Washer dryer

Nowadays, every self-respecting family has its own favorite washer. Now they can do a lot - from ordinary rinsing to high-quality squeezing. After washing, it remains only to dry and iron the clothes. Such a technique has not yet learned how to iron clothes, but it can already dry clothes. In the proposed article, we will find out what kind of a miracle of technology this is — a washing machine with dryer, and we will also review some models.

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Principle of operation

So, such a washing and drying machine differs from most types that do not have the last function, includes an additional tubular electric heater (TEN), which helps to warm the air, thereby carefully cleaning the fabric. As a rule, it is located below, between the tank and the drum itself.

The principle of washing does not differ in any way from the rest of the processes of its counterparts, only electric drying introduces novelty at the end of the procedure. The drying principle is as follows:

  • Hot air produced by the heating element penetrates through the tissue, thereby gently evaporating all the water on the fabric fibers.
  • The drum of the washer-dryer at this time randomly and slowly rotates so that things fall in different ways. This helps to completely dry the clothes laid in it.

Important! As an alternative to saving money, you can also consider buying a washing machine that has a mode Easy Ironing. And if you do not intend to save and want to provide yourself with an extremely comfortable life, it may make sense to take a full clothes dryer.

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Functional washing machines with dryer

The proposed type of SM has many different modes - both in ordinary washing with an extraction, and in drying directly. In this section, we will understand all the useful functions of the procedure.

Two main drying functions

Now the mode of drying the fabric is a pleasant addition to the washing itself, the importance of which is still key. As mentioned, the modes of washing themselves on all types of similar equipment are similar, so do not dwell on them. So it’s better to analyze the main drying functions:

  1. This mode has a timer during which things are drying. The user chooses the time by which the last procedure will occur. But here he needs to be careful. Thus, the clothes may not dry out and remain wet, or, even worse, dry too much and completely deteriorate. Now this issue is being resolved and “smart” washing machines with drying appear on the market, which determine the humidity of clothes and decide when they will dry. Such a function already has a Fuzzy Logic system.
  2. The presence of several levels of drying. Here, the manufacturer himself chose the time and temperature. We recommend that you purchase equipment of such models. Here are examples of the names and actions of such modes:
    • “In the closet” - it dries things well, but does not care about the folds of fabric, which is an undoubted drawback.
    • In the “Under the Iron” mode, things remain a little damp; an ironing device will help to dry them to the end.
    • “Super-Drying” or “Very Dry” - most often overdries clothes.
    • The “Hanger” mode handles things more carefully, without spoiling them.

Important! Remember that any equipment must be protected from power surges, especially if such phenomena are deliberately observed in your area. The solution is quite simple - check out our overview of network filters and choose the one that suits you.

Power consumption

A washing machine with dryer and its “cousins” have one big common drawback. It lies in the fact that the device often can not dry even half of the things washed by it. For example, if the hostess started a general washing of things and put 8 kg of dirty laundry in the drum, then the weight of the dried one will be from 1 to 4 kg of all clothes. In the end - things have to be hung on a rope, as in the good old days. Conclusion - we essentially pay for the work of drying, which does not fulfill its purpose. Such cars are extremely economical.

Important! Manufacturers of narrow washing machines with dryers are trying to make their appliances more economical, but they have little work, because such a procedure is not easy. Nevertheless, some manufacturers managed to make drying better, in order to justify their price a little. For example, when immersed in the seven-kilogram drum of some models, approximately 5 kg of washed clothing can dry.

All washing machines differ in three classes of energy consumption, the names of these classes:

  • BUT;
  • B;
  • C;
  • D.

Important! The lowest level of electricity consumption is in the A-class. It also includes a machine with drying clothes. The rest of the cars consume much more electricity.


Many believe that such a technique is unreliable and it is easy to spoil it in a couple of months of operation. Maybe this is logical, because this machine is much more complicated than its "brothers". It is also worth noting that the machine has much more operating rules, from which numerous breakdowns result from non-compliance.

But no: for machines with and without drying, the warranty period is the same and there is no doubt about the reliability of the new equipment purchased.

Important! If there are any doubts, you can ask your questions to the repairman for washing equipment, his answer should satisfy the further user. He will easily explain to him about possible breakdowns and tell in detail about the operating rules, so as not to make mistakes in the future.

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Is a car worth the money?

Many cannot decide in any way, arguing whether the washer-dryer is worth the money, whether it justifies its quality. Or maybe still buy a classic washing machine and dry clothes the old fashioned way?

Attention! If you have enough money, we recommend that you purchase a separate device for drying washed clothes. So you save a little energy and the drying quality will be higher than that of a universal SM.

So, what features can be distinguished regarding this technique:

  • It is much more difficult to find a high-quality washing machine with a drying function. Yes, and it costs no less than a traditional machine.
  • But the device does not take up much space, if we compare the area.
  • Also, we can say that the universal washing machine saves more time, reducing the time of evaporation of water from the fibers of the erased material.

Important! Recall that it is necessary to take into account the manufacturer of the equipment. In no case do not recommend buying the device from dubious and little-known brands. And high-quality, proven models are already in demand and earn positive customer reviews. In addition, such manufacturers have a lot of advantages, for example:

  • their warranty period is usually longer than that of little-known brands;
  • equipment is distinguished by its proprietary functions.

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Review of the best models

We will conduct a short review of washing and drying machines from well-established brands.

Model LG F1255RDS7

In general, for many years, LG technology has proven itself:

  • Compared to the rest, this device consumes less electricity and the noise from its use is minimal.
  • Such SM is able to remove very complex contaminants in a minimum time.
  • The drum is able to carry out six different movements, which help the linen to clean well of dirt.
  • The maximum weight for drying is 9 kg, washing - 14.
  • Guaranteed service life - 1 year.

Important! Suitable for occasional washes.

Universal car LG F12U1HDM1N

Such a machine costs almost half the price of the first one, which means it will have less useful functions:

  • Such an apparatus also perfectly cleanses tissues of various types from dirt.
  • The model also has a low noise level.
  • The maximum drying weight is 4 kg, the procedures without drying are 7 kg.
  • Warranty - 1 year.

Important! Find out about other models of washing machines of this and another popular brand from other articles:

Electrolux EWW51476WD

Such a washing machine with dryer takes up half as much space as a multifunctional one, and has the following characteristics:

  • Includes a steaming mode.
  • After using it, the fabric becomes almost completely smooth.
  • The main positive feature is the saving of electricity and water. We spend almost as much money as for an ordinary washing machine.
  • The maximum load is the same as the previous model 7 (4).
  • Warranty period is 1 year.

Important! Perhaps, in the process of choosing new household appliances, you will also be interested in the ratings:

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This article helped the reader understand what a narrow washing machine with dryer is and recommended some models that are in demand. However, only a future user can make an independent choice from a variety of models.

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