Industrial vacuum cleaner

Repair work always involves a large amount of garbage. In such cases, a home vacuum cleaner will do little to help, and even vice versa - such its operation can cause problems with the further operation of the household appliance. An industrial vacuum cleaner will help cope with construction waste. What is such an aggregate, what are its main characteristics? This is described in detail in this article.

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What is an industrial vacuum cleaner for?

The quality of repair work and their safety largely depend on the cleanliness of the construction site. Many people use an ordinary household vacuum cleaner to clean the workspace, however, a large amount of dust and construction dirt leads to clogging of the internal parts of the device and its failure. It is better to use special equipment, which is considered an industrial vacuum cleaner. Due to the powerful engine and a large dust collector, such devices quickly clean surfaces from a large amount of litter.

Important! Industrial vacuum cleaners and special tools for cleaning after repair is available to all self-respecting contractors and private companies involved in the repair and construction of houses. The device is especially effective at the last stage of construction, when it remains to remove cement dust, small pieces of rubble and brick, and putty from the premises.

The main tasks that this unit must cope with are:

  • Cleaning after completion of repair work.
  • Overhaul inside the house, as well as in the surrounding areas after the construction process.
  • Cleaning wood flooring after grinding.
  • Water removal after emergency breakthrough of sewer or water system.

Important! A 220V socket located on the body of an industrial vacuum cleaner makes it possible to use the device simultaneously with a construction tool. Thus, cleaning the premises can be done directly during the repair work.

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Where can I not use an industrial vacuum cleaner?

Despite the fact that this appliance has wide capabilities, there are a number of limitations regarding its use. It is impossible to produce such devices:

  • chimney cleaning;
  • collection of cement;
  • removal of flammable liquids;
  • collection of explosive and fine dust.

For all this, there is another special technique.

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How to choose a construction vacuum cleaner by application?

To determine the equipment necessary for cleaning, you should first find out the chemical composition of the dust that you are going to remove. Regarding this feature, all industrial vacuum cleaners are divided into the following classes:

  • Class L. Devices with such markings are considered the simplest among similar devices. They are designed to remove ordinary building dust. Such garbage includes: gypsum, clay, paint, varnish, pieces of rubble, brick, wood shavings and the like.
  • Class M. Such devices are designed for dust collection of medium hazard.Units of this class are used in nuclear power plants to remove dust, as well as in the fight against dust that formed during the processing of manganese, copper, tin, nickel. These devices have the function of low dust disposal (filter transmission rate is 0.1%).
  • Class N. The equipment is suitable for dust removal of increased danger. This group of garbage can include various dyes, preservatives, harmful microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungus, mold), asbestos. The vacuum cleaner has a dust-free recycling function (filter transmission rate - 0.005%).
  • ATEX. Such devices are designed to eliminate explosive dust.

Important! The higher the class of the device, the more expensive its cost. In order for the choice of a construction vacuum cleaner to be made correctly, decide on the purpose of its use. Do not overpay for extra functions for you. A class L vacuum cleaner can completely cope with everyday tasks.

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How to choose an industrial vacuum cleaner according to engine parameters?

The performance of a device for cleaning construction debris directly depends on the operational characteristics of its main element - an electric motor.

Important! If the power of the motor of a household vacuum cleaner is 300-800 W, then for an industrial type device, a power of at least 1.4 kW is required. The greater this parameter of the engine, the more efficient the unit will cope with its work, and the longer it will last.

The main performance indicators of a building vacuum cleaner are:

  • productivity (measured in l / min or cubic m / h);
  • vacuum level (measured in Pa or bars);
  • turbine rotation speed (measured in rpm).

Important! Expensive models of industrial vacuum cleaners can have a turbine rotation speed of 30,000 rpm.

The choice of a construction vacuum cleaner should be made taking into account these parameters. They must be indicated in the technical documentation for the device.

Important! Some models of industrial equipment for this purpose are equipped with two motors at once, which significantly increases their power, respectively - increases productivity by 2 times.

