How to choose an iron?

The iron usually serves more than one year, but at one not very pleasant moment it still burns out and you have to look for a new one. In the stores there are a great many models from various manufacturers, and it’s quite difficult to navigate immediately. How to choose an iron so that ironing is not hard labor, but easy and enjoyable? We’ll talk about this now.

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Types of irons

There are several types of irons. Some are designed for laundries and ateliers, where each appliance has its own tasks:

  • In the laundry room, workers have to iron large surfaces, but delicate work rarely falls into the iron there.
  • In the studio, on the contrary, the surfaces are not so large, but you need to iron allowances and smooth out folds and tucks.

How to choose an iron for home use, because it must be universal, it will have to deal with large duvet covers and dresses for a little daughter, where there are many pleats or frills, and each must be in perfect condition?

There are three types of household irons:

  • ordinary;
  • steam;
  • irons with prefixes-steam generators.

What's better:

  • An ordinary iron can now be found only in a grandmother's attic or in a thrift store. There is practically no demand for them; therefore, industry does not produce them. Such irons, even if they are in working condition, are suitable only to create a retro-style atmosphere. However, in case of emergency they can be used, only very carefully.
  • The most popular category is steam. They are universal, suitable both for ironing large surfaces and for smoothing small parts. In household appliances stores, most often you can find just such. There are many options, these units differ from each other and the sole, and a set of functions, and price.
  • Irons with steam generators are also very diverse. Most often they are used in laundries and ateliers, but they are also suitable for home use, especially if you have to iron a lot and often. True, they are quite expensive. This device is an iron with a special separate platform. The steam station generates steam continuously, it enters the iron through a hose. This significantly reduces ironing time and allows you to quickly process a large amount of linen. The iron itself is very light, the hand does not get tired at all.

If you still cannot decide what to give preference to, read more detailed recommendations in the article. “What to choose - iron or steam generator?”.

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What to look at?

Thinking about what to choose an iron for home, pay attention to the following points:

  • sole;
  • power
  • temperature regulator;
  • steam system;
  • functions
  • cord;
  • the weight;
  • the form;
  • lever.

Important! Significant factors remain both the price and the manufacturer of the equipment, since the availability of the device to you and its reliability depends on this.

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The sole is the first thing you should pay attention to. The choice of iron can be significantly affected;

  • material;
  • the form;
  • the size.


The choice of material is a very important point, because it is this part that is in contact with the fabric. Heavy cast iron irons are a thing of the past, and on store shelves you can find soles:

  • from stainless steel;
  • titanium coated steel;
  • from aluminum;
  • from ceramics and cermets;
  • from glass ceramics.

Stainless steel

Stainless steel soles have been made for a long time, and now this material is quite popular.Its advantages:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • low price;
  • ability to heat up quickly;
  • ability to keep fit.

Any stainless steel item is completely insensitive to shock, it is very difficult to bend. This material has good thermal conductivity, so the sole heats up pretty quickly.

Important! The main disadvantage is that such an iron does not glide equally well on all fabrics. And if there are thorough scratches - it can “cling” to the fabric, leaving puffs.

Another caveat - tan marks on this sole remain most often. Therefore, you must immediately know, acquiring such a device, how to clean it.

Titanium coated stainless steel

This is an improved version of the steel sole. Such an iron glides on any fabric. It costs a little more than its predecessor, but it more than pays off.


Lightweight but not very durable material. Such a sole heats up superbly - even faster than steel. However, the iron very easily loses its shape, and therefore requires extremely careful handling.

If, for example, a heavy object is placed on it during moving or cleaning, the sole can take on the most fantastic look and it will be very difficult to straighten it.

The most attractive qualities of an aluminum sole are lightness and price.

Important! With improper care, aluminum may begin to leave dark marks on the fabric.

Ceramics and cermets

Modern and very noteworthy materials for the manufacture of irons. Main advantages:

  • very easy to glide on any fabric;
  • even very crumpled places are perfectly smoothed.

Important! The main disadvantage of ceramic and metal-ceramic surfaces is fragility. Such a device should not be dropped or allowed to fall on it.

Glass ceramic and teflon

Most manufacturers appreciated the unique qualities of these materials. Both glass ceramics and teflon have a number of advantages:

  • excellent ironing quality;
  • easy glide;
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • ease of care.

Important! The undoubted advantages include the price range - the price range is so wide that every family can choose an iron from these materials.

And there are also unique brand options, about which you can read the information in the articles:

  1. SteamGlide Iron Sole.
  2. Eloxal Iron Sole.

Two words about the form

The shape of the soles of all irons is about the same, but there are still differences. If you look closely, you may notice that the spouts on the devices are still different.

Important! To choose a good quality iron, you need to be guided by a very simple consideration - the sharper the nose, the easier it will be to iron items with buttons, as well as hard-to-reach spots.


As for the area of ​​the sole, you need to figure out what things you have to basically iron. The larger the area, the less effort will be required to smooth large surfaces:

  • If you have all your clothes made from materials that do not need an iron, but a lot of bedding, curtains and other large things, buy the largest iron.
  • But, as a rule, housewives have to put things in order of different sizes and qualities in order, so the best option is the golden mean, that is, a device that can successfully cope with large surfaces and small details.

How many holes are there on the sole?

Steam is known to escape through holes. How many holes should a good iron have? Definitely no one will answer this question. The best option is at least a hundred small holes located throughout the area.

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An important indicator of the quality of any device is power. The more powerful the iron, the faster it heats up and the less time it takes to iron. Irons are:

  • powerful;
  • medium power;
  • low power.

Which iron to choose? - It's simple:

  1. The first category includes devices with a power of 2000-2400 watts. This is an ideal device for a large family, where you have to iron a lot and often.
  2. Most housewives are suitable for medium power irons - 1600-1900 watts.
  3. The low-power category includes mainly travel irons - light and compact.

