Belt on the washing machine

What is a belt on a washing machine? This is such a device with which the rotation of the drum of your washing machine is ensured. If you encounter a problem such as a broken or simply loose belt on a washing machine, then be calm, because this problem can be easily fixed. In this article, we will tell you about how to fix this rather annoying situation, and how to understand that the problem is in the malfunction of this part, and not in something else.

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Replacing the washing machine belt

In order that replacement of a belt on the Samsung washing machine or any other brand does not cause any difficulties, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Get to the back of the washing machine. Remove the screws that secure the cover to the back of the washing machine housing. To unscrew the bolts, use an ordinary Phillips screwdriver.
  2. When you unscrew all the bolts, remove the cover and the pulley will open in front of you. If the old belt is put on it, then remove it. To do this, pull the part toward you while turning the pulley. If the belt is torn or slipped, then it will be inside the case, therefore - the spare part is urgently necessary to find, and then remove.
  3. After that, take the belt you want to install. Put it on the engine first, and then on the pulley. To put the spare part on the pulley, you must pull the belt first on a part of the circle, then rotate it.
  4. After you put on the part, correct and make sure that it is thoroughly laid in the groove.
  5. Turn the pulley several times to make sure that everything is functioning properly.
  6. If everything is in order - you can return the back cover, tighten the bolts, and then conduct a test wash.

You have seen from your own experience that the whole process is quite simple and does not require any special skills.

Important! If you did not find such a replacement part, you can purchase a belt for your model’s washing machine from organizations that repair and service various household appliances. How to find them? The easiest way to find such an organization in any city is to use the Internet.

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The reasons why this malfunction occurs

Such a malfunction can occur for completely different reasons.

Important! Quite often, the belt on the washing machine very quickly fails precisely in narrow models. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that it is located close enough to the case itself. Due to wear, the tank may begin to sway during the washing process. A working rubber band can often touch the case. It is because of this that she is frayed.

A complete overview of the reasons:

  • A crack appeared on the pulley or it broke at all. The pulley is made from a fairly brittle material. With improper operation or manufacturing defects, it can easily break. Accordingly, the belt will fly off or break completely.
  • Worn and defective bearings can also cause the pulley to vibrate. And your strap will just slip off of it.To prevent this from happening, you need to periodically carry out maintenance work. Follow the link and read how to lubricate the bearings of a washing machine.
  • Another reason may be the imbalance of things that you wash, or overloading the machine with soiled laundry. In order to eliminate such problems in the future, you just need to familiarize yourself with the practical tips from our separate article and follow them when calculating laundry weights.
  • In washing machines in which loading is carried out vertically, such a nuisance can occur after 7-8 years of operation. This phenomenon is associated with the deformation of the plastic loading tank, which over time can change its own shape. In this case, it would be more logical to think about buying a new washing machine. Here you will find our reviews useful:
    1. The best vertical washing machines.
    2. TOP front-loading washing machines.
  • Rubber tape breakage can happen if the machine is used extremely rarely. A belt that stays in the same position for quite some time may dry out. This is the reason for its complete unsuitability for use.
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What to do when the drum pulley burst?

The trouble, as they say, does not come alone. There are cases when the belt flies instantly due to the fact that the pulley, which is made from brittle materials, has cracked. And on the damaged part, the elastic rubber band will not rotate. The pulley simply has to be replaced, and at the same time the belt itself.

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How to understand that the whole problem lies specifically in the belt itself?

There are several signs:

  • The drum does not rotate during washing, which may result in damage to the engine or the control module.
  • The rotation of the drum does not occur fully.

In the first case, most likely, the belt simply broke or fell off. You must either purchase a new one or replace the current one. It is possible that the working rubber tape will slip due to severe wear.

Important! When starting the repair process, do not forget that you must make sure that the flown part is not touched by the sensors and wires located nearby.

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Useful Tips

Perform an elementary check by scrolling the washer drum:

  • In the event that it rotates too lightly, be sure that you correctly detected the problem, because the belt has flown off.
  • If the drum rotates, but not to the full extent, then the belt has worn out, and as a result, it must be replaced.
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Now you know everything you need to diagnose a malfunction of the washing machine belt and replace it. We hope you have no problems during the repair process and you were able to cope with this situation yourself.

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