Drain pump for washing machine

Today, manufacturers provide us with a huge selection of washing machine models with various dimensions, functions and features of the system. And if the question arises of replacing the drain pump in the device, then you should understand just the design of the device, then it will not be difficult for a beginner to carry out the work. Today we’ll talk about self-replacement of such a part as a drain pump for a washing machine.

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We select a pump

The drain pump is a very important part in a washing machine. She is responsible for pumping water from the device after the wash cycle. Today it is not difficult to purchase a drain pump, and its cost is quite affordable. First, let's try to understand why this part can fail.


In this case, the system may not cope with the load for the following reasons:

  • Small items falling into the hatch. Then, rattle, crackle and other extraneous sounds will be heard from the device.
  • Also, if there is a blockage, it is possible that at the drainage stage the device will simply freeze and refuse to continue the program. In this case, the filter is removed and cleaned.
  • If the filter is clean, then there is a need to check the impeller, possibly due to clogging it is jammed. They simply scroll it, and if everything is in order, they check drain pipe.

Important! For the washing machine to work properly, you need to properly organize the discharge of water into the sewer. Find out all the relevant information on this subject in our separate review. "Siphon for a washing machine".


If no blockage is detected, the next step in the test is the voltage at the pump terminals. To do this, you need to take a multimeter and ring the wires.

Important! It happens that the drain pump of a washing machine cannot be repaired, it must be replaced.

Pump selection

Even if you find the cause of the breakdown, clean the filter or replace the wires, but the drain pump of the washing machine has been working for more than five years, it is recommended to replace it with a new one. The main tips for selecting a part will be discussed below.


  1. Do not buy cheap parts of unknown brands. It is better to purchase an original part from the manufacturer of your washing machine.
  2. Before buying, be sure to check the instructions for your device. There should be a detailed description of the necessary parameters for the pump.
  3. Some experts advise purchasing small pumps with a magnetic rotor, but, like any parts, they also have drawbacks. Such a pump may not synchronize on time, because of which its power will drop.

Be sure to carefully weigh the pros and cons, do not chase cheapness, because, as the saying goes, a stingy person pays twice.

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Disassembly and replacement

Depending on what model you have, the drain pump on the washing machine can be installed both with the removal of the walls of the device, and without dismantling. First, check if it is possible to remove the pump through the bottom of the device. This is the easiest repair option.

Dismantling through the bottom

In most popular brands of washing machines, everything is quite easy: repair occurs through the bottom of the appliance, since the bottom protection may be absent, or it may be removable.

Important! Thus, you can replace the drain pump for the LG, Samsung, Beko, Candy, Indesit, etc. washing machine.

Consider the main steps:

  1. Disconnect the appliance from electricity and water.
  2. To ensure the safety of the case, before starting work, lay a soft cloth under the appliance.
  3. Lay the device on its side so that the pump that is still attached is on top of the device.
  4. Remove the lower bar by removing its latches.
  5. If the device has a plastic pump guard, dismantle it as well.
  6. Next to the drain valve are the screws that secure the pump system. Unscrew them and gently pull the pump towards you as far as possible.
  7. Next, disconnect all wires from the pump.
  8. After - it will be necessary to drain the water. Therefore, first prepare a bucket or other container, and carefully unclip the clamps over the container.

Important! When replacing a pump with a snail, dismantle it too. If its appearance satisfies you, you can leave the snail, but clean it.

Before replacing the drain pump in a Samsung washing machine or device of a different brand, be sure to clean the snail, it should not be contaminated.

Next, the installation process is in the reverse order of dismantling. The pump is installed in a seat to the cochlea, pipes and wires are connected.

We remove the front part

For the brands Bosch, AEG, Siemens and some others, the principle of work on replacing the pump will be somewhat more complicated. The thing is that the bottom of these devices is closed, and the easiest way to get to the pump is through their front wall.


  1. Removing the front of the housing is easy. To do this, it is necessary to unscrew the self-tapping screws holding it, located on the back of the device. After that, the cover is easily removed with a push away from the hatch.
  2. Next, you need to dismantle the upper front cover with the control panel. To do this, remove the powder tray, unscrew the cap bolts and carefully disconnect it from the device body.

Important! Remember that the panel is wired to the device. They do not need to be detached. Just lift the panel and place it so that it does not interfere with you when replacing the pump.

  1. Below is a protective plastic panel, behind which a drain valve is hidden. The panel is also removed, and the valve is unscrewed above the container into which the remaining water is drained.
  2. Then they remove the cuff of the hatch from the front wall.
  3. After - the bolts that hold the pump and the fasteners fixing the wall are unscrewed.
  4. The wall is removed carefully: so as not to tear off the connections to the tank lock.

Important! Replacing the pump further does not differ from the option where dismantling is carried out through the bottom of the device. At the end of the repair, assemble all the parts, connect the device and make it a test run.

Dismantling the back wall

There are also devices with vertical loading or a fixed bottom and front wall. Replacing the pump in them is possible when removing the back of the device.

Replacing the drain pump of the washing machine itself is no different from the previous options. But here's how to get to it, we will consider further.


  1. Drain the remaining water in the device.
  2. Remove the upper part by unscrewing two bolts.
  3. We turn off all the fastenings of the rear wall of the device: from above, from the sides and from the back.
  4. Disconnect the water intake valve from the wall.
  5. Remove the wall.
  6. Disconnect all contacts from the pump.
  7. Change the pump.
  8. Next, we collect the device in its original state and conduct a test run.

Important! In this way, the pump is replaced in the vertical loading washing machine, as well as Zanussi models and some other brands.

Hansa brand washing machines deserve special attention. They are replaced in the same way as the pump for the LG washing machine, but with the difference that the front part of the device is not needed to be dismantled. The manufacturer has provided for the operation of a small wall on the basement side, removing which you will get access to the pump.

If the pump breaks down in the washing machine, it means that the device has stopped draining water, and most likely the error code will be lit on the panel. You can always have time to contact repair specialists, or you can try to fix the problem yourself, for this you just need to follow the instructions and recommendations.

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  1. Perform any work with the device with the power and water turned off.
  2. Take pictures of the entire process of work - so it will be easier for you to assemble the device in its original state
  3. Be sure to read the operating instructions for your model. In it, the manufacturer will most fully write about all the nuances.
  4. In order for the machine to serve for a long time without breakdowns, use only high-quality detergents designed for automatic machines.
  5. If you wash clothes with small details (buttons, sequins, etc.), use a protective mesh bag for washing.
  6. For hard water, use special softeners and filters.
  7. At the end of work and assembly, connect the device and check its performance by running the spin and drain mode.

Important! Spend periodic washing machine prevention, this will help extend the life of the device. And also do not forget protect equipment from power surges

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Subject to the rules of operation and timely preventive measures, the machine will easily serve you for more than 10 years without breakdowns. And how to solve the situation, if after this period the drain pump of the washing machine has failed, you now know.


