Connecting a washing machine without running water in the country

The real lucky ones are city dwellers who have the opportunity to travel out of town every year in the summer season and relax in their cozy and comfortable country house. But all this happiness can overshadow the need for washing, provided there is no centralized water supply. If you know a few secrets, then you can independently connect the washing machine without running water in the country. How to do it right, so that in the future not to encounter even more serious problems, we learn from this article.

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The principles of operation of any washing machine

Modern washing machines are fully automated, that is, in this mode, the water is filled, and it is heated, and the powder is added, and the squeeze and rinse, and even drain the already dirty water.

Models equipped with the same programs, as a rule, work on the same principles:

  • First, water is supplied to the hatch for detergents, and then through a rubber tube enters the tank, where the metal drum rotates.
  • After washing, the water is drained through the drain pump into the sewer.
  • Helps water get into the device solenoid valve, activated by the supply of electricity. At the same time, the liquid is supplied under high pressure, and if it is not enough, the programs will constantly go astray and the unit itself will break.

In the apartment it is not difficult to solve this problem, you need to connect the machine to the water supply, but it will be more difficult with the cottage.

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Advantages of installing machines without connecting to the water supply

Each owner of a country house wants to equip it with all the necessary equipment, in particular, a washing machine. And such a solution has enough advantages:

  • No need to pay for water supply.
  • If you build your well, you can use the water for washing absolutely free.
  • The amount of water consumed in this case does not exceed three cubes per month.
  • You can use rainwater, which is particularly soft from well and tap water.
  • An old, but still working machine can be installed in a house in the garden.

Important! Many in the country do not want to deny themselves the usual domestic comfort and benefits of civilization. If you belong to such individuals, you will probably be interested in information about the choice and connectivity dishwasher in the country.

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How to organize water intake?

Before deciding how to install a washing machine without a water supply system, you should familiarize yourself with possible options for organizing water intake. And you can do it like this:

  1. Manually fill the water. She enters the machine through the detergent drawer. It is recommended to use aggregates with lower fixation of the degree of filling the device with liquid. The fact is that models with upper fixation will constantly fail due to unauthorized shutdown of programs.

Important! Remember that in this case you will have to constantly stop the machine and fill it with buckets of water, and it will take a lot of time and effort to spend on it.

  1. Connect a tank of water to the device, which will be located slightly above it. But if your machine is not equipped with a filling control function, then you will have to constantly fill it with water. In such a tank, the necessary pressure can be created, but in order to ensure it, you need to raise the tank to a height of at least 10 meters. Most often they use the second floor or the roof of the house. First, the container is installed in the right place and manually or automatically filled with water.

Important! As a rule, from 100 to 200 liters of water is consumed per wash. The only problem is the difficulty of raising such a tank to the upper floor, because it weighs a lot.

This option is also suitable if you want to conveniently organize a place for washing hands, dishes and other needs. Read about which is better. choose a sink for a summer residence.

  1. Drill a well in its area. But here it is necessary to attract drillers to help, so that they help to stretch the pipes and install a pump with a special tank where water will accumulate. The connection will be similar to installing a machine in an ordinary apartment with a central water supply. But the well can be serviced not only by the machine, but also by the toilet, bathroom, sink and shower.

Important! The disadvantage of this option is the impossibility of drilling a well in winter. Yes, and this system is not cheap.

  1. Well. Pipes are pulled from it, then a pump is installed, as a result, the washing machine begins to function without being connected to the water supply. But it is necessary to install a mechanical or magnetic filter at the inlet of running water so that it cleans it of sticks and sand. If this is not done, then the car will break down quickly.
  2. Installing a miniature pump between the machine and the tank. In any store of accessories for plumbing, you can purchase all the necessary spare parts for installing a drain pump. Such a pump works from the network.

Important! Better - if both the pump and the device will be released by one manufacturer.

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How to install a machine without connecting it to the water supply?

So, we have found out how it is possible to replace a centralized water supply system, and everyone prefers the option that is most suitable for themselves. But it is much more important to correctly install the unit.

The most popular method is connecting the device to a water tank, so we will consider the installation process using this example:

  1. First, we install near the machine a water tank with a volume of at least 50 liters. To make it more convenient to fill it with water, the top of the tank must be left open. It is recommended to install it on legs with a height of at least 50 centimeters from the floor.
  2. We make a hole in the bottom of the tank so that in diameter it is slightly wider than the hose for water intake. We mount a special adapter in it, which will connect the hole to the hose.
  3. Then we take an electric pump of medium power, which will act as a pressure supercharger. We connect the pump to the hose and hide it under the tank.
  4. We improve the throughput of the valves of the device, and for this we remove rubber gaskets from them.
  5. We bring the hose from the pump to the washing machine itself, fill the tank with water and connect the pump to the mains.

Important! As it turned out, this installation option involves the passage of intake hoses from the water tank to the pump and back from it to the unit, which can be called a fairly reliable and simple solution. Thanks to such recommendations, you will no longer have a question how to wash on the machine, if there is no water supply. This installation scheme, of course, has its drawbacks, namely the need to purchase a pump and manually fill the tank with water. But still, this solution is considered the cheapest.

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How to check the operation of the device in the absence of water?

Even if there is no water in the machine, you can verify its operability. And how exactly - we will consider further:

  1. We connect the machine to the network and press the start button.
  2. You need to twist the toggle switch, which is responsible for switching programs, and see how it will respond to changing modes.
  3. Set the spin mode.
  4. The drum will begin to rotate in reverse mode - due to this we will be able to check how the drive and engine work.

Important! During such a test, do not fill the device with water, do not set specific modes, as this can cause overheating and breakdown of the heating elements.

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Adequate washing water pressure

In order to maintain the required water pressure for the automatic washing machine, a pump station can be installed. That it will provide uninterrupted good pressure of water. Naturally, such a universal system cannot be cheap. Also, its use provides for the continuous supply of pure water only.

Important! Most often it is used in suburban capital houses.

But there is another more affordable and rational option for providing water pressure - an imitation of a pumping station.

Important! It must be remembered that in this case, rainwater is used for washing.

To simulate such a station:

  • Any pump, pressure switch, and simple hose must be purchased.
  • Everything is assembled according to the following scheme: by means of a tee, we connect the machine to the relay and hose, that is, one wire will go to the pump, and the second to the mains.
  • Before you start using it, you need to make sure that the relay is set to the minimum pressure level.

Important! If there is no pressure in the intake hose, the relay starts to close, and at this time the pump starts to produce pressure. As soon as the valves of the device open, the pressure drops sharply, the relay starts to work, and the pump pumps water, due to which the machine is filled.

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What washing machine to buy in the country?

There are such models of washing machines that do not need to connect a water supply, because their design provides for manual filling of water:

Basically, of course, these include Soviet-style devices such as Siberia or Baby.

Also on sale you can find automatic cars with tanks of European and American production, which are intended, to a greater extent, for installation in mobile homes and trailers.

Important! The most popular modern brand producing automatic machines equipped with a water tank is Gorenje. The models of this manufacturer are equipped with a tank of 80 liters, and this water is quite enough for two washing cycles. You can refill the tank with water at any time.

The devices of this brand are equipped with the same programs as conventional automatic machines.

Important! Surely, since you are puzzled by the question of buying and installing a washing machine in the country, you spend a lot of time there, and not only in the warm season. Then take note of the information from the articles:

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It is safe to say that a washing machine without a connection to the water supply can work fully, the main thing is to connect it correctly. And for this you already know everything that is necessary, and you have a choice of several options.

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