DIY Vitek coffee machine repair

In this article we will discuss the question of how to repair Vitek coffee machines with your own hands, and not only of this brand, because even the equipment of the most famous brands sometimes breaks down. Of course, it is better to contact the service center with the difficult repair problem, but sometimes you can cope on your own. Coffee machines are different, but they work similarly. Consider what often fails, is it possible to handle the repair yourself.

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When to repair a Saeco, Bosch, Vitek coffee machine yourself?

Whatever you plan to buy from equipment, it is recommended to do it in specialized stores where you will get a warranty card for a certain period. If you find problems in the work, you will replace the coffee machine with a new one, or repair it for free. To do this, you need to save the box, documents, warranty and check throughout the warranty period. As a rule, the term of warranty service is at least one year.

Important! If you bought the equipment in the store and it is still under warranty, then do not repair Bosch coffee machines with your own hands. This also applies to other brands. If you disassemble the device, but can not cope with the repair, then your guarantee will no longer be valid, and you will have to pay for the repair. Often the amount of customization exceeds half the cost of new equipment.

If there is no guarantee, and you are a little versed in electrical appliances, you can try to repair the Bosch coffee machine with your own hands, or some other. In addition, it’s absolutely not out of place to figure outhow to clean the coffee maker from scale

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Repair Preparation

Start repairing equipment by familiarizing yourself with the prices of spare parts for your model on specialized sites so that you are ready for what financial expenses a repair can result in. It may happen that some part is out of order and you have to replace it.

Important! Sometimes it happens that the coffee machine is an old model, and it is difficult to find spare parts for it, or there are spare parts, but the prices are high.

Also stock up on instructions with the internal filling of the device.

Important! In many models, manufacturers invest a little book with an electrical circuit and the device of a coffee machine. If not, search the Internet and print for convenience. This will come in handy.

You should also figure out the type of coffee machine you have. Each type differs in its internal structure and principle of operation. Coffee machines are of the following types:

  • Capsule - for brewing use a capsule with coffee.
  • Drip - condensation from hot steam drops through a portion of coffee through drops.
  • Espresso (carob) - Hot steam passes through coffee compressed into a tablet.

Important! To be able to enjoy truly high-quality and tasty drinks in the future, check out our a review of the best varieties of coffee and tea.

Next, we will consider in more detail how various types of coffee machines repair themselves.

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Repair capsule coffee machine

Capsule coffee makers got this name because of the special capsule used for brewing coffee. It is a packaged serving of ground coffee, the desired degree of grinding and the best grade for making espresso.In this sealed capsule, coffee does not oxidize and can be stored for a long time. The mechanical system clamps the capsule with coffee, punctures it, and after brewing - discards it.

Coffee machine device

The main elements of such a coffee machine are:

  • thermal block (boiler), which heats the water to the desired temperature;
  • pump (self-regulating pump), which creates the desired pressure;
  • control unit - boards and wires, that is, the entire control system;
  • capsule system;
  • body.

Each of these elements may fail. Next, we consider the most common types of breakdowns and how to configure them.


The coffee machine does not turn on:

  • First of all, you should inspect the power cord and buttons. The buttons may become stuck with dirt. Then they should be rubbed with alcohol with a cotton swab.
  • If immediately the problem is not visually detected, then move on. We disassemble the coffee machine to find out what the problem is.

Dismantling the machine:

  1. To begin, unscrew the set screws on the back wall. If the lid cannot be removed, then open the hidden locks with a knife, usually they are located below.
  2. After gaining access to the inside of the coffee machine, check the ground connection to the terminal clamp.
  3. Contacts may also depart. Check all wires leading to the control circuit, diodes, transistors.
  4. Call the elements, check the voltage, diagnose the heater.
  5. If you have done everything you can, and the equipment does not want to make you a cup of coffee, it remains to take it to the service - they can handle such repairs.

The water stopped flowing:

  • This may be due to limescale formed on the needle through which hot water is supplied. This scale can be removed with a thin wire or a needle. Remove the diffuser flap and clean the hole with force, but carefully.
  • If water does not flow after cleaning, then you need to look for the cause in the clogged pump tubes. Inspect them for obstruction, blow them through.
  • If the pump itself fails, you will have to buy a new device.

Important! Try to use distilled water to brew coffee so that the coffee machine does not become clogged with scale.

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Repair drip coffee machines

Drip coffee machines are the most common, as they are the most affordable. They are also called filtration.

Coffee machine device

The device of such a coffee machine is simple:

  • The coffee pot is placed on a platform that is combined with a heating element.
  • A tank of water is placed behind.
  • Above the coffee pot is a compartment for coffee and a filter.
  • Water is pumped through the heating element using a pump.
  • Steam generated during boiling rises through a pipe that touches a cold water tank. Therefore, condensate is obtained, which flows in the form of drops into a compartment with a filter filled with coffee.
  • Then, passing through the filter and becoming a drink, the liquid drains into the coffee pot.

