Best Household Dishwasher

Buying a dishwasher is a real revolution in the household. She frees the hostess from the daily routine associated with washing dishes. This frees up quite a bit of time. Judging by consumer reviews, they did not regret their purchase. The topic of today's article is: the best dishwasher, as well as the issues of its choice.

All appliances related to washing dishes can be divided into 2 categories.

  • Industrial, which are used in catering.
  • Household.

Let's try to understand the ocean of existing proposals regarding household appliances, in order to make a truly right choice. And a little look at industrial units.

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Speaking about which dishwashers are the best, it is necessary to highlight the main varieties (the separation is according to the design features):

  • Partially recessed.
  • Recessed.
  • Freestanding appliances.

Important! You will find all the necessary information on installing a dishwasher in our article "Installation of the dishwasher".

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Partially recessed

Here are the most sought after models.

Siemens SN 56T590

In the rating of built-in dishwashers 60 cm, this is one of the best.


  • Excellent quality dishwashing.
  • Six modes (for dishwasher this is pretty decent).
  • There is a timer with a delay of inclusion up to 24 hours.
  • Possibility of reloading during operation of the device.
  • Significant capacity (the machine holds 14 sets of dishes), convenient location of trays and shelves.
  • Silent work.


  • There is no door closer in the door.
  • There is no indicator light for the end of the washing program.
  • Manual adjustment of the mode at each wash.

Important! The machine has a good quality of washing, regardless of the mode, perfectly cleans both glassware and old dirt from kitchen utensils.

Siemens SC 76M522

Partially integrated compact dishwasher. It occupies the well-deserved place of the “silver medalist” in the rating of dishwashers 60 cm.


  • Great washes dishes.
  • With compact dimensions it has a good capacity (8 sets).
  • Almost silent operation.
  • A large number of modes - 6.
  • Low power consumption (class A).
  • Economical water consumption (9 l).


  • The upper basket is not very roomy. In addition, it does not extend completely, and it is inconvenient to load this compartment.
  • Missing touchpad.

Important! All buyers give this car excellent and good marks. There are no “triples”.

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The best built-in dishwashers

Introducing the undisputed consumer sympathy leaders in this category.

Bosch SMV 40D00

Full-size, fully integrated model with a width of 600 mm.

Important! If you want to update the operating rules of the machine in your memory, but cannot find the instructions for it, it is on our website. We have prepared a separate post for you on the topic"Bosch Dishwasher - Operating Instructions".


  • Good quality washing and drying dishes.
  • There are few programs (only 5), but they are really used. Overpay for unused functionality is not necessary.
  • Good roominess - 13 sets.
  • The optimal ratio between cost and functionality.
  • Corrosion resistance (10 year warranty).


  • Insufficiently secure door fastening on plastic fittings.
  • There is no beam indicator about the end of work.
  • Not very convenient arrangement of guides.

Important! As for the noise in the process, here the opinions of consumers were diametrically opposed. For some, the model is almost silent, for others - exactly the opposite. Positive feedback about 70%.

Beko DIN 5833

Budget embedded model. Of the good quality inexpensive dishwashers, this is one of the best options.


  • Perfectly launders dishes. No complaints.
  • Wide functionality (8 programs, 6 temperature modes).
  • Large capacity (at the same time - 15 place settings).
  • Reliability (5 year warranty). For a daily used device, this is an excellent indicator.
  • Almost silent work.


  • There is no connection to hot water.
  • There is no light signaling the end of the washing program. There is only an audio signal with the ability to control the volume.

Important! This model has approximately 90% positive reviews.

Siemens SR 64M030

The advantages of this model include:

  • Excellent quality of washing and drying, without drips and streaks.
  • Beautiful design.
  • There is an indicator of completion.
  • There is almost no noise at work.


  • The model is too narrow. To put pans and deep plates, you have to work hard.
  • There is no tray for cutlery and baking sheets.
  • A small number of programs (only 4), there is no intensive washing mode (it is replaced by the pre-rinse function).

Important! Despite the poor functionality, most users are quite happy with the machine.

Bosch SPV 69T70

Narrow, fully integrated model with a width of 45 cm. Its positive qualities include:

  • Despite the small width, the internal design of the dishwasher is thought out to the smallest detail. It holds up to 10 sets of dishes.
  • Excellent washing quality.
  • There is a timer for delaying the start of the program (from 1 hour to a day).
  • Silent work.
  • The presence of internal lighting.
  • Economic consumption of water (9 l).


  • Sometimes leaves stains on dishes. To avoid this, you must additionally use the “Hygiene Plus” mode.
  • There are practically unused functions (in particular, “economical washing”). The machine does not consume much water anyway.

Important! Customer reviews are mostly positive. In the ranking of compact dishwashers, it is called among the most successful.

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Freestanding appliances

These devices have their advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes this is the only acceptable solution. Judge for yourself.

Candy CDP 4609

Compact budget model, the width of which is only 45 cm. At the same time holds 9 sets of dishes. For one family this is quite enough.


  • Stylish design. A neat and compact machine will fit into the interior of any kitchen.
  • Simplicity of operation.
  • Fairly good washing quality.
  • There is an express-washing program that will clean dishes in just 25 minutes.


  • Increased noise during operation.
  • There is no timer (but there is a delay function).
  • There is no sound and light signal about the end of the washing program.

Important! Most of the reviews (approximately 90%) are positive. Buyers are satisfied with the functionality, design and cost of the device. In addition, the machine is characterized by low energy intensity (class A). But in terms of water consumption - it’s a real “spender”: 13 liters per cycle.

Korting KDF2095N

Small, compact freestanding model, designed for 6 sets of dishes at a time.


  • Small dimensions.
  • Reliability, unpretentiousness.
  • Extremely economical water consumption - 7 liters per cycle.
  • Good washing quality (drying is slightly worse).
  • Stylish design.
  • Touch control panel. The car is easy to clean.
  • There is a display that displays the time remaining until the end of the wash.


  • Dishes are not always washed well due to the “blind” areas.
  • Not enough room for pots.
  • There is no indicator light at the end of the program cycle. The sound signal is continuous (you can only disable it manually).
  • The instruction is poorly translated into Russian. Therefore, it is better not to mess with an independent connection of the device. It is advisable to call a specialist.

Important! The car has approximately 80% positive reviews.

Important! Our rating of dishwashers did not include models of some other well-known manufacturers, although their quality is not worse than the models presented above. Find out about them in our separate articles:

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Rating of manufacturers of dishwashers for industrial use

All industrial dishwashers are divided into 3 groups:

  • Tunneling.
  • Dome.
  • Frontal.

Front and dome models are great for small cafes. Of these categories, products are popular:

  • MPK-700K (Russia).
  • Electrolux 505084 (Italy).
  • Smeg CWC 610-1 (Italy).
  • Fagor FI-80 (Spain).

Important! For large food enterprises, tunnel-type dishwashers are most suitable. Their productivity is 2-8 thousand sets.

If you select equipment not for the apartment, perhaps your requirements and goals will be slightly different. In this case, read a separate reviewabout dishwashers for summer cottages

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So, you have learned what are the best brands of dishwashers. However, the choice always remains with the consumer.

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