Dryer for fruits and vegetables

Since ancient times, people have been preparing vegetables and fruits for the winter, so that they can access them even in the dried and canned form in the cold season. There are a lot of technologies, and they differ not only in labor intensity, but also in the amount of time spent on harvesting. Despite the fact that today almost any vegetable and fruit can be purchased at the supermarket at any time of the year, the relevance of stocks has not decreased at all. This is understandable - no one wants to overpay, and in winter, “summer” products have the wrong taste. Manufacturers of popular home appliances for home are familiar with all these nuances, so they are in a hurry to offer consumers their new developments, which are very useful. One of the options is a dryer for vegetables and fruits, which will be discussed in this article.

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Why buy an electric dryer?

Nowadays, when more and more people strive to lead a healthy lifestyle, eating properly, playing sports, a dryer for vegetables and fruits is rapidly gaining popularity. The reasons are on the surface:

  • Drying is considered the most useful option for harvesting mushrooms, berries, fruits, vegetables, since in the process of moisture evaporation all the vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for our body are stored.
  • Compared to other drying methods - putting vegetables and fruits in the sun or cooking in the oven, using a dryer is more effective. The device allows you to dry a large number of crops in a short time. At the same time, it does not require your participation.
  • Drying for vegetables and fruits “accepts” even meat, fish, crackers. If desired, you can prepare dry food for your pet.
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What do we call a fruit dryer?

The fruit dryer is a structure such as:

  • Electric appliance with several pallets. Their number usually varies from 3 to 6.
  • Models also differ in power. The normal rate is 500-600 watts.
  • The case is made of metal or impact-resistant plastic.
  • Due to the transparency of the material of the compartments, it is possible to observe the entire process. Although there are trays of white color.
  • Air circulation is provided by the fan, and the degree of heating is controlled by a temperature regulator.

Important! The capacity of standard dryers is from 6 to 12 liters.

Important! Do-it-yourself lovers by clicking on the link can find out a lot of useful information on how to make a mushroom dryer yourself.

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How does the device work?

The dryer for vegetables is designed to rid them of excess moisture. The device is equipped with:

  • Lid;
  • Pallets;
  • Electric motor.

The latter is located at the bottom of the device, pallets - between the electric motor and the cover.

The electric dryer works without any noise, taking up very little space in the kitchen. During drying, fruits or berries are very pleasing to the owners with a pleasant aroma, filling the house with cosiness.

There are different drying modes for up to 20 hours or more.

Important! Adjust the air flow and temperature, depending on the size of the pieces of the product, their juiciness:

  • If the airflow is too rapid, moisture from the vegetables will not go away.
  • And if the temperature is too high, the fruits may burn out.

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Electric Dryer Options

All fruit dryers, depending on the drying method, are divided into two categories:

  • Convective;
  • Infrared

The former are more common, since they are much cheaper than infrared. This is understandable: some of the vitamins are lost when drying with hot air. At the same time, the products slightly change the taste, color, shape.

When using infrared drying at the end of the process, you get vegetables, fruits while preserving all the nutrients and appearance. The taste remains unchanged. This is due to the gentle effect on the products of infrared rays.

Important! After such drying, they can be stored for about two years.

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Important parameters when choosing a dryer

If you are determined to purchase a dryer for fruits and vegetables, but don’t know what to look for when buying, check out the following list of important features.

Number of pallets

Think about the optimal capacity for you. If you have your own garden and vegetable garden, and you are used to stocking up vitamins for the future - pay attention to options with a large number of pallets.


An extremely important indicator, because the quality and speed of the process depends on it. Power is related to the size of the appliance and the estimated number of products that it can accommodate.

For dryers designed for home use, the indicator varies from 250 to 1000 watts. Choose an average value.

Drying case

It can be plastic and metal. We advise you to stop at the first: such vegetable dryers are easier and easier to operate - they are convenient to wash and move. In addition, the drying process in such devices occurs evenly, which can not be said about metal options.

Important! And if the plastic is also transparent, you will have the opportunity to monitor all stages of drying and make adjustments as you go.

Heater locations

It is desirable that the heating element is at the top of the appliance. Then moisture and fats will not get into it. This will significantly increase the life of the fruit dryer.

Type of control

Dryers come in two types: mechanical and automatic. The second option is more convenient, but of course you decide.


Make sure that your device has an option that is responsible for safety. It's about the function of automatic shutdown when overheating or power surges.

Important! Additional amenities will provide a timer, temperature controller and cold air mode.

