Connecting a gas oven and gas hob

A mandatory attribute of any modern kitchen is a hob and an oven. Thanks to the huge range of models presented on the market, you can purchase exactly the option that fits perfectly into the existing design of your kitchen. But the appearance cannot be called the most important parameter on which the choice of oven and stove depends. More attention is paid to the choice of fuel, due to which these devices function. Only two types of stoves are presented in stores today: some of them operate on gas, others on the mains. The gas models are in incredible demand. But their reliability, service life and ease of use depend on how correctly the gas oven and gas hob were connected. We will talk about this in this article.

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Key secrets to connecting gas appliances

Suppose you have already made your choice, bought a gas oven and hob. It remains only to connect them to the gas supply. It is clear that this requirement cannot be avoided.

Important! Representatives of gas services working with devices of this type recommend mandatory involving professionals in the installation. Even the slightest flaw, an unqualified, careless action can lead to rather disastrous consequences.


The rules for installing a gas oven and gas panel at the same time assume the use of two pipes for supplying fuel, each of which must be equipped with an individual valve that allows you to shut off the gas supply at any time.

Today, devices are connected to gas supply using two types of connecting elements:

  • Flexible hose.
  • Rigid tube made of copper or steel.

Here's what to consider regarding the wiring of the hoses themselves:

  • There is a connection through a special outlet, which is located near the oven.
  • After completing all installation-related work, it is recommended to make sure that the pipe does not bend anywhere, that the fuel flows freely.
  • When connecting a gas oven, please note that the hose must not be longer than two meters.
  • The number of connections should be minimal.

If you follow all these rules, then you can connect a gas furnace yourself without any problems.

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How to install a gas oven and oven yourself?

Now let's take a closer look at how to connect a gas hob and gas oven, including a built-in oven, to gas. After all, as we have already found out, if you strictly follow the established rules and follow the advice of professionals, then there are no big difficulties in this.

Important! Modern ovens can carry out many functions that are indicated by certain icons. In our article you will learn how to use the technique correctly, so that the dishes are tasty, healthy and quickly cooked,what do the oven icons mean.

Install in accordance with these instructions:

  1. First of all, determine the type of hob and oven. They can be autonomous or dependent on each other.In the first case, you can install the stove in the center of the headset, and the oven in another place where you are comfortable. The main thing is that the gas supply hose gets to this place. In the second case, the devices are located in one niche together.
  2. The connection and start of equipment begins with the installation of appliances in the niche of the kitchen set. First you need to remove the back panel of the niche, put the oven on two wooden bars previously attached to the surface of the furniture set. Thus, you will ensure good ventilation of the niche and the oven to prevent accidental fire. Then connect the electricity to start the operation of the fan, the control panel, which is powered by the network, and other basic and additional functions.
  3. The most crucial step is connecting the oven and stove to the gas supply system. The oven must be connected to the gas pipe using a flexible hose. Then connect the hob to the gas line. In this case, you have to cook the pipe. But before that, be sure to turn off the gas supply to the apartment or house.
  4. Configure all the functionality of the installed equipment, check the operation of each burner, gas control system. Check and adjust the valve, which is responsible for the gas supply.

Important! Gas hobs are allowed to be connected only in sections of the pipeline located immediately after the tap regulating the supply of this fuel. In places before the crane, insertion of any devices is strictly prohibited. In addition, such work must be approved by the gas service and included in the housing plan.

Important! Can't set the time on kitchen appliances? Surely, our posts will help you in solving this issue:

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What safety rules must be observed?

Have you already chosen which gas hob and gas oven suit you? How to connect them - you also know that it remains to familiarize yourself with the basic safety rules that must be followed without fail.

These include the following:

  • When connecting the oven to the mains, make sure that it does not touch the gas pipe in any way. The maximum heating temperature of the conductor according to the established standards should not exceed 70 degrees.
  • It is forbidden to use various extension cords, sockets of double or triple type (tee). Additional wires in most cases cause a sudden fire.
  • Before washing the cabinet, be sure to turn off the power supply.
  • Before completing installation work, it is recommended that each joint be checked for gas leaks. You can use soap foam for this - just apply it on the connecting elements. If suddenly a foam appears somewhere, then there is a hole. Only after fixing leaks and cracks can you use the equipment.
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After analyzing all of the above, you can connect the hob and oven to the gas yourself. But this is an incredibly responsible matter, and if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to trust the professionals. During installation, all safety precautions must be observed in order to avoid serious problems in the future. Only doing all the work step by step, observing safety measures, you can take on the independent connection of gas equipment.


