Turbo brush for vacuum cleaner

Due to the presence of a large number of convenient and practical household appliances, cleaning has turned from a routine process into an exciting activity. Today, for this there are steam cleaners, and vacuum cleaners, and window cleaning appliances. A turbo brush for a vacuum cleaner will help to quickly clean up the house for any housewife. Why is this miracle nozzle needed and is it needed at all? You can find out about this in this article.

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What is a turbo brush for a vacuum cleaner?

This nozzle is included in the package of many modern vacuum cleaners. It is able to perfectly clean both horizontal surfaces (palace, or floor), and vertical (curtains, walls, furniture).

Externally, the brush has the form of a roller with a rigid bristle located in a spiral. An electric motor or an aerodynamic turbine drives the roller, so that the most complex contaminants are removed from the surface.

The brush speed does not need to be adjusted. The device can cope with this task on its own, based on which surface should be cleaned:

  • If the surface is hard (laminate, parquet, linoleum, tile), then cleaning the roller will be slower.
  • A soft brush like a carpet or any other carpet will clean faster.
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Why do I need a turbo brush in a vacuum cleaner?

If you have recently made repairs or animals live in your apartment, whose wool is constantly on the carpet and furniture, then you just need a vacuum cleaner with a turbo brush:

  • With it, you can clean even the most difficult surfaces of your home. Such a nozzle will help to remove small hairs, wool, threads and other debris from furniture, carpet and other items that a conventional vacuum cleaner nozzle cannot handle.
  • The brush can also be purchased separately from the vacuum cleaner, if it was not in the kit. There are universal models that are suitable for any type of dust suction device.

Important! Follow the link to learn more aboutwool vacuum cleaner.

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Types of turbo brushes

Turbo brush for a vacuum cleaner is of two types according to the type of drive. It can be either mechanical or electrical. The configuration of the model as a whole depends on the manufacturer.

Mechanical model

The power of operation of such a turbo brush directly depends on the capabilities of your dust suction device, since it works due to the flow of air that blows a vacuum cleaner into it.

To clean with such a brush, it is necessary to install the nozzle on the pipe of the vacuum cleaner and work just like any other nozzle on this device. In this case, the roller will rotate at a speed that the device allows.

Important! For better cleaning, it is better to purchase a modern model of a vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter.

Electric model

In this case, an electric drive is integrated in the turbo brush. Thus, the product works autonomously due to its own energy. In this case, the brush must be connected to the mains regardless of the vacuum cleaner.

The rotation speed of such a model will depend only on the individual technical characteristics of the brush.

Important! Sometimes such turbo brushes can be connected to a vacuum cleaner, but only on condition that the device has a small power.

A significant drawback of this model is its cost.It almost reaches the price of a new vacuum cleaner.

Important! Still can not decide on the best model of a vacuum cleaner? Perhaps our special reviews will help you, in which we examined various types of dust collectors:

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Rules for the operation of a turbo brush for a vacuum cleaner

In order for the roller to clean the surfaces well of debris, it is necessary not only to know what a turbo brush is in a vacuum cleaner and how it works, but also to be able to properly care for it. For this:

  • After cleaning, the nozzle should be cleaned, otherwise - debris, accumulated in large quantities on the roller, will significantly reduce its efficiency.
  • Due to improper cleaning, the brush speed may slow down. And if it is not carried out at all, then it will completely cease to rotate, therefore - to clean the carpet.

Important! Perhaps the brush will still be able to remove debris from hard surfaces, but from soft ones - this will become an impossible task.

Important! An irreplaceable assistant during house cleaning is a washing vacuum cleaner. In order to ensure that the equipment does not fail and the quality of cleaning meets the needs, special means for washing vacuum cleaners.

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How to choose a turbo brush for a vacuum cleaner? - The main criteria

Having decided on such a useful purchase, you should go to the store already with some knowledge about it. So, what is it worth paying attention to when choosing a turbo brush? There are several selection criteria.


It is better to buy functional products manufactured by large companies. In this case, you will be sure of the quality of the brush and its effectiveness. The following brands are considered the best in this industry:

  • Dyson;
  • Electrolux;
  • LG
  • Philips
  • Samsung

Important! Compliance with elementary cleaning rules will help to quickly, simply and efficiently carry out cleaning in the housing. All of them are collected in the article.“House cleaning rules - where to start?”.

Body material

The case must be made of high quality plastic. Only in this case you can successfully carry out cleaning nozzle daily.


Cheaper and easier to manage are mechanical turbo brushes for a vacuum cleaner. However, it should be borne in mind that they are less effective than products with an electric drive. The latter will clean the surface more quickly and efficiently.

Additional functions:

  • Some brushes have a dirt indicator or a transparent top cover. This allows the hostess to accurately determine the moment when the product requires cleaning.
  • Also, many models come with a special adapter. It makes it possible to connect a turbo brush to almost any dust suction device.

Important! For those who have Carpets in the interior of your home, sooner or later it will be necessary to solve the issue of cleaning it from stains, dirt, etc. Our individual reviews will help you decide whether to contact specialists or solve this problem yourself:

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Turbo brush for vacuum cleaner. Which one to choose?

Today, a large number of companies are engaged in the production of both conventional and electric-powