How to choose an electric fireplace?

Get together in the evening by the fireplace with the whole family for a cup of tea or for reading a book. It seems that this is possible only in fairy tales, and in crazy reality for a long time nothing like this has happened. But fairy tales come true, and absolutely everything is in your hands. Of course, it is difficult and dangerous to arrange a real hearth that is heated by firewood in a city apartment. But it will be successfully replaced by an electric one - and it will warm and create a fabulous atmosphere. About, how to choose an electric fireplace for an apartment and a summer residence will be discussed in our article.

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Why electric?

The central heating system is certainly a good thing. In many cities, heating systems operate efficiently and reliably. But even perfectly arranged batteries on cold winter evenings sometimes give not as much heat as the owners of the apartment would like. There are also accidents, so an additional heater for the inhabitant of the northern latitudes is, of course, a necessary thing.

The heater can be very simple. But, if you really decided to buy such a device - why not a fireplace, which will warm the apartment and give the interior a special charm?

A real fireplace, of course, cannot be arranged in a modern city house:

  • this is a rather complicated procedure, requiring many approvals from both firefighters and the local administration;
  • for it, it will be necessary to constantly store firewood, but in modern residential districts with high-rise buildings, such a service is not offered to residents;
  • the chimney sweep position has been abolished almost everywhere, so there will be no one to serve the fireplace.

But the installation of an electric fireplace does not require any coordination and a chimney sweep is not needed.

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How is he better?

Before choosing an electric fireplace for an apartment, it is useful to learn a little about the features of this type of electrical appliance. What is a fireplace? This is an infrared beam emitting device. It consists of several parts:

  • housing;
  • reflector;
  • a heater.

The device operates according to the following principle:

  1. The fireplace is plugged in.
  2. Air is reflected from the inner walls.
  3. Heated air is pushed forward without spraying around the room.

Undoubted benefit

The advantages of electric fireplaces by the principle of work are not exhausted. They have other undoubted advantages:

  • fit perfectly into the interior;
  • low weight (the largest have a mass of about 50 kg);
  • they do not require time to warm up - they begin to heat the room immediately after switching on, while they give as much heat as needed;
  • do not need a chimney device;
  • do not emit carbon monoxide;
  • Do not fill the room with carcinogens;
  • do not require additional ventilation;
  • have several heating modes, respectively - the work can be adjusted;
  • can maintain a constant temperature in the room, since there is a thermostat;
  • absorb a limited amount of electricity;
  • the case practically does not heat up, so there is no risk of getting burns;
  • these are mobile devices that require only a power outlet;
  • are relatively inexpensive.

Two words about the flaws

When buying any device, including an electric fireplace, you need to know as much as possible about its disadvantages in advance. They are:

  • for connection, you may need a separate cable, because the wiring may not withstand the additional load;
  • additional ventilation is not needed, but the room will have to be regularly ventilated.

Important! To imagine how your room will look, look at interesting design ideas and practical tips in the article "Design of a living room with a fireplace".

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What are the fireplaces?

Which fireplace to choose for an apartment if the range of such devices is very large? It makes sense to pay attention to a number of parameters:

  • power;
  • flame;
  • type of installation;
  • case material;
  • design.
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By power electric fireplaces are divided into two types:

  • heaters;
  • decorative.

And here the question is very important, why are you buying the unit - so that it is warmer in the room on cold winter evenings or just to decorate the interior?

Of course, decorative fireplaces also give heat, but their power is small - only 100-200 watts. Of course, in this case no separate line is needed. However, most often it is not needed for fireplaces-heaters, if they are recently released.

Now they are all made energy-efficient, that is, they consume a power of no more than 2 kW. The power supply in a modern house will not damage such a device.

Important! An additional cable will have to be laid if the house is very old or in the suburban village the electricity networks are unstable.

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A home, if it is done with the help of modern electrical equipment, can look very different. Its appearance greatly affects the price. On this basis, electric fireplaces can be divided into three categories:

  • coal;
  • wood burning;
  • SLR.

Glass coals

“Coal” foci are cheaper than the rest. Coals themselves or even logs are made of colored plastic or glass. Light bulbs shine through the glass. If it seems to you that the coals are smoldering, this means that reflective screens are installed in the model. But such fireplaces look a little like real ones. Looking at the fire, you will immediately realize that this is just a sham.

