How to choose air conditioners for an apartment?

It seems that only the heroes of the old film agree with the fact that “nature has no bad weather”. Everyone else had to deal with bad weather, and each has its own concept of what is good and what is bad. Some people can’t stand the heat at all, others are very cold. At the same time, the house should always be comfortable, and such a popular device as air conditioning can help out. How to choose air conditioning for an apartment so that all children and households feel comfortable and comfortable? - We’ll talk about this.
to contents ↑What are the air conditioners for the apartment?
An air conditioner is a device designed to maintain optimal indoor conditions. It will be much easier for you to choose if, before you look into the catalog or go to the household appliance store, you will answer a few simple questions:
- Why do you even need air conditioning?
- Is it necessary that he not only cool the air, but also can warm it?
- What power will be optimal for your apartment?
- Do you need an inverter air conditioner?
- Do you let your air conditioner make noise or do you prefer a very quiet device?
- What do you prefer - manual control or automatic modes?
- Which filters suit you best?
- What means do you have and what class of climatic equipment will be optimal for you?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of climate equipment from different manufacturers?
Manufacturing countries
Should I pay attention to this when buying? - Of course. In terms of climate technology, leadership now belongs to Asian countries:
- Premium air conditioners specialize mainly in Japanese firms. It is this country that is constantly updating technology, and the quality of firms such as Mitsubishi and Panasonic. Recognized worldwide.
- Middle class equipment is also mainly produced by the Japanese.
- But you will find good products of economy class with a guarantee from Chinese and Korean companies.
Important! In a separate review of our site you will find detailed information about brands and models that will help you decide which company is better to choose air conditioning.
Types of air conditioners for an apartment
Before buying an air conditioner in an apartment, decide which operating principle will suit you best. According to the principle of operation, air conditioners are divided into several types:
- channel;
- monoblock;
- split systems.
- multi-split systems.
Duct air conditioners
They are used in residential buildings extremely rarely. These are quite complex devices - both in installation and in operation. Therefore, in stores they are usually not offered. Nevertheless, a few words need to be said about them. These air conditioners use existing ventilation systems, which are in all apartment buildings.
Advantages of duct air conditioner:
- it is not visible, since it is masked by a false ceiling;
- It allows you to create your own microclimate in every room.
The main disadvantages:
- very high price;
- complexity of operation, therefore, such air conditioners are installed mainly in the offices of large companies.
But monoblock air conditioners and split systems are very popular.
Monoblock conditioners
The main advantages of this type of air conditioner are its relatively low price, as well as the ease of installation and maintenance. But they also have cons:
- change the interior of any room;
- create quite a lot of dust.
Cassette Split Systems
This type of air conditioner is becoming more and more popular. Their main advantages are that:
- they are hardly noticeable in the interior (usually mounted above, behind a suspended ceiling);
- practically do not give dust:
- Do not cause drafts;
- very well suited for standard apartments;
- do not consume much electricity;
- in comparison with channel air conditioners are relatively inexpensive;
- work almost silently;
- can work both for cooling and for heating, since they consist of two units, and this ensures the circulation of the refrigerant;
- when the power is turned off, the settings are saved.
Important! Multi-split systems are now available for large apartments and houses. They are arranged in approximately the same way as the split systems, but are able to work on several rooms from only one outdoor unit.
By location
How to choose an air conditioner that is suitable for your apartment? - Estimate what type of arrangement suits you best. According to this criterion, air conditioners are divided into:
- window;
- Ceiling
- floor;
- wall mounted;
- mobile.
Window devices are monoblocks, all the rest are actually split systems, the difference between which lies in the methods and place of installation.
Window air conditioners
Perhaps the most ancient type of climatic devices. The main advantage is a very simple design, despite the fact that over the past decades, these air conditioners have changed significantly.
Important! This is a monoblock that is inserted into the window opening. Unfortunately, the installation of such a monoblock leads to the fact that the frame is deformed. But then you can put it without outside help.
In addition, modern window air conditioners allow not only cooling the air in the apartment, but also heating it. And the most sophisticated manufacturers offer their moody customers even remote control of such a system.
Important! Of all the air conditioners, window ones are the cheapest. But they are also considered the noisiest.