Such coffee belongs more to the type of "Americano", and is not much different from what can be prepared in a French press. The taste will depend on the variety and high-quality fresh grinding of grains.

Important! Many modern models of coffee machines are equipped with a water filter that removes salts and chlorine.

Frequent breakdowns occur especially in mid-range brands such as Redmond, Vitek, Polaris and others. Consider methods for fixing them.

The device does not turn on

How to repair the coffee machines with your own hands?

As in the previous case, you should check the entire electrical filling of the coffee machine, starting from the power cord - switch, programmer, circuit, fuse, heater and so on.

To solve the problem, of course, you need to disassemble the device.

Dismantling the machine:

  1. In order to remove the decorative cover, loops are opened to the sides, and the cover is shifted along the tube.
  2. The tube is removed by turning it back and to the right.
  3. To remove the top panel, the latches are pressed with a screwdriver.
  4. The filter is also secured with fastening latches that wring out.
  5. In order to get to the heating element, the front panel is similarly removed.


Cold drink

Cold coffee indicates repair of the heating element is required.

Water does not pass:

  • If the coffee machine works, heats up, but water does not pass, you need to check the correct position of the water supply pipe.
  • See if the valve is clogged.
  • A more serious problem may be a scorch heater. In this case, repair is not possible, it will be necessary to replace the part with a new one.

Water is flowing

This problem is most likely in the sealing of the measuring tube or the joint between the tank and the stand:

  • In the first case, replacing the seal will solve the problem.
  • In the second - you need to restore the silicone joint seal.

Important! Usually, such minor repairs help restore the coffee machine to its full function.

Water dosage exceeded

Most likely, the timer or the engine is subject to repair or replacement.

Water flows past the flask.

If particles of grains get into the coffee pot, or water flows past the coffee pot (flask), the problem is the tension of the filter holder of the coffee machine is too tight, although the beam can be deformed or shifted.

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Carob Repair

This technique is the most complex in its structure. But in this case, you can try to repair the coffee maker with your own hands.

In a carob coffee machine, a stream of hot steam (95 degrees) is released under high pressure, which passes through a layer of coffee. Coffee for such machines is compressed into a tablet. At the exit, the user receives a fragrant and strong espresso.

Important! Famous brands produce ready-made coffee tablets - pods, where the coffee of the right grinding is correctly pressed (Dolce densely, Jacobs, Nestle).


The difference between the carob coffee machine from the previous types is in high pressure and a more rapid supply of steam and water. In addition, coffee does not mix with water, does not boil in it, here steam passes through the coffee under high pressure, saturated with taste and aroma. Then it condenses in a special compartment, turning into a drink. Coffee is made with perfect taste and has no sediment in the cup. The brewing process itself takes literally seconds. Additionally, this technique may have a cappuccino machine and coffee grinder.

Important! In order for the coffee machine to last longer, you need to remember to clean and wash the brewing unit and its compartment, the boiler grid, the collection tray and the water tank. You also need to descale the coffee maker. Such manipulations should be done at least after 300 cups of coffee. The cappuccino machine should be washed after each use.

Coffee machine device:

  • The coffee machine is equipped with a pump (or two), which creates pressure.
  • The unit has a boiler for heating water.
  • There is a horn (holder) in which ground coffee is condensed.
  • Also, the interiors of such an apparatus include all kinds of sensors, valves, a heating element, a heat exchanger, taps, all kinds of electronics and so on.

Next, we consider the possible problems of this type of coffee brewing machine.


Coffee had an unpleasant aftertaste:

  • The reason may be in poor-quality pads with coffee. Try using other tablets, maybe this will solve this problem.
  • The filter may also be clogged. Clean it thoroughly.
  • Do-it-yourself Vitek coffee machine repairs may be required due to poor-quality sealant or plastic in the water tank. When heated, they give an unpleasant chemical aftertaste. Models of this brand often have another problem, which is the thermostat. Coffee is brewed at a temperature higher than necessary (110 degrees). Coffee is burnt and loses its aroma, it becomes bitter. If the problem persists after replacing the seal and tank, replace the thermostat.

Water flows from under the horn:

  • In this case, you should rinse the installation site of the horn, as well as clean the sealing ring of the coffee machine. Perhaps some pollution has accumulated there or a foreign object has fallen.
  • Also, the o-ring itself could crack. To get it, you need to hook it with a screwdriver.If access to it is limited by the mesh, then it must be carefully unscrewed, trying not to break.
  • Also clean the horn filter of any coffee residues.

Water flows from under the coffee machine itself.

This can happen if your equipment has already worked in normal mode for several years:

  • To detect a malfunction, it is necessary to disassemble it and look at all the joints with the water container. Oil seals, o-rings and silicone tubes, through which water flows and steam is supplied, often fail. In this case, it is advisable to replace all these parts with new ones. That is, if one silicone tube is cracked, then replace everything so as not to disassemble the machine again after a few months. Similarly with oil seals and rubber seals.
  • Inspect all plastic parts inside the coffee machine - sometimes they crack from high temperatures.

