Rating of solid fuel heating boilers for a private house

It’s a sin to hide, solid fuel boilers in many respects lose to gas ones. The main limiting factors in the purchase are the high cost and complexity of operation. However, a correctly selected solid fuel boiler can work no worse than a gas boiler. The rating of solid fuel heating boilers for a private house will be your assistant when buying heating equipment.

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What should a potential buyer pay attention to, what particular indicators should be taken into account in the first place?

  • Power. If it is not enough, the appliance will not warm the housing, but it will regularly heat the air near the boiler room.
  • Maximum burning time after fueling. If this period is short, during the heating season you will voluntarily retrain as a stoker, without being able to leave for at least a few hours.
  • Significant efficiency. This is the ratio of the heat capacity of the fuel used and the heat output of the boiler. The greater the efficiency, the less fuel is required for the normal operation of the boiler, the lower the cost of operating the equipment.
  • Ease of maintenance. Cleaning the boiler from soot and ash, loading fuel - all this can be attributed to mandatory procedures. The easier it is to perform, the less laborious the maintenance of the unit.

Here is the necessary minimum of wishes that must be taken into account when choosing. Based on these wishes, you can easily find the right technique andinstall a solid fuel boiler in a private house

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Power selection

Here you must take into account all possible heat losses. The power of the boiler plant is designed to compensate for them. The selection algorithm is simple:

  1. Calculate the total area of ​​the house.
  2. Calculate the total area of ​​the heated zones.
  3. Multiplying the total area of ​​housing by the height of the ceiling, you get the usable volume of the house.
  4. Multiply the value of the net volume by 0,041 - the coefficient corresponding to the heat loss of SNiP.

The resulting figure with a 10 percent margin is the capacity of the future boiler.

Important! Take less powerful equipment - you will freeze in winter frosts. too powerful equipment is also not too good, since it requires significant costs.

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Long-playing boilers

The duration of the burn-out time is one of the most important indicators, therefore it is no coincidence that the “long-playing” technique is singled out in a special group. At least, if you get such a boiler, one loading of the furnace during the day will be quite enough. Let's try to find out which solid fuel boiler of long burning is the best.

STROPUVA S 40 (Latvia)

Single-circuit unit with the following characteristics:

  • The duration of burning with one tab is 55 days.
  • Efficiency - 85-86%.
  • Thermal power - 40 kW.

Candle S-18kW

In our rating of solid fuel boilers for long burning, he is a “silver medalist”. This unit is inferior to the previous model in the duration of burning one fuel bookmark (1.5 versus 5.5 days). Thermal power is not so impressive - only 18 kW, efficiency - about 86%.

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Boilers with the highest efficiency

The most significant efficiency is shown by pyrolysis devices that transform the carbon contained in wood into a mixture of pyrolysis combustible gases.Simply put, you load wood that is successfully transformed into gas fuel.

Bourgeois K TA 20

This Russian-made model is one of the best double-circuit pyrolysis models. The value of efficiency reaches 90%. The remaining characteristics are as follows:

  • The burning time of one fuel bookmark is 10 hours.
  • Thermal power - 20 kW.

Viessmann Vitoligno 100 VL1A025 30

According to the characteristics, this model is almost identical to the previous one, but its cost is three times higher. This is holding back buyers.

Here are the specifications:

  • Thermal power - 30 kW.
  • Efficiency - up to 90%.
  • Duration of burning with one fuel tab is up to 12 hours.

Geyser PK-30

The thermal power of this device is 30 kW. It has a long fuel burning time (2 days). Efficiency, as with previous models, is 90%.

Important! It is this model that is considered economically more profitable, given the relatively low cost.

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Ease of maintenance

We agree in advance that the service is loading fuel and cleaning the ash pan. Pellet modifications are ideal in this regard. A large-capacity hopper and an automated conveyor make it possible to recall the need for service approximately 3-4 days after launch. Consider the best solid fuel pellet boilers.

Zota Pellet 25

The thermal power of this device is 25 kW. The pellet burning time is impressive with one pallet laying - almost four days. Efficiency is from 87 to 90%.

The main advantage of this boiler is that it requires a minimum of human participation in the maintenance. In addition to the automated fuel supply system, there is a “smart” control system, it is possible to connect to heated floors. An external air temperature sensor optimizes fuel consumption.

Important! In addition to pellets, the device can work on briquettes or wood.

And also, we have prepared an article from which you will learnhow to make a chimney for a solid fuel boiler with your own hands

Biomaster BM-15

Single-circuit design with a capacious hopper designed for 270 kg of pellets. Thermal power is only 15 kW. But the duration of fuel combustion with one tab is almost 3.5 days. The efficiency of the unit reaches 92%.

As you can see, pellet appliances are worthy competitors to pyrolysis boilers and continuous burners. But they also have drawbacks: the high cost of the equipment itself and its consumables. Compared to ordinary wood, pellets are three to four times more expensive.

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An overview of solid fuel heating boilers for a private house cannot give concrete advice on the purchase of a particular model. In addition to the type of fuel, technical characteristics of the device, manufacturing materials, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the building: first of all, the quality of insulation. We must not forget about the natural conditions that occur in the winter.

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