Which iron sole is better?

Despite the fact that today you can buy clothes that are very practical and do not crease at all, even after washing, there are things in the wardrobe of any person that require careful ironing. In addition, it is advisable not to ignore the ironing process when cleaning bedding, children's textiles, so you need to decide which sole of the iron is better to choose the right technique. Properly selecting the machine according to this criterion, you will greatly simplify the entire ironing process and will spend a minimum of time and effort on it. So, what are the soles of irons and what are the pros / cons of each option, you will learn from this article.

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Criterias of choice

Before you begin to consider the characteristics and properties of each possible material of the sole of the iron, you need to decide what requirements it must meet. The most significant in this regard are the following:

  1. The quality of the impact on the fabric. Everything is extremely simple here, since the more careful the influence of the surface of household appliances on the material of any product, the longer things will remain whole and attractive. In order not to spoil the clothes and choose the right ironing modedo not forget to pay attention to badges on clothes.
  2. Degree of friction. This is an important criterion in determining which sole of the iron is better, since the speed of smoothing the material and the amount of effort you apply directly depends on the ease of sliding on the textile.
  3. Quality protection against damage. This refers not only to resistance to mechanical cracking, scratching, but also to such phenomena as corrosion, lime deposits, carbon deposits.
  4. The uniformity of heating. To make it convenient for you to operate a household appliance and ironing even dense and voluminous products does not take much time, the best sole of the iron should be perfectly heated over the entire surface area.

Important! It is these criteria that will be decisive in organizing the characteristics and properties of a particular material in order to understand which sole for the iron is considered the best.

All these criteria will be determined by 2 main parameters - this is the shape and material at the base of the surface. Below we consider in more detail which sole for the iron is considered the best for each of these items.

Important! For the convenience of ironing clothes and other things, we recommend purchasing an ironing board. In our separate review you will find out which ironing board is better.

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Sole shape

Before specifying which material of the sole of the iron is better, you must immediately determine the surface shape that is more suitable for you. This is much easier to do, therefore, it is worth paying attention to such a parameter in the first place.

So what are the recommendations here? - They are very simple to understand, since it all depends on which products prevail in your wardrobe and what you most often need to iron:

  1. Children's underwear, clothes, shirts and blouses are more convenient to straighten the device with a sharp nose.
  2. Linens, large items are easier to straighten after washing with an appliance that has a smoother shape with a blunt, rounded nose.

Important! As for the surface area, it is quite natural that the larger the sole of the iron, the less time, effort, electricity you will spend on the process.

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If you decide on the shape and size of such household appliances is quite simple, then the situation is much more complicated with materials. The catch is that modern manufacturers supply the widest range of devices for sale, at different prices, with different characteristics, a set of functions. But in addition, the range of materials from which the soles of irons are made is extremely wide.

Important! To decide for yourself which sole of the iron is better, get acquainted with the main advantages and disadvantages of each option - this information is described below. Relate all the advantages and disadvantages not only with the theoretical capabilities of the device, but also with personal household preferences. For example, how often do you do ironing in principle, how much laundry is accumulating, what are these things, from what materials. Only with this approach can you make a rational choice without overpaying for unnecessary characteristics.


Ceramics are used today for the manufacture of various household appliances and has become very popular. Ironing machines are no exception, but can we definitely say that an iron with a ceramic sole is the best choice? To do this, we evaluate its characteristics.


  1. Very easy gliding on fabric.
  2. Does not break fabric during ironing.
  3. Perfect smoothness of the surface, which does not cling to materials and does not form puffs on it.
  4. It is easily cleaned of any contaminants - including carbon deposits.


  1. Relative fragility - with all its strength, ceramics can easily crack during a direct impact or fall of the device.
  2. In case of mechanical damage - scratches, chips, cracks, the ironing process becomes very time-consuming.

Important! Among the whole rich assortment of such household appliances, you can hardly find pure ceramics. Most models incorporate additional reinforcing substances, mainly metals such as steel or aluminum.


Cermets are a great alternative if you choose which sole of the iron is better - pure ceramic or composite. The popularity of such material is due to its advantages.


  1. Higher threshold of mechanical strength.
  2. Easy glide.
  3. Serviceability, when there is a need to clean the surface - it is more resistant to various means and easier to remove dirt.
  4. Wider design opportunities.
  5. Absolutely perfect heating of the entire surface area, which is achieved due to the inclusion of heating spiral elements in the device.


  1. Risk of mechanical damage and loss of some properties due to direct mechanical impact on the surface.

Important! The solution to the problem of imperfect strength is solved by different manufacturers by including transverse strips cast from steel. The results of this technology for the production of household appliances deserve attention, but the price of irons with similar design features is much higher.


Aluminum is one of the most popular metals today, which is used in various areas of industry, construction, and in the manufacture of equipment and household appliances. When deciding which sole of the iron is better, you should definitely consider this option, since the cost of devices with such an ironing surface is more than budgetary.


