LG Direct Drive Washer

LG direct drive washer is one of the best appliances of our time. But not everyone understands what its differences are from devices with belt technology, and whether all this is important. Perhaps this is just a marketing ploy? In this article we will deal with this issue and find out which drive is better - direct or belt drive in the washing machine.

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LG washing machine direct drive

The drive is the main structural element of any washing machine. The classic version of the work is carried out using a belt. That is, at the bottom of the washing unit is an engine that drives the drum of the device through the pulley using a belt.

Important! A similar belt drive is used in automobiles.

In the 90s of the last century, LG launched the first direct drive washing machine. The technology has been called “Direct Drive”. An excellent PR company emerged from this event, which further established the brand in the global home appliance market.

Follow the link to learn about features of LG washing machines.

Such a device is a technology that eliminates the use for driving a drum in belt movement. The design of the engine allows you to transmit forces to the rotor through an air gap. The motor is connected directly to the drum, thereby eliminating the presence of intermediate links and the likelihood of wear of moving elements.

Important! An electric motor with a direct drum system is considered the most reliable. In support of this, LG has given the engine a guarantee for its washing machines with such technology for a period of 10 years.

On our portal of useful tips in a separate review you will find detailed information about washing machine LG Direct Drive 6 kg.

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LG washing machine with direct drive. Benefits

In fact, such a technology has many advantages. Consider the main ones:

  • Low noise during operation. Compared to the classic version, the new technology is much quieter. This is due to the absence of a belt and a pulley, which make additional sounds during washing.
  • The best balance. The LV washer with direct drive is more balanced and causes less vibration during operation. This is possible due to the fact that the motor is located in the center of the unit and is connected directly to the drum.

Important! With such a washer, for its silent operation, you do not need a rubber anti-vibration rug.

  • Long term of work. Such a motor does not require additional maintenance, and due to the absence of rubbing parts, the unit is able to last longer than classic models.
  • Improving the quality of washing. An induction motor rotates the drum faster and performs movements more clearly. Due to this, the washing quality is increased.
  • Energy saving. Electric energy consumption by a direct-drive LV washing machine is more economical. The difference is insignificant, but nevertheless, it is due to the absence of rubbing elements.

Important! Also, the inverter determines the weight of the laundry, so the machine controls the speed of rotation of the drum, engine power and the amount of water used. Thus, the amount of water during washing is consumed more thoughtfully and economically.

Important! Want to know what the various letters and numbers mean in the model names of washing machines? We have prepared a separate review “Decoding LG washing machines”.

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Disadvantages of Direct Drive Technology

No matter how perfect the new technologies are, LG direct drive washing machines have their drawbacks:

  • Unit cost. The price of washing machines with this technology is much higher than devices with belt equipment. This is due to the presence of a complex electronic module device, which is necessary for the operation of the engine.
  • The cost of repair. Most of all in such units for washing clothes, electronics is susceptible to breakdowns. And if it fails due to power surges, then repairs can cost a lot of money.

Important! It is advisable to use a direct drive DRI washing machine with a voltage stabilizer or surge protector for household appliances. So you can protect the device from power surges.

  • The possibility of water entering the engine. Since the motor is close enough to the drum, in the event of an oil seal leak, water may enter it, which will lead to its complete burnout. Such a breakdown is not included in the list of warranty cases and the engine cannot be repaired.

Important! To avoid such situations, it is necessary to make a regular replacement of an epiploon.

  • Bearing wear. The load on bearings in washing machines of a new type is increasing, as they are located very close to each other, and the pulley is completely absent. Therefore, they wear out faster and must be replaced periodically, which, incidentally, is not cheap.

Important! If, during washing, the appliance starts to make a creak that intensifies with each cycle, then it can be said with high probability that the problem is with the bearings. In this case, it is necessary to immediately replace the damaged part and stuffing box.

  • Some users notice that the unit is too noisy to draw and drain water during washing.

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Direct-drive, top-loading washing machines

Today, Direct Drive technology in LG washing machines is also successfully used by other manufacturers of washing appliances. It is worth noting that this design is suitable not only for units with front loading.

There are also direct-drive top-loading washing machines on the home appliance market. They have all the advantages and disadvantages of frontal washers with this technology of drum rotation.

Important! Among the variety of models, the world-famous brand LG produces washing machines with steam. Why is this feature needed in the car? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this feature? We examined all these issues in LG washing machine review with steam.

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Which washing machine is better - with direct drive or with a belt?

Direct drive washing machines have both advantages and disadvantages. And it’s impossible to say clearly which unit is better, because the belt device appeared a long time ago, therefore it has been tested for years. As the new technology will show itself after as many years of operation, no one can say.

Important! The unit for washing clothes with a belt device can serve without breakage up to 15 years.

However, using the feedback from real consumers, the following can be noted:

  • The duration of operation of the machine does not depend on the system of operation of the engine with the drum, but on the quality of the equipment as a whole. If the device is of poor quality, then technology without a belt will not make it better.
  • Units of a new type are quieter in work. However, if you choose a good model with a belt, then the noise level will be almost the same. Yes, and a closed door in the bathroom where washing is carried out, decides a lot.
  • Repairing a washing machine with a belt in case of serious breakdowns will be much cheaper and easier than new technologies.

Important! Everyone who is going to buy new equipment has a dilemma - which manufacturer to choose a washing machine for? We compared the technology of the most famous competitors in a separate article “Which washing machine is better - Samsung or LG?”

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In the end, which washing machine is better - with direct drive or with a belt for use specifically in your case, it is up to you. Yes, and you should choose a technique not by the presence in it of technology of continuous activation of the Direct Drive drum, but by functionality and quality-price ratio. With a balance of these qualities, the device for washing clothes will last you a long time and does not require complicated maintenance and additional repair costs.

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