the cabin for up to 5 hours. To get rid of excess noise when operating the air conditioner, put a hose on the radiator outlet.
The principle of operation of such a system is that under the influence of the pump, cold air enters the radiator, and the fan delivers cool air upward.
to contents ↑Important! Motorists are often faced with the problem of unpleasant odors in the passenger compartment and pollution of the seats. This can and should be fought. Take advantage of our helpful tips, which we have collected in separate publications:
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Making an air conditioner with your own hands is not difficult, but the main disadvantage of a home-made design in some models is the high consumption of water or electricity. The only suitable solution may be a mini-air conditioner, but for it to work, you need to change ice regularly and quite often, that is, you still have to spend water and electricity for freezing, so weigh all the pros and cons, and use those designs and models, that suit you for one or another indicator.