As a rule, industrial vacuum cleaners are equipped with single-phase 220V motors. However, there are models with a three-phase motor voltage of 380V and devices that operate on batteries.

Important! The most powerful device is three-phase equipment. However, it is not always possible to find the appropriate network for its power. Therefore, the best option for private use are single-phase devices.

If you need an industrial vacuum cleaner that will successfully eliminate liquids, then you should choose a special unit whose engine has additional protection.

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Type of filter element. Which construction vacuum cleaner to choose?

All vacuum cleaners for domestic or construction purposes work on the same principle: an electric motor creates discharged air, which is sucked into a special garbage bin along with dust. Before going out, the air is filtered by the system, thereby cleaning itself from a variety of solid inclusions:

  • The cheapest models use paper or fabric bags as a filter, into which dust and construction waste are drawn. If you have such a job, read practical tips and read the overview of tools that will help you.quickly remove building dust after repair.

Important! Bags of cloth are more suitable for collecting large debris. Fine dust will pass through the fabric. Therefore, it is recommended to use paper bags to remove fine dust.

  • More expensive appliances are equipped with a cyclone cleaning system. In this case, under the influence of centrifugal force, dust is collected in plastic or metal special containers.

Important! Equipment with such a system can collect not only dry garbage, but also various liquids.

  • The most effective, respectively - the most expensive, are industrial vacuum cleaners with a water filter. In such devices, dirty air passes through a container of water, which leaves coarse dust in itself. The smallest dust particles are collected in a separator. Thanks to the double filtration, the output is clean and safe air for the human body.

Important! The only drawback of such devices is the constant need for clean water, which is not always feasible at construction sites.

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Useful additional features:

  • To save electric energy and to save the resource of a vacuum cleaner will help the presence on the device of a socket for connecting power tools.

Important! Using this outlet, always consider the power of the instrument that you intend to connect to the device. It must not exceed the maximum permissible power specified in the technical documentation for the industrial vacuum cleaner.

  • When working with liquid waste, a drain neck will be a very useful part of the vacuum cleaner. It will make it possible to empty the tank without disassembling the unit.
  • There are also models of industrial garbage collection devices with blowing function. Although it is rarely used, sometimes its presence is, nevertheless, important.

Important! When buying a device, make sure that the device has an alarm (blocking) when filling a bag or container with garbage to the limit.

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Complete set and accessories:

  • In addition, with the device, several hoses and nozzles of various functions are included in the kit (designed for narrow openings, for cleaning the floor, for connecting electric tools).

Important! If the manufacturers of tools and a vacuum cleaner are different, you may need to purchase a special adapter that matches the diameter of the nozzles.

  • An important aspect when choosing a construction vacuum cleaner is the availability of consumables.

Important! When buying an appliance, be sure to make sure that later purchase of dust bags will not be a problem for you.

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Vacuum Cleaner Manufacturers

The range of such devices is striking in its breadth. And since today the question of the price of equipment is not in last place, then most people, trying to save money, buy a cheaper model from an unknown manufacturer. Very often this technique has poor technical characteristics, which leads to a quick breakdown of the vacuum cleaner. Therefore, experts strongly recommend giving preference to well-known brands that have been tested for years. These include:

  • Bosch
  • Hitachi;
  • Metabo;
  • Makita;
  • DeWalt;
  • Karcher
  • Interskol.

Important! As a rule, even the most powerful and functional equipment is not able to do all the cleaning work for you. Therefore, check out the selection of tips that will definitely come in handy during the repair work, because in any case you will need wash glass from paint.

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Stock footage

If you are planning a lengthy repair, then you just can not do without an industrial vacuum cleaner. He is able to significantly reduce cleaning time. This process will not turn into an annoying routine, destroying the joy of repair. When choosing a model, based on your needs. And also do not forget that popular brands are in good demand. Sometimes it’s better to overpay at first than later toil with the device and repair it.