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Some more recommendations:

  1. Give preference to models with high trays - they are able to accommodate larger pieces. This is important, for example, when drying mushrooms, which by the end of the process are reduced significantly.
  2. Pay attention to the presence of a dryer for vegetables certificate and warranty card.
  3. When buying, ask the seller how to properly disassemble and assemble the device.
  4. Before purchasing, carefully inspect the dryer for chips and damage. If the case is made of plastic, there should be no odor.
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How to use vegetable dryers? Helpful hints:

  • Dryer pallets have holes. To prevent food pieces from falling through them, we recommend that you lay paper or cloth trays before drying. It is best if the manufacturer initially provided for thick weaving or additional nets.
  • Before drying, set the temperature as high as possible, and at the end of the program, set the timer to low.
  • During drying, swap trays for best results.
  • Different products: fish, vegetables, mushrooms, meat - dry separately from each other.
  • After each drying, the containers must be thoroughly cleaned.
  • If the device does not automatically turn off when overheating, disconnect it from the power from time to time to avoid breakdowns. Also use network filter, which will help the device with power surges.

Important! Remember - more nutrients are stored in vegetables and fruits, which are dried less in time. But such preparations are stored much worse.

Important! In the vegetable dryer, as mentioned above, mushrooms can also be dried. This is not the only way to harvest them. Find out more on our helpful tips portal in a separate review. "How to dry champignons at home?"

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Most popular dryers: model overview

Consider the options for dryers for vegetables and fruits from different manufacturers, which occupy the first lines of ratings and are already loved by customers.

Important! When choosing a dryer, your needs should come to the fore. Think about the preferred capacity of the device and a set of functions that you can not do without.


Country of Origin: China.

An electric device in which you can not only dry fruits and vegetables, but also make homemade marshmallows:

  • It has 5 removable containers and 3 temperature settings.
  • Power is 525 watts.
  • There is an auto power off function when overheating.
  • It is controlled mechanically.
  • Case material: glass and plastic.

Important! The set has a stand necessary when drying appliances with a high moisture content. During drying, you can adjust the temperature.

Warranty - 1 year.

Supra DFS-211

Country of Origin: China.

What will she please:

  • All-plastic vegetable dryer with auto-off function.
  • In stock - 5 containers.
  • On manual control.
  • Power - 250 watts.
  • During the drying process, you can change the temperature.
  • In addition to fruits and vegetables, it allows you to dry berries, mushrooms, meat, fish, nuts, herbs, bread.
  • Warranty - 1 year.

Important! The best budget option for a small amount of procurement and periodic use.

Ezidri Ultra FD1000

Country of Origin: New Zealand.

This device can safely lead the rating of the best dryers for fruits and vegetables:

  • The model has a good capacity - it is possible to load up to 15 kg of products.
  • It has a high power of 1000 watts and consumes more electricity.
  • It is equipped with overheating protection functions, a light indicator and a program for preparing pastille.
  • There is an option to adjust the temperature.
  • Type of control - mechanical.
  • There are 5 containers in the package (you can increase up to 30 pieces), a recipe book, 2 pallets: mesh for vegetables and solid for pastille.
  • Case and pallets material: plastic.
  • Warranty - 2 years.

Maxwell MW-3852

Country of Origin: China.

Convective fruit dryer with a maximum load of 10 kg. Other features:

  • Power - 250 watts.
  • On the mechanical control.
  • Allows you to change the temperature.
  • It has 5 plastic trays with a transparent bottom and a light indicator.
  • Warranty - 1 year.

Important! To evenly dry foods in this appliance, you must swap trays during operation. The reason is the natural circulation of air.

Zelmer 36Z011

Country of origin: Poland.

Distinctive features:

  • Plastic electrical appliance with a power of 300 W and a capacity of up to 11.5 liters.
  • This fruit dryer compares favorably with the electronic type of control.
  • There is a temperature adjustment function.
  • It has 4 containers and 2 modes of operation.
  • Warranty - 1 year.

Scarlett SC-421

Country of Origin: China.

Another budget, but quite acceptable model:

  • Manual convection drying, the power of which is only 250 watts. The maximum load is 2.5 kg.
  • It has 5 transparent plastic containers and a built-in fan.
  • Warranty - 1 year.

Rotor SSH-002

Country of origin: Russia.

This dryer will please with such characteristics:

  • Convective mechanical drying for fruits and vegetables with five opaque plastic trays.
  • It has a round shape.
  • Power - 520 watts.
  • Allows to load up to 5 kg.
  • It has a classic number of trays - 5 pieces.
  • Warranty - 1 year.

Suchoway - M 8

Country of origin: Russia.

What is the difference:

  • Domestic round dehydrator in a metal case with a capacity of 450 watts.
  • In the presence of 8 tiers of plastic and light indication.
  • Automatically shuts off when overheating.
  • Suitable for drying fruits, mushrooms, berries, vegetables and herbs.
  • Warranty - 1 year.


Country of origin: Russia.

This model has the following features:

  • Transparent temperature-controlled vegetable dryer with high-performance fan.
  • Power - 500 watts.
  • Equipped with emergency shutdown function.
  • It has 5 sections.
  • Warranty - 1 year.
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Stock footage

Of course, this is far from all the dryers for vegetables and fruits in the rating of the best. However, they are enough to have a clear understanding of such useful and necessary devices for every modern family.

Eat vitamins all year round and be healthy!

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