Home Water Cooler

Today, there is a water cooler in almost every office. And many think about installing it at home. But manufacturers produce more and more models that differ in their design, characteristics, functionality and features of the device, care. How not to make a mistake and choose the right water cooler for your home? This will be discussed in this article.

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The name of the coolers comes from the English “cool” - to cool. And indeed, initially the devices only cooled the water. But today, manufacturers offer many features, including devices with a heating function.

In general terms, all cooler models can be divided:

  1. On installation - floor and table constructions.
  2. According to the control method - electronic and mechanical.
  3. By water supply - from a large bottle or through a filter.

Important! Also, when choosing a device, you should pay attention to its efficiency, brand of the manufacturer, quality of materials, safety and its appearance.

Let us consider some types in more detail, but first we’ll figure out what is the difference between a cooler and a purifier.

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Cooler or purifayer?

For complex words, in fact, there is a very small difference, consisting in the method of supplying water to the device:

  1. A water cooler is a device for cooling and heating water with various additional functions. Water is supplied to the device through a 19-liter bottle.
  2. Purifayer is the same cooler, but uses central water supply as a source of water. This type of cooler is equipped with special filters and significantly improves the quality of tap water. This option will help to save on the purchase of water for the device, but increases the cost of maintaining the filter system of the device. In addition, such devices are much more expensive than conventional water coolers.

Important! Before you spend money on such a device, think about whether you really will use it regularly. Plus, do not forget that it is necessary to carry out regular maintenance of the system, otherwise it may become unsafe for your health. Perhaps it’s easier and more efficient to consider installing a special water purification system in an apartment. Read our topic on this topic. overview of flow line filters.

Consider the main types of coolers and purifiers.

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Desktop or floor model?

Whichever model you choose, it should be convenient for you to use it. Therefore, think in advance where and how the device will be located and how easy it will be to service.

Important! For the desktop version, a special stand should be provided, for the floor one you need a certain amount of space, but it is easier to install.

Floor constructions

Their name speaks for itself. These are large structures that are separately installed on the floor. In size, such units resemble small narrow refrigerators.

In these devices for supplying water, a bottle is used, which can be installed either above or below the cooler, depending on the features of its design.

Important! Such devices have proven themselves well in offices, but water coolers for the home should be more convenient to maintain.

Tabletop designs

In offices, desktop coolers are rare, but they are the ones that are gaining popularity in private homes.Most often, such coolers use special cylinders as a source of water supply. It is rare to see models with a bottle, but because of their bulkiness and inconvenience, they are not popular.

Important! The cylinders of desktop coolers, just like floor coolers, can be installed on top and bottom. With the upper position of the container, select a place in advance: it should be stable, not interfere, and at the same time access to it should always be open.

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Bottle or water connection?

Of course, the choice of cooler always remains with the buyer, but today, of the two options, the most convenient and modern are devices with filters that are connected to the central water supply. Let's take a closer look.

Bottled connection

When installing the bottle on top, be prepared for some difficulties. This is a large design that does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Also, as it empties, it is filled with air along with bacteria, which are very comfortable in a humid environment.

Coolers with lower loading hide the bottle behind the door, it is easier to install it than up. But even in this case, the problem of getting microbes into the cylinder is relevant here.

Particularly often, microorganisms do not accumulate in the bottles or cylinders themselves, but in the storage tanks of the devices. If you disassemble the device without bacterial protection, an unpleasant deposit of microbial biomass can be found in the drive.

Important! Modern water coolers are supplemented with a special ultraviolet lamp, which destroys microbes in the drive.

Water for coolers sold in bottles is purified at the enterprises by special filters, which, as a result, give out almost distilled, which means “dead” water. Then it all depends on the supplier.

Important! There are enterprises that honestly enrich the water with the missing elements, and there are unscrupulous suppliers.

For all bottled coolers, there are several common disadvantages:

  1. The large volume and weight of the device due to the installation of a heavy bottle.
  2. Insecurity of water from bacteria entering it.
  3. The inferiority of water sold in bottles.
  4. Inconvenient storage of empty containers.
  5. The complexity of the service.
  6. High costs for the purchase of bottled water and its delivery.
  7. Lack of energy savings.

In this regard, flowing water coolers for the home are more convenient and modern.

Flow coolers

These models are independent of the purchase of water and are connected directly to the water supply. Their cost is much higher than bottled options, but if you calculate the cost of buying water for the year, then the flow connection is a more profitable investment.

In these designs various types of filters are provided:

  • reverse osmosis system - purifies water to distilled;
  • soft filtration system - leaves some trace elements and minerals in the water, destroying bacteria and removing odors.

Important! Such devices are very compact and easy to use not only in offices, but also as a water cooler for the home.

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Cooler choice

When everything becomes clear with the main types of coolers, the question arises of choosing a device. Consider the important points to which you should pay attention.


According to the functions performed, all devices can be divided into:

  • water cooling;
  • heat;
  • combined options;
  • models designed only for bottling water.

Important! When choosing a dispenser for home, the best option would be a device that combines both cooling and heating.

You should also pay attention to the additional functionality of a specific model:

  1. The presence of an ozonizer: helps kill bacteria on dishes or fruits and vegetables. For the office version, such a function is unlikely to be needed, but at home, the ozonizer can be an excellent assistant both when protecting against bacteria, and as an additional place for storage when turned off.
  2. A freezer is a convenient addition for both office and home.In a small cell you can keep food brought to work, or arrange a mini-bar inside this compartment.
  3. Possibility of installing a balloon for carbonation. An interesting option that will add variety to homemade drinks. Today, there are even water coolers with the ability to control the saturation of gas in the water.
  4. Screen showing water temperature. Convenient and beautiful, but even without it, the cooler will do its job admirably.
  5. Also, there are devices equipped with the ability to control temperature. In addition to ease of use, the ability to independently set the required temperature saves on electricity.
  6. Cooling options. If the same mechanisms are used to heat coolers, then with cooling everything is more complicated. Cooling is available in different versions:
    • The thermoelectric method is an electronic version of water cooling using a special Peltier element. The essence of his work is that the element operates due to the temperature difference that appears when current passes through it.
    • With the help of a compressor - as in refrigerators, only air is not cooled, but water. Such water coolers are much larger and heavier than their electronic counterparts, but they work faster.

Important! From how many functions manufacturers have provided in the device, its final cost will also depend.

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Helpful hints:

  1. For home use, the desktop version of the electronic-cooled dispenser is more suitable.
  2. The use of bottled dispensers is not the best option for the home, as it is a more expensive and difficult to maintain option.
  3. In household use, purifiers are more convenient, connected directly to the water supply. Pay attention to their filter - a soft cleaning system will be the best option, but if the quality of the water leaves much to be desired, then a reverse osmosis filter cannot be dispensed with.
  4. Even if the device is equipped with a UV lamp, it is necessary to carry out preventive cleaning of the cooler. To do this, it is better to contact professionals.
  5. Do not mount the cooler in unventilated rooms, as well as in rooms with high temperatures.

Important! If you plan to use water from a cooler not only for drinking, but also for preparing food and drinks, and if you are a connoisseur of quality coffee and tea, find out:

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If you are in doubt whether to buy a cooler for your home, there is an option to rent it, and after using it for a while, decide whether you need it in everyday life.

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