Important! On specialized sites there are interchangeable parts for almost all models.

The coffee machine does not respond to button presses:

  • If the buttons do not light, then it is worth checking the power cord, maybe it is damaged.
  • You may have to disassemble the machine and check all the contacts, wire connections, as well as the heating element.
  • Perhaps the thermal protection on the boiler with water worked. Then it will be necessary to replace the resistance.
  • If the electronics block deteriorates during a power surge, then go to a service center. To make repairs on their own in this case is unlikely to succeed.
  • If the buttons are lit, but the coffee machine does not respond to them - check if the buttons themselves are stuck from grease or dirt. Wipe them gently with alcohol. Ideally, for this you need to remove the panel, if it is, of course, removable. If this does not help, then the problem may be in the electronic control unit of the coffee machine. In this case, it is worth contacting an experienced specialist - it is unlikely that an ordinary person can repair it.

The coffee machine buzzes, takes water and warms, but does not give out coffee:

  • In this case, it is worth checking if there is an air plug. To do this, let the water flow through the cappuccino machine.
  • If the previous step did not solve the problem, then the tubes may be clogged and need to be cleaned. Although in this case, the electronic system should notify about it.
  • If the cleaning of the tubes did not cope with the problem, then a more serious breakdown of the electronic filling is possible, then only a specialist will help you.

Coffee is barely dripping from the horn

The pump could fail. At Vitek carob coffee makers, this is the most common problem. Do-it-yourself Vitek coffee machine repair may consist in replacing the pump.

Important! With coffee makers of this brand, this incident can happen during even the first month of operation. Therefore, do not rush to get inside, take it to a service center under warranty.

The display shows an error or malfunction:

  • When an error is displayed, the machine notifies you of its specific number. In this case, get the instructions and check with it what exactly needs to be cleaned or what other actions to take.
  • If any sensor did not work while brewing coffee, start by completely cleaning all removable parts and filters. Also drain the water through the cappuccino maker.
  • If all these manipulations do not help, disassemble the coffee machine and look for a malfunction inside.


The device does not see the presence of water in the tank:

  • Usually, a non-floating float results in this. Check the water tank. Perhaps something is stopping the float from coming up, try prying it with a toothpick. If it does not help, replace with a new one.

Important! Sometimes the float is replaced by a magnetic sensor.

  • In some models, you can replace only the entire water container with the float.

Important! Often a similar problem is caused by the fact that the user pours hot or very cold water into the compartment. Water should be at room temperature.

Pressure gauge does not show pressure

The reason most often is that the pipe that is connected to it is clogged with scale.If you cleaned it, as well as all the channels that lead to it, and the pressure does not show, then you may have to replace the manometer itself.

The cappuccinator does not work:

  • Maybe you are using the wrong milk? It should be pasteurized, with a fat content of 2.5-3.5%.
  • If the milk is good, but it does not beat in froth, most likely the problem is that your cappuccino machine is just clogged, because it needs to be washed with water immediately after brewing coffee.

Important! The air channel through which steam passes, whipping milk into a froth, is very narrow and quickly clogs.

  • If your coffee machine does not have an automatic system for cleaning the cappuccino machine, you must do this manually. To do this, the system must be disassembled and rinsed with water. Repair carefully.

Important! Do not speed up the work with metal wires and needles. You can accidentally expand the hole, which subsequently leads to the fact that instead of lush foam on the coffee, you get loose milk bubbles.

The problem with the coffee grinder

If the engine starts and the beans do not grind, then the problem may be in the poor quality of the coffee. When the grain is greasy rather than dull, the coffee grinder may stick. Remove any remaining grain, disassemble and clean the device. Then set the coffee grind control to maximum and try a quality variety.

If the coffee grinder constantly gives a signal about the absence of coffee, then there may be several reasons:

  • Water or a foreign object has fallen into the coffee grinder;
  • the channel has leaked and coffee is pouring inside the case (this can lead to a breakdown of the coffee machine engine);
  • the power or processor unit has broken;
  • the grinder’s engine itself is out of order.

It is necessary to disassemble, clean the coffee machine from coffee that has got inside.

If that doesn’t help, measure the resistance windings with the tester, replace the damaged parts with new ones, or perhaps consider buying a new device. And our article will help you in choosing it, in which we told in detail which coffee machine is better to choose for home

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As you can see, in many cases you can repair the coffee maker yourself. The main thing - do not forget to mark the parts during disassembly of the device, and even more reliable - take pictures of what and how it was originally, so that after - everything is correctly installed and screwed into place. If the coffee machine is expensive, and you are not confident in your abilities, entrust the repair to specialists, and then it will once again please you with a cup of aromatic coffee.

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