Washing machine Zanussi

A washing machine is equipment that is very popular among all housewives. In fact, every representative of the fair sex has these devices. Our modern market offers a huge selection of different models and manufacturers. One of the best is the Zanussi brand. Today we will talk about what a Zanussi washing machine can be, what are the rules for handling it.
to contents ↑Zanussi washing machine programs
The Zanussi brand produces a large number of different models of washing machines. One of the most popular is discussed in detail in a separate article. “Zanussi Aquacycle washing machine”. However, there are modes that are universal and are present in each model. Let's take a closer look at each of them.
Important! All programs are divided into groups that depend on the fabric that you will wash.
In the Zanussi washing machine, you can wash cotton in various modes and at different temperatures. When choosing this function, the linen will go through three modes:
- main program;
- rinsing;
- maximum spin.
Important! The load in all models, calculated for clothing made of natural material, is not more than five kilograms.
Cotton processing modes:
- washing at 90-75 degrees of water;
- the main cycle operates at 60 degrees;
- washing clothes at 40 degrees;
- the water in the drum does not exceed 30 degrees.
Important! The main cycles in which the water temperature does not exceed 40 degrees are designed for washing white and color slightly soiled laundry.
In order to clean contaminated tissues, which consist of non-natural fibers, it is worth choosing the option “synthetics”.
Important! The maximum load in the drum is 2.5 kilograms. The spin for things made of synthetics is 800 rpm.
Modes for synthetics:
- main wash;
- sport;
- mix
Important! When choosing a mode for sports things, it is recommended to choose the “easy ironing” function. In this case, you will not need to subsequently expose clothing to temperature conditions.
Delicate products
In the Zanussi washing machine, the instruction for which is in every unit, there is a program designed for delicate things. It allows you to wash clothes from delicate fabrics. In this mode, all linen goes through the main mode, rinsing and spinning, which is 500 rpm.
Important! There is a separate mode for cleaning shirts from contamination. The water temperature in this mode is 40 degrees. For other things from thin fabrics - 30 degrees.
Woolen goods
There are things that are made of wool fibers and can be washed in a Zanussi washing machine. The water temperature in this mode does not exceed 40 degrees. Spin works at a speed of 800 revolutions in 60 seconds.
This option is present in all Zanussi washing machines and is intended for clothes that are made of delicate fabrics. The tag is always marked with a hand wash symbol.
Important! The spin is 800 revolutions of the drum. The maximum load is 2.5 kg.
Quick wash
The Zanussi washing machine, the instruction for which is available when buying any model, contains a quick program designed for washing various things that are not heavily soiled.
Important! With this function, the drum can be loaded halfway, that is, 2.5 kg.Spin works at 800 rpm. The full cycle of the entire program takes 30-35 minutes.
Daily wash
Every housewife, especially if she has children, needs to be washed daily. This is precisely why this program was founded. It is intended for clothes made of cotton. The water temperature is 40 degrees. Spin is carried out at maximum speed.
Important! You can load a drum no more than ¾. The weight of dirty laundry should not exceed 3.5 kg.
Additional programs:
- rinsing;
- spin;
- wash in cold water.
to contents ↑Important! You can select any program in the Zanussi washing machine and press the cold water button, then washing will occur without heating.
Laundry Tips
In order for the Zanussi washing machine to serve you as long as possible, it requires constant care and adhere to the main rules of washing.
Important! No matter which model you prefer, you should know very clearlyall rules for installing a washing machine.
Tips for loading laundry into the drum:
- All contaminated laundry must be divided into several “piles” that vary in color and type of fabric. Pay attention to the tags that are present on clothing.
- It is strictly forbidden to wash white and colored items together.
- It is not recommended to wash bright colored clothes during the first wash with other things. This is due to the fact that it can shed.
- All products that you put in the washing machine must be zipped or buttons, if any.
- If there are persistent stains on the fabric, they must first be removed or a stain remover used.
- Do not wash bras and unfinished garments in the Zanussi washing machine.
- Use suitable detergents - liquid, air conditioners.
Hardness of water
All components of the Zanussi washing machine are exposed to the harmful effects of hard water. This effect contributes to the premature failure of important technical components. That is why you need to know whether you have it rigid or not.
When the prevalence of poor performance is recommended to use special tools that soften the liquid. In this case, the service life increases several times.
Important! If the water in your taps meets the norm, then there is no need to use products that soften it.
Washing machine care
Often in the operating instructions for the Zanussi washing machine there is a graph for the care of the unit. However, it happens that it is written in a foreign language. That is why we will tell you in detail how to care for your device so that Zanussi lasts as long as possible.
Zanussi Care Tips:
- During washing use water softeners.
- At the end of the operation of the device, it is necessary to open the window so that the water that remains on the walls of the drum is eroded, and not left inside.
- Periodically carry out a single wash at maximum temperature.
- Make sure that the drum does not have rust spots. When they appear, cleaning should be carried out with special tools.
- After every two to three washes, watch and clean the filter of the device. Small parts, sand and dirt can accumulate in it.
- Wipe the detergent container dry and keep it clean. On the walls should not be leftover household appliances.
to contents ↑Important! If you are planning to purchase equipment of this particular brand, read in advance and with the most common problems, which are described in detail in the article “Zanussi washing machine - faults”.
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We told you everything about the Zanussi washing machine and the main points of its instruction manual, and gave advice on caring for it. Let your “assistant” serve you as long as possible!
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