  1. Light weight, which makes it possible to create devices with a large surface area, which in no way affects the convenience of the consumer during use.
  2. High thermal conductivity, due to which the sole heats up very quickly, which allows a few seconds after turning on the device in the network to begin the process of ironing. The sole cools down just as quickly, which contributes to a high level of safety.
  3. Maneuverability, which is due again to light weight and various forms of the sole.The range of just such household appliances is very wide.


  1. Susceptibility to deformation.
  2. The risk of mechanical damage due to non-compliance with the rules of operation of the equipment.
  3. On some fabrics, it may leave shiny marks, so when ironing, in most cases lining material, such as gauze, should be used.

Important! To mitigate such shortcomings, manufacturers create double soles - with the inclusion of ceramic mass or create reinforced surfaces by applying an oxide film using anodizing technology. The sole of the iron is distinguished by its golden surface color, and the device is not much more expensive.

Stainless steel

Stainless steel is another popular metal that is used in various industries, from the construction of large-scale structures to the manufacture of household items, for example, dishes. Devices with such an ironing surface boldly occupy a leading position when consumers are wondering which sole for the iron is considered the best.


  1. Perfectly smooth gliding on fabric.
  2. High speed of smoothing even very strong folds and creases.
  3. Mechanical strength, which determines the durability of the entire device.
  4. Resistance to rust on the surface.
  5. Acceptable price.

Important! As for the cost, such household appliances will cost a little more than aluminum counterparts, but cheaper than appliances with any other materials that are used to make the sole of the iron.


Relatively heavy weight, which can affect the convenience of ironing, if there is a thorough processing of a large number of large products.

Important! To further extend the life of the device and give a more aesthetic appearance that would meet all modern requirements, many manufacturers additionally coat the steel alloy with chrome or sapphire spraying.


Teflon is similar in its properties and characteristics to aluminum. Therefore, if the choice regarding which sole of the iron is better, in this case will depend solely on the preferences of the consumer.


  1. Easy glide.
  2. High speed smoothing material.
  3. Non-stick properties, which eliminates the formation of plaque on the surface and contamination of ironed materials.
  4. A light weight.
  5. Easy to clean using suitable products.


  1. Direct mechanical action by abrasive cleaners, sharp objects is unacceptable, since the coating is very easily scratched and loses its original properties.
  2. Exacting care.


If you are in search of which sole of the iron is better and ready to invest in the purchase of a really high-quality device, the answer will be unequivocal - this is household appliances with a titanium coating. How is it profitable, given the high cost of the devices?


  1. Durability.
  2. Perfect glide on any type of fabric.
  3. Excellent thermal conductivity, which ensures the most rapid heating and cooling of the device.
  4. Resistance to any mechanical impact, including direct impacts, falls, abrasive substances.

Important! From the point of view of operational characteristics, such irons do not have disadvantages.

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Iron manufacturers - which are better?

Each manufacturer has in its species line irons with soles of various materials. But at the same time, one manages to achieve higher results in a certain direction in the production of household appliances. Therefore, as soon as you have decided which sole of the iron is best for you, choose a device of a particular brand, the advantages of which were appreciated by consumers.

In this case, the recommendations will be as follows:

  1. Ceramics - manufacturers such as Vitek, Tefal, Bosch have proven themselves best.
  2. Cermets - here you should definitely give preference to the Tefal brand.
  3. Aluminum - the most advanced appliances can be found among the lineup of manufacturers Rowenta and Philips.
  4. Stainless steel - Braun, Vitek, Rolsen, Panasonic, Scarlett will be the best.
  5. Teflon - we prefer Bork, Kenwood, Atlanta or Unit.
  6. Titanium - high-quality models with this type of coating you will find among the assortment of brands Panasonic, Philips, Bork.

Important! Devices such as a steam generator are gaining more and more popularity. Especially for you, we have prepared a separate comparison that will help you determine the difficultthe choice between iron and steam generator.

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Helpful hints:

  1. When choosing a good appliance, pay attention to the shape of the back - so that the iron does not wrinkle the fabric while ironing the product, the back should have a rounded structure.
  2. Pay attention to the nose of the device - it should be as sharp as possible so that you can easily smooth out inaccessible places.
  3. If you plan to use the steaming function often, give preference to the iron on the sole of which the holes are evenly distributed over the entire area. The more of them, the better.

Important! Manufacturers in the struggle for the buyer are constantly improving their technology. In this article we did not talk about the latest materials from which the soles of irons are made, but you can follow the links and find out all the detailed information about them:

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Now you know about what the soles of irons are and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each type. We hope that after reading our review you could easily solve the issue of which sole of the iron is better and now the ironing process is not a compulsory routine for you, but a real pleasure. Good luck!

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