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Steam system

An iron with steam is simply irreplaceable, and it is very important to understand how much steam you need. It is calculated simply - how many grams are formed per minute. This parameter is indicated in the passport.

Important! The most popular option is 30 g per minute, it is enough for almost all fabrics. For an iron with a steam generator, the optimal heat stroke rate is 120 g / min.

If you have to iron very thick and dense materials, there should be more steam. There is a special function for this - a turbocouple, when at the right moment about two times more steam is released than usual.

Important! The iron should have a spray gun, and such that only sprayed clothes, but did not leave puddles.

Steam direction

Pay attention to the steam direction. This, of course, is not as important as its quantity, but it can create additional conveniences. Directions are:

  • vertical
  • horizontal
  • there are both possibilities.

Why is all this necessary?

  1. With normal ironing, horizontal wetting is used.
  2. Sometimes it becomes necessary to iron things hanging on the shoulders - and then a vertical steam supply is necessary.
  3. There are models that have several modes of steam supply - and this is very convenient.

Important! In order not to experience any difficulties and quickly put things in order, use the detailed instructions on steam ironing.

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Temperature controller

It would seem that the temperature controller is the temperature controller, what features can be? However, there are subtleties, and most importantly, what you should pay attention to - the number of divisions. The more opportunities to change the temperature, the better. In addition, if the iron is good, there must be a delicate mode.

Important! Follow the link to be able to correctly set ironing mode on different irons.

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Additional functions

Home appliance manufacturers seek to make life easier for their customers by introducing additional features. This, of course, increases the price of devices, but it turns homework into a real pleasure. These are features such as:

  • constant steam supply;
  • steam boost;
  • dry ironing
  • self-cleaning;
  • anti-drip system.

Important! Not all fabrics show steaming. It harms some, and in such cases, dry ironing is necessary. Universal models usually have one.

Self cleaning

It is very convenient! Scale forms in the tank and must be removed regularly. Some models have a special button, while others can be combined with a steam boost button.


In order to prevent limescale, special rods or cartridges are inserted. They soften the water. But this does not mean at all that any water can be poured into the tank - if it is very hard, the rods will not save. Therefore, in places where there are many diverse salts in the water, it is recommended to fill in filtered water.

Important! There are devices on sale that have special filters installed. In such irons, you can fill in any water, but they cost a little more.

Anti-drop function

At low temperatures, steam does not form, so water can flow out through holes. To prevent this from happening, an anti-drip system is needed.

Important! This is important for fabrics that need dry ironing, as well as in cases where spots remain in place of the drops.

Auto power off

This is an absolutely necessary function. An iron that turns off automatically is much safer than its counterpart without such a system. You will not need to remember each time whether you turned off the iron:

  • He himself will be disconnected from the network if for 30 seconds he is standing horizontally and nothing happens to him.
  • If you put it upright and do not touch it, it will also turn off, but after 10-15 minutes.


On sale you can also find wireless irons - mainly the Tefal company. They are heated using a special stand. However, there are few of them so far, and in addition, there is only enough heating for a minute, or even less, so then you still have to put it on a stand.

Therefore, a wired iron is the best in all respects more convenient, but you need to pay attention to the length of the cord. The longer, the better.

Important! The best option is 2.5-3 m.

Pay attention to the coating of the cord. Preferred fabric winding, it lasts longer than all others. See if the cord scrolls at the insertion point.

Important! It is very good if the wire rotates 360 ° - then there is a guarantee that it will not break one day. True, irons with such a cord device cost a little more.

Handle and weight

Here the principle of choice is simple - you should be comfortable. The handle should be wide enough and not slip. As for weight, the iron should be light so that the hand does not get tired. This is especially important when you have to iron a lot.

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Which company is better?

So which manufacturer can offer you the best iron? - Definitely difficult to answer. The leaders in the ranking are recognized manufacturers:

  • Philips
  • Tefal;
  • Braun;
  • Bosch
  • Panasonic

Important! It will be very easy for you to compare the reliability of different brands according to reviews and principles of work, verified by the years of the presence of brands on the market, if you read our review “Irons Tefal, Philips, Brown - which are better?”.

Philips GC 1029

“Philips” of this model fully meets the requirements that the most capricious housewife makes to the iron. This device has a complete set of basic and additional functions. It is truly universal.

Tefal FV9920E0

The wireless iron is very convenient in shape, easily copes with even the most difficult and rumpled places.

Braun TexStyle TS535TP

One of the few high-quality aluminum irons. A lightweight device, in addition, equipped with a special nozzle, which allows you to tidy up the most delicate fabrics without damage.

Important! If you are concerned about the aluminum sole - do not worry, it is made using the original technology, so the disadvantages of this metal do not affect the quality of the device.

Bosch TDS 373 117 P

A recognized manufacturer of household appliances produces very good irons. “Bosch” provides the hostess with the widest possibilities - processing large volumes in a short time, the ability to iron small things and smooth wrinkles in hard-to-reach places.

Important! This is the most powerful iron, it has a large energy consumption. However, the economy mode is also there.

Panasonic NI-W920

The Japanese company, known as a manufacturer of music and video devices, also produces pretty decent, moreover, relatively inexpensive irons. It is economical, like the rest of the company’s products - it heats up quickly and does not absorb so much energy with solid power.

These are just a few examples of irons where price matches quality. Among the products of other well-known companies you will find models that are in no way inferior. The main thing is that the manufacturer is well-known and has already managed to establish itself well.

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Now you know everything you need to choose the best iron for your home and enjoy using it for a long time. Listen to the recommendations made, then the selection of the optimal model will seem to you an interesting entertainment, and not a difficult and incomprehensible task.

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