The washing machine buzzes while spinning

A washing machine is an indispensable assistant for any housewife, helping to save time on washing, because it takes several times less time to load laundry and start a machine than a hand wash. In addition, modern technology is quite noiseless when compared with the very first samples created in the 20th century. That is why, if the washing machine buzzes during the spin cycle, the housewives begin to worry about the state of their “assistant”. From this article we learn all the causes of this phenomenon and how to fix the problem.
to contents ↑Noise reasons
If you just bought a machine, but are already unhappy with the sound power, first of all look at the technical passport of the device, where the optimal sound power is registered. Sometimes it happens that the model itself is noisy.
But even under such conditions, the sound should not be unpleasant, interfering. If the noise starts to bother, then it is worth considering whether everything is in order with the machine. This does not mean that you need to call the wizard and spend money on diagnostics. First, you should try to figure out the cause of the unpleasant sounds yourself.
The main problems that may cause noise in the washing machine during spin cycle are not so many:
- Forgotten shipping bolts;
- The presence of foreign objects;
- Bearing wear;
- Weak drum pulley;
- Weak tank counterweights.
Identification of the cause and its elimination
When identifying the causes, it is worthwhile, first of all, to pay attention to the nature of the noise, since it can indicate where to look for the problem. You can also inspect the car visually, check for the presence of any elements.
If you wash underwear in a typewriter, it’s quite possible in this case, information about what to do if a bone from a bra hit the drum.
Important! For a more detailed study of possible sources of noise, disconnect the washing machine from electricity in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.
Let us consider in more detail the causes of noise in the washing machine and their elimination.
During installation, they forgot to remove the transport bolts securing the tank
A common mistake that occurs when the machine is installed by the "masters" and self-assembly.
Important! In the washer, the tank is suspended on special springs. This is done for greater depreciation during washing. During transportation, the tank is fixed using special transportation bolts so as not to damage the drum and its associated components.
During the subsequent installation of the machine, the bolts are forgotten, and some do not even suspect their existence. As a result, immediately after the start of use during the spin cycle, the washing machine buzzes and vibrates quite strongly. In addition, the life of your “assistant” is significantly reduced.
To fix the problem, you need to extend the machine and remove the transport bolts with a wrench.
Important! In case of strong jumps of the washing machine due to its device as such, and not to problems with internal elements, it is advisable to use anti-vibration mats.
Foreign objects between tank and drum
When washing clothes, there is always a chance that some small things, such as coins, will appear in your pockets, or a button will fly off while the machine is in use. The noise will be quite appropriate: a metal beating on the drum.
And it’s good if the object, which is the primary source of noise, is in the drum. Get it out of there is not difficult.The situation will be more complicated if the thing is between the tank and the drum. We'll have to remove the heater, and only then get the interfering object. In case you need to remove the drum, our special review will help you cope with the task. "How to remove the drum on the washing machine?"
Important! To avoid this situation, you should check your clothes before washing and remove all small things from your pockets that could interfere with the operation of the washing machine and your peace of mind.
Bearing failure
If the washing machine is particularly noisy during the spin cycle, there is a chance that the cause is the deterioration of the bearings. Thanks to them, the drum rotates. Their failure can lead to jamming of the latter and many other problems. There are only two solutions to this problem:
How to find out about the problem:
- To check the condition of the bearings, in the off state, press on the edge of the drum and turn it first clockwise, and then counterclockwise. If, at the same time, slips and rolling of the balls of bearings are felt, rumble is heard, then the problem is in the bearings.
- This can also be confirmed by visual inspection of the machine: when you remove the back cover, you can see rusty smudges coming from the bearings.
- You can also check the flura: in the off state, open the door of the machine, grab the drum by the upper and lower edges and swing it in different directions. If the fluor is about a centimeter, then you need to urgently call the master or independently change the bearings.
Important! It is not recommended to try to change bearings yourself if you have never worked with machinery before.
Most often, the wear of the bearings occurs due to the fact that the stuffing box ceases to fulfill its functions: it begins to pass water, which leads to a violation of sealing and a gradual failure of the bearings. In this case, you also need to change the seal.
Loose drum pulley
After a long period of use of the washing machine during the spin, you can hear sharp clicks. They usually occur due to loosening of a bolt or nut (depending on the model) of the pulley mounting.
Important! For additional diagnostics, you can start the machine in test mode: clicks will be heard at both low and high speeds.
The problem is not terrible and can be easily fixed:
- It is necessary to remove the back wall of the washer.
- Using a suitable wrench, tighten the pulley securing nut (bolt).
- To avoid this situation, you can completely unscrew the nut, apply sealant and return it to its place.
Important! If the drum does not rotate while the washing machine is operating, pay attention to whether the belt is in place. If it flies or breaks, you need to pick up a new part and install it. We have prepared a separate review on this subject."Belt of the washing machine".
Tank counterweights are not properly secured
For the stability of the tank, counterweights are attached to it, which absorb centrifugal force. Counterweights are attached using conventional screws. The weakening of the latter occurs during prolonged use, as a result of which the balances begin to beat on the tank, and we hear noise in the washing machine during the spin cycle.
This problem can be identified during a visual examination. For this:
- At the switched off machine it is necessary to remove a back wall.
- Inspect all balances, illuminating with a lantern if necessary.
- Loose balances must be tightened.
- After that, the interfering sounds should stop.
to contents ↑Important! Take care of the washing machine so that it does not have to be repaired. Quite often, breakdowns are caused by the formation of scale on the internal elements of the device, you can cope with it using Calgona.
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We hope you were able to figure out the causes of the noise during the spin cycle and eliminate it. Easy and calm washing for everyone!
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