No water entering the dishwasher

In the modern world there is an incredible amount of diverse equipment, there are even more reasons for their malfunctions, and as many ways to eliminate them. The dishwasher was no exception. One of the most common breakdowns is that water does not enter the dishwasher. The ways of solving this problem, for what reasons it arises, will be discussed in this article.
to contents ↑What to check immediately?
Is there tap water? Extremely commonplace, but quite a few people are simply inattentive. If there is no water in the tap, respectively - the dishwasher will not have a source, because there is only one riser. If there are problems with the water supply, the problem is most likely that it is the flow of water, and not the dishwasher.
Check if the water valve is turned. In the place where the hose is connected with the water system, there should almost always be a special valve. When it is closed, water, of course, will not pass. It is necessary in order to eliminate the systematic pressure of water directly on the inlet valve. Open the valve, and then start the sink - water will immediately enter the machine.
to contents ↑Breakdowns that could cause a problem
Because of what does the dishwasher in no way collect water? In order to answer this question, you must absolutely carefully and thoroughly inspect the machine, alternately checking each, possibly problematic, element. During the inspection, you will stumble upon the very damage that is the cause and which must be fixed.
So, what are the main breakdowns leading to the state that the dishwasher wants to pour water, but the water still does not enter it:
- Not available due to a clogged flow filter, or maybe a filter system.
- Water does not have the ability to flow because the filling valve is broken.
- Water does not enter the dishwasher due to a broken door mechanism.
- The pressure switch broke, and for this reason, water does not enter the bowels of the dishwasher.
- The Aquastop system worked, and because of this, the water stopped flowing into the unit.
- The control unit element is out of order.
Important! Sometimes low-quality or unsuitable detergents can lead to a wide variety of machine grindings. To exclude this point now and in the future, review rating of the best dishwasher products.
Find the blockage and remove it
Given the so-called cleanliness and softness of tap water, one of the most common malfunctions of dishwashers is blockage in the intake valve filter. In this case, water is drawn extremely slowly or not at all.
Important! A special device - a mesh filter, protects the machine from different types of abrasive substances and impurities.
You can fix this damage yourself, but for this you need a little skill:
- Unscrew the water supply hose, but shut off the water before doing so.
- In the place where the hose is connected to the machine, find the very filter mesh, which is located directly at the beginning of the inlet valve on the dishwasher.
- Use a needle to clean it or immerse it in a homemade citric acid solution for approximately 40-60 minutes.
Important! You can also use other cleaning products, and not only now, but also in the future for the prevention of equipment cleanliness and proper operation. Which ones are suitable - find out from our articles:
Door is not tightly closed
“Smart” automation, nothing to add. Any dishwasher is specially programmed in such a way that until the user closes the door tightly, water will not be drawn. When the door is closed tightly and the activation of the washing program was successful, you will hear a dull click - this will mean that the lock closed the door tightly.
Listen carefully, if you haven’t heard such a sound, then the problem with which your dishwasher is not picking up water is the door, namely, its not quite snug fit to the body of the machine.
Important! Perhaps you have loosely pushed in the inner containers or overloaded the assistant with bulky dishes. Have you read the instructions in detail before using your equipment? You know that a lot of problems arise over time due to the commonplace reason for violation of the manufacturer’s requirements. To make sure that you are doing everything right, be sure to read the post about how to place dishes in the dishwasher.
If everything is in order, it could be a breakdown of the lock, for which you will need a specialist to repair such parts.
Hose damage and kinks
The hose must be in the so-called “natural” position, because if the pipe is damaged or deformed in a certain place, the water supply will be poor or completely blocked.
Some users manage to install the machine on this hose. Naturally, water will not enter the dishwasher.
to contents ↑Intake valve out of order
Absolutely all dishwashers are equipped with a special water valve. When this technique starts, the signal goes directly to the valve. That, in turn, opens, as a result of which water begins to flow through the water supply system into the machine.
The valve may burn out due to wear or sudden changes in voltage.
Important! In this case, only its replacement remains.
Problems with the control module or the Aquastop system has failed
Dishwashers are smart appliances. All of them have long been equipped with artificial intelligence, which controls all processes for a person. This control module analyzes a given cycle of work and gives orders to the individual elements of the dishwasher, for example, the pump: collect or drain the water.
If the module fails, the dishwasher will not exactly comply with the washing mode, it will buzz strongly or even refuse to turn on.
Important! To eliminate this breakdown, you will have to reflash the “artificial intelligence”, and in the worst case, completely replace it. Such repairs can only be done by specialists.
The Aquastop system is built into the most modern models of dishwashers. It protects this unit from unexpected water leaks. If the dishwasher does not collect water, then there are only 2 reasons:
- The system was able to detect a leak and proved to be in action, that is, it blocked the water supply to the machine.
- The Aquastop function itself has broken.
to contents ↑Important! In any of these two cases, nothing can be done on your own, the help of specialists is needed. Only they will be able to carry out the necessary repairs or simply replace the entire Aquastop system.
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From this article, you found out the reasons why water does not flow into the dishwasher and how to solve them.If you doubt your abilities and knowledge regarding the design of such an aggregate, it is better to entrust the diagnosis, testing, tuning and repair to masters of the appropriate qualifications. Otherwise, your incorrect actions can lead to the complete failure of expensive equipment when the reason was initially simple and banal.