The washing machine draws water and drains immediately - the reason

Everyone equips his house in such a way that everything in it was convenient, practical, functional. And the big role is played by technical equipment. The most popular and really useful version of household appliances is a washing machine, which should work as much as its owner needs. And if the washing machine draws water and immediately drains, there may be more than one reason. Why this happens and what to do if suddenly the washer began to expend a large amount of water and at the same time spend a lot more electricity due to the increased duration of any program, you will learn from this article.
to contents ↑Is it necessary to look for a reason?
With any incorrect operation of household appliances, one must look for the causes of malfunctions. Even if at first glance they seem to be minor defects and in general the equipment still works.
So, when it comes to the fact that the washing machine draws and immediately drains the water, it is necessary to look for a breakdown for the following reasons:
- Increased consumption of water and electricity, which is quite natural and understandable even if such a breakdown occurs.
- Due to the longer duration of the washing machine, its internal “filling” is subjected to increased loads. As a result, premature wear and failure of the fundamentally important operating units of the unit.
- The risk of an emergency if the state of the workpiece reaches a critical point. As a result, you will not only constantly overpay for utility bills, but you will also need unplanned repairs - your apartment and neighbors' housing.
to contents ↑Important! Do not let the situation drift. If you are unable to independently understand the reasons why the washing machine draws water and immediately drains, call a qualified technician.
Looking for symptoms
Based on the main symptom, the causes can only be in the following 3 factors:
- broken connection rules when installing the washing machine;
- out of order pressure switch;
- idle inlet valve.
Now we will deal with each situation separately and in more detail.
Incorrect installation and connection
There are a number of technical requirements that must be observed during the installation process. Sometimes - out of ignorance or due to an element of oversight, forgetfulness, not only domestic amateur craftsmen, but also qualified specialists do not withstand the requirements. But even petty work can provoke further serious problems in the operation of the equipment.
In this case, if the washing machine draws water and immediately drains, the cause may be covered in an incorrectly connected drain.
Step one
Check the compliance of the height of the drain pipes.
Important! To prevent the outflow of water during the operation of the equipment, the location of the drainage hose should be at a certain height. The main requirements are the following:
- hose attachment above tank level;
- minimum height - 50-60 cm from the floor surface.
Follow the link to learn how to organize drain for a washing machine into the sewer.
Second step
If it was not possible to get to the hose or it is difficult to visually determine its correct position, we conduct a practical test. For this:
- We start the standard washing cycle, but without laundry.
- We are waiting for the moment when the mode of water intake into the tank ends.
- Press the “Pause” button.
- We observe what is happening in the tank and listen to the functioning of the pipes:
- even if it is visually easy to determine that there is a water leak from the tank, there is clearly a problem with a wrong connection;
- the clearly defined noise from the outflow of water through pipes will point to the same problem.
to contents ↑Important! And in one, and in the second case, it is necessary to reconnect the drain hose with raising its height, adhering to standard parameters.
And in another article, learn all abouthoses for connecting the washing machine.
Faulty pressure switch
The main functional purpose of the part with the name of the pressure switch is the regulation of the water level in the washing machine. Thus, if the washing machine draws water and immediately drains, the reason may be that the pressure switch is working incorrectly or is completely faulty.
Important! A malfunction of the pressure switch is usually visible after disassembly visually - it has oxidized contacts.
Causes of failure of the pressure switch:
- Pressure pipe clogged.
- Cracking of the same part of the washing machine.
Find the pressure switch and fix the problem
This important detail, due to which the washing machine can collect water and immediately drain it, is located near the back wall of the unit of any model. To verify this and try to deal with the problem yourself, you can first find information on the location of the designated sensor in the manufacturer's instructions.
How to act:
- We remove the back cover by carefully unscrewing all the fasteners.
- If there is oxidation of the contacts - we clean them.
- If a clogged pressure pipe is detected, remove all dirt.
- If there are cracks, they can be repaired with an epoxy-based sealant or by cold welding.
Important! If the defects are very complex, the sensor cannot be repaired; it is better to immediately replace it with a new one.
to contents ↑Important! Extend the life of any equipment can be adhering to the basic rules of operation, care. Read all aboutwashing machine prevention.
Inlet valve
This part is responsible for the fact that the water level in the tank was appropriate, that is, so that there was no excess liquid.
Important! The valve can be broken as completely as it can fail, and only its membrane:
- in the first case, when testing the washing machine, a clear continuous murmur will be heard;
- in the second - water will not flow very much.
This spare part cannot be repaired; only a complete replacement is required.
to contents ↑Important! The valve is located at the bottom of the washing machine. To get to it, you need to remove the side panel.
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In this article, we examined all the reasons why the washing machine draws water and drains it immediately. Almost each of the breakdowns requires qualified repair, therefore, in the absence of practical experience and understanding of the device of household appliances, do not try to fix the defects yourself.
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