Wall conditioners
When choosing an air conditioner of this type, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the wall air conditioner:
- quite a bit “eats”;
- perfectly visible from anywhere in the room, so you need to carefully consider the design;
- during installation, you are unlikely to be able to do without assistants.
Floor air conditioners
It’s easiest to put them, to serve them too. In addition, on sale you can find floor air conditioners with a very interesting design, so that they usually look spectacular. However, if you do not like drafts, such an air conditioner is not suitable for you.
Ceiling air conditioners
For an apartment - ideal. The interior is almost invisible, so you do not need to think about design. Drafts with such an air conditioner do not threaten you either. The only negative is to set it harder than floor or wall. But this is more than paid for by the ease of maintenance and relatively low cost.
Mobile air conditioners
They are not particularly popular yet - mainly because of the high price. However, they also have a significant advantage - they are called mobile because they can be moved in two accounts to any place in the apartment and even taken to the country with you.
Such an air conditioner is installed quickly, and the only thing you may need outside help with is the outlet of the hose to the street.
Important! In addition to the high price, this air conditioner has a significant drawback - it is quite noisy. In addition, the power of such devices is small.
Important! All types of air conditioners differ in installation principles. To avoid any difficulties after a purchase with the technical side, be sure to read about all the rulesair conditioner installation.
We will deal with the parameters
The choice of air conditioning for an apartment is more influenced by such a parameter as compressor power. To choose the best one, you need to know the area of your apartment. You can use a simple guideline - 1 kW of power corresponds to 10 square meters of area.
Important! Please note that an additional 20-30% must be added to the area - any equipment emits heat during operation.
Should I buy a more powerful air conditioner than the one that corresponds to the area of the apartment? This is undesirable - you spend a lot of money, and the effect will be minimal. Better pay attention to other functions that this or that model has.
to contents ↑Important! Consider parameters such as noise level and power consumption. The lowest noise level is with split systems. But the most economical in terms of energy consumption - simple window monoblocks. For other air conditioners, the level of consumption directly depends on power.
What else can air conditioning do?
When thinking about how to choose an air conditioner in an apartment, keep in mind that it’s quite difficult to find a modern air conditioner that only cools the air. Only the simplest monoblock window system does not have additional functions. The rest are surely able to do something else and are able to make your life more comfortable.
So what are modern air conditioners capable of?
- To cool and heat the air - this is no longer discussed.
- Almost everyone has a ventilation mode.
- Air conditioning can make the air drier.
- A very useful thing is the air purification mode.
- The temperature maintenance system will bring a lot of benefits.
- Air conditioning can regulate air flow.
- On the control panel you will see both temperature and air parameters.
There may be additional functions:
- air ionizer;
- plasma cleaner;
- kakhetin filters;
- point cooling mode;
- point heating mode;
- night mode;
- timer.
to contents ↑Important! Be sure to consider the possibility of redirecting the air flow!
Air conditioning classes
By size, complexity and feature set, household air conditioners are:
- premium class
- middle class:
- economy class.
Premium class
The most powerful, stylish and sophisticated air conditioners. Such climatic devices can work for a very long time, usually the service life exceeds ten years.
Important! The sales record holder is Daikin. Equipment of this class is also produced by Mitsubishi and Panasonic. The greatest number of functions - but also the highest price.
Middle class
These are solid reliable devices. They are not inferior in quality to premium devices, but they have fewer functions - no frills. Accordingly, the price is lower.
Important! The most well-known middle-class equipment manufacturers are Fujitsu or McQuay. In urban apartments, air conditioners of the middle class are the most convenient.
Economy class
These are functional and simple devices that can do everything that is usually required from an air conditioner. However, a small nuance must be taken into account. Very good air conditioners of little-known companies can fall into this price range. The reason is not a popular brand. So it is possible that among the cheap air conditioners you will find those that are not inferior in terms of reliability and functionality to mid-range or even premium-class devices.
to contents ↑Important! The most famous manufacturer of relatively cheap HVAC equipment is Lessar.
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Now it will definitely be easier for you to choose an air conditioner for your apartment and solve the issue of normal temperature and air quality in your home once and for all. Be sure to consider the set of criteria and then your purchase will be worthy, even if you select inexpensive climate equipment.
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