Plastic firewood

“Wood” devices are somewhat more expensive, but the fire in them seems almost natural. The reflection system is more complex. Finally, in mirror models, the flame seems real. This is achieved thanks to a complex system of reflectors, the use of silk ribbons and shreds, as well as foil strips.

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How is it put?

If you are interested in the question of how to choose an electric fireplace for your home, pay attention to the installation method. On this basis, electric fireplaces are divided into several types:

  • floor;
  • mounted;
  • recessed.


These are the most popular models. They gained wide distribution due to the mass of advantages:

  • no additional work is required during installation - installation is not required at all:
  • no niche needed - the unit can be installed anywhere;
  • No portal required
  • no need to put a frame;
  • no additional cladding required.

Important! This is the simplest design. Such a fireplace can be moved from one room to another and even taken to the country, if the need arises.

In turn, such devices are divided into two types:

  • attached;
  • freestanding.

A free-standing fireplace can be placed anywhere, even in the middle. As for the attached, then at the installation site they are divided into two categories:

  • frontal;
  • angular.

Frontal is placed against the wall, angular, respectively, in the corner of the room. About how interesting and profitable it is to beat the second type of devices, read in our separate post "Corner fireplace in the interior".

Important! Floor areas are great for small apartments. In the warm season, the fireplace can be completely removed so that it does not take up too much space.



Such a fireplace very much resembles a modern flat-screen TV - and not only in appearance, but also in the manner of fastening. It is hung on the wall or built in.

Important! For large rooms, this option is not very suitable, but in a small room it will look very good.

It can have many functions:

  • heating;
  • decoration;
  • lighting.

Important! If decorative qualities interest you more than heating, feel free to choose a hanging fireplace. His power is small, very little electricity is required.


Expensive pleasure, although the result is worth the money. These fireplaces resemble real ones as much as possible. As a rule, the most expensive models of high power and with the most natural flame are built in.

Important! In order to install this, you need a niche or a portal - it is better to take care of this in advance, before you go to choose a model. To make it easier for you to handle this, we have prepared a review with room design ideas with integrated fireplace.

As materials suitable:

  • metal;
  • a rock;
  • wood;
  • ceramic tile;
  • drywall.

It is necessary to ensure that the walls of the portal are sufficiently thick - at least 30 cm.

Important! Built-in fireplaces are suitable only for large rooms, as installation requires additional space.

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Selection order

Having learned a little about the features of different types of electric fireplaces, you can begin to choose:

  1. Decide which room the new appliance will be in.
  2. Think about what tasks the fireplace will solve - it is needed for heating, heating and lighting or will be used only as a decorative one.
  3. Measure its width and length.
  4. Think about whether you can make room for the portal. If there is a niche, your task is greatly simplified.
  5. If there is neither a niche nor a place for the portal, but you want the fireplace to warm - give up the idea of ​​buying a built-in or wall-mounted model and opt for an outdoor device.
  6. Having determined the desired type, study the lineup.

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Fireplace and style

Like any household appliances, an electric fireplace should not only fulfill its basic functions, but also decorate the interior, which means that it fits perfectly into it. This is especially true for embedded models. If you decide to buy just such, before you make out a niche, think about a few things:

  1. Should a fireplace attract the attention of everyone who enters?
  2. Will it be the center of the composition of one of the walls or should it shade some other accent?
  3. Are households and guests expected to sit by the fireplace, or will they be in some other corner?

Important! To complement the interior of the room with a fireplace, the correct decoration of the walls will help you. We suggest you consider wall decoration options.

If the fireplace is the most beautiful element of the interior, nothing prevents you from making it a center of attraction. In this case, it is better to choose an exquisite model with a flame that resembles the natural as much as possible, and a case trimmed with antique. The housing may be:

  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • ceramic.

Important! Sometimes we come across very high-quality plastic models that outwardly are no different from metal or wooden.

If you want a family gathering by the fireplace, you need to make sure that there is furniture suitable in style in this corner: a pair of armchairs (maybe even rocking chairs), a low sofa, etc.

Important! For a small room in a modern style, a suspended model in a metal case is perfect.

As for the floor models, the design they have is very different, you can pick up something suitable for the Baroque style, and for the medieval, and for high-tech.

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An electric fireplace will certainly diversify the look of your room and give it more comfort, a distinctive color, so if you are considering such an idea, do not deny yourself the pleasure. Just make the purchase correctly, considering the useful tips from this article.

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