Dishwasher installation

Previously, dishes were washed exclusively with hands and this process took quite a lot of time. Nowadays, a dishwasher is gaining more and more popularity. There are on sale a huge number of types and brands. They have both advantages and disadvantages, each has its own characteristics, the models also differ in price. A definite plus of using a dishwasher is saving water and time. DIY installation of a dishwasher is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. If you follow the instructions and having little experience, cope with this task easily and simply.

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Dishwasher installation

The correct connection of this equipment is the key to a long and uninterrupted operation. But it’s also very important to find outhow to use a dishwasher

There are such dishwashers:

  • Recessed.
  • Freestanding.
  • Tabletop.

Installation of the built-in dishwasher is the most difficult of all types of installation.

Place to install

First of all, you need to find a place for a dishwasher:

  • If you bought a freestanding or desktop model, then you can put it anywhere.
  • Built-in appliances are mounted in kitchen furniture.

But with any of the options, an important factor is the proximity of the water supply and sewage. It is simpler with water - it is not difficult to carry it out, but the sewage system, which is located far away, will create an additional load on the operation of the drain pump, which is undesirable.

An important element is the presence near an electrical outlet.

Important! Appliances do not like the effects of heat, do not install appliances near heating.


The dishwasher can only be connected via a grounded Euro outlet. In multi-storey buildings, the option of protective grounding is possible - connection to a dead neutral ground wire.

Important! For safety's sake, do not plug the dishwasher into an ordinary power outlet. Therefore, the power cords are made short so that they do not reach a conventional outlet.

To do this, you need a separate outlet located above the floor at a distance of 25-35 cm, which is powered by a tap from the main through an automatic circuit breaker. This outlet must be installed by a competent specialist. After that, you can start the subsequent work on your own.


Necessary tools and materials

Before installation, you need to purchase the necessary tools, supplies and water fittings:

  • Of the tools you will need a screwdriver, pliers, electrical tape, adjustable wrench.
  • Of consumables - waterproofing tape FUM.

From water fittings, buy the following materials:

  • Waste siphon with one or two fittings.

Important! You will need a siphon with two fittings, if you plan to also connect a washing machine, if not, it is enough with one.

  • Tee которого inch thread.

Important! Use tees only brass, bronze or metal-plastic.

  • Filter for rough water treatment.
  • Ball valve made of the same material as the tee.
  • If there isn’t enough a regular tube for connecting water, then also purchase the necessary length of metal-plastic hank.

Important! Not only the quality of washing the dishes, but also the life of the household appliance depends on the type of detergent, so you need to choose them carefully.Following the links, you will find out:

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Dishwasher connection

Connecting a dishwasher Electrolux, Bosch, Candy or any other brand occurs in the following order: drain, water and power.


To connect the machine to the drain, it is necessary to put a drain hose on the fitting. In this case, two conditions are fulfilled:

  • Bend at the top so that the drain from the sink does not fall into the dishwasher.
  • The lower knee must be made as deep as possible, and the bend should be shorter so that with an empty drain the miasma from the sewer does not fall into the space of technology.

Important! There are tips to solve the drain problem - to drain the drain hose into the sink. This cannot be done because:

  • The hose can very easily slip out of the sink and fill the entire kitchen with drains.
  • The sewage pump will break very quickly, since it will have to work with overload in order to pump the waste mass high.


It is not recommended to connect the washing machines to the water supply with hot water.

Important! Hot water is more expensive - this is the first. The quality of cold water is much better than hot - this is the second. Non-observance of this rule may break the check valve.

Connecting the dishwasher to the water supply is as follows:

  • Shut off the water.
  • Disconnect the mixer hank from the pipe, remove the old waterproofing and discard.
  • Connect a tee to the pipe, then connect a mixer to it, and then a filter, then a ball valve and a machine hank.
  • Check that the ball valve is closed.

Important! Insulate all joints with a lance with at least 10 layers of thread.

  • Check that the ball valve is closed.



If you have an additional outlet, you just need to connect the plug of the device to it.

Leak test

The installation of the dishwasher is completed, it remains only to check if water is leaking. For this:

  1. Open the water, then open its stopcock and see if it leaks somewhere.
  2. Turn on the dishwasher in test mode.
  3. If everything is in order, leave the stopcock open and use the appliance.

Important! When leaving home, turn off the shut-off valve of the dishwasher and turn off its machine.

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Nuances when installing dishwashers of some brands

Most manufacturers of dishwashers do not make Hanks on their own, but purchase from other manufacturers. You may come across a short-handed hank. In this situation, the gasket from the kit will simply have to be thrown away, and FUM tape should be used to isolate the joint. However:

  • For the correct and long operation of the Electrolux equipment during installation, the slope should not be more than 2 degrees.
  • Siemens equipment has non-standard fastenings and sizes, before ordering furniture you need to know the exact dimensions.
  • Bosch requires accurate gasket installation. Incorrect installation of the gasket will leak through several uses of the technique. Also, the check valve of this brand is finicky on water quality. But this company is easily installed in almost any kitchen.

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Free-standing or bench-top dishwasher?

Desktop technology, despite its small size, can be a great helper in the kitchen.

These types of washers are cheaper and have several advantages:

  • No need to connect to the drain. Just put it in the sink.
  • There is no need to change the siphon that you have installed.
  • To connect to the mains, a regular standard outlet is suitable.
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Stock footage

Dishwasher installation very simple, the only difficult nuance is the power supply - this work is best entrusted to an electrician. Read in detail the instructions and diagram that came with your model. You will need only a minimal set of tools and a few hours of free time, while you save money on installation.


