Inverter or conventional air conditioning - which one to choose?

An air conditioner is a very convenient and necessary device, because through it, a certain air temperature is maintained in the room. Sometimes the technique is used not for cooling, but for heating the air in the room during the off-season, although this is not its main function. In any case, the air conditioner makes it possible to maintain a comfortable microclimate at different times of the year. Today in stores there are so many models that it is difficult to choose something suitable. In particular, the question arises: inverter or conventional air conditioning - which one to choose? If the technical characteristics are more or less clear, then you can understand the difference between conventional and inverter equipment only with certain knowledge. Consider the difference between these devices, so that you correctly decide everything for yourself.
to contents ↑Classification and principle of operation
Before you purchase an electric air conditioner, you need to decide on the type of model that suits you best. There are 3 main types of such equipment:
- Monoblocks.
- Split systems.
- Mobile models.
Mobile and all-in-ones
Mobile equipment is installed on the floor, the monoblock is mounted directly in the window opening. These are the simplest varieties of air conditioners, which are distinguished by ease of maintenance and affordable price. They are not without such drawbacks as noise during operation, low power and limited functionality.
Important! If you are interested in more detailed information about this particular type of equipment, click on the link to find out how to choose a mobile air conditioner.
Split system
Split systems are a more advanced and expensive type of air conditioner. The composition of the split system has external and internal blocks. Since the external unit is mounted on the wall of the house, the noise from the operation of the device is practically inaudible. The advantage of split systems is also rich functionality:
- Plasma air purification.
- Moisturizing.
- Ionization.
Innovative inverter technology is implemented in this type of climate control device.
to contents ↑Important! This type of climate technology is also devoted to a separate post on our website. In it you will find detailed information about the criteria and rules for choosing a split system.
Feature of inverter air conditioners
An inverter device is a split system equipped with an inverter - a device that can convert alternating current to direct current and vice versa. Using an inverter, it is possible to regulate the performance of the compressor.
What is the benefit for the consumer? First of all, in the possibility of a smooth change in the intensity of air cooling in the room, if necessary:
- A conventional split system changes the air temperature in steps, as it alternates between periods of operation and shutdown.
- In inverter devices, the “smart” microprocessor selects the optimal operating mode based on the analysis of information that comes from the sensor system.
to contents ↑Important! The first model of an inverter electric air conditioner with stepless power control was created by Toshiba in 1981. Then, other companies began to produce inverter models.
Is there any difference in operation?
To begin with, let's try to figure out what principle these two types of air conditioners work on.
Standard model
The usual model has only 2 operating modes: “on” and “off”. The switched-on device starts working immediately at full power, and upon reaching the set temperature it turns off. After the air temperature in the room has risen by 3 degrees, the air conditioner turns on again. At the same time, a significant load is applied to the compressor, and the energy consumption will be in full operation mode.
What is the best inverter air conditioner?
The principle of operation of the inverter device is fundamentally different. It does not have a fixed performance value. Constantly adjusting the compressor power, it maintains the room temperature at a predetermined level. When turned on, the device operates at full power. As the air temperature decreases, the compressor gradually reduces speed. The equipment starts to work already at a minimum of power.
Important! Constant on and off are fraught with premature wear of the compressor, but here it is absent. Another important nuance: fluctuations in air temperature will be no more than one degree.
Advantages and disadvantages
What is the best inverter air conditioner? Undoubted advantages for the buyer in the following:
- Maintain a stable microclimate. The likelihood of getting a cold is much less.
- Economical (25-30% less) energy consumption by regulating the intensity of the compressor. At the same time, there are no overloads of the power supply network, even if short-term.
- Quick exit to the set value of air temperature.
- Almost silent operation due to the lack of on-off of the internal part of the system.
- Durability due to uniform load.
- Ability to work as a heat source at an external air temperature of minus 15 degrees.
The disadvantages of inverter-type devices are only 2:
- First of all, a higher cost compared to conventional models. The difference in cost ranges from 30 to 100%. It is the price that acts as a deterrent when buying a device. But in terms of the ratio of quality and cost, conventional air conditioners significantly lose inverter.
- The second, more significant, drawback of “advanced” products is that they are quite sensitive to voltage drops. The reason for this is in the inverter air conditioners of the electronic “filling” much more.
Important! After choosing such equipment, you will have to deal with the solution of questions on its installation. Here our article will help you“How to install a split system yourself?”.
Draw conclusions
Naturally, if financial capabilities allow, the choice should be made in favor of the inverter device. Despite the high cost, the advantages of this technique are much more than disadvantages.
In what cases do you need to definitely choose an inverter type device?
- High requirements for technology in terms of noise and quality of work.
- If you are serious about saving resources. The energy savings are significant, and the technology ultimately pays for itself.
- When using an air conditioner to heat a room in winter. A conventional device may fail, because there is a high probability of freezing of the fan on the outdoor unit.
to contents ↑Important! In office premises, the option with conventional equipment is quite acceptable. A split system without an inverter is preferable if voltage drops in the network occur frequently.
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Now you have every reason to correctly answer the question of which air conditioner is better - inverter or conventional. We hope that a well-chosen and installed model of the climate system fully met your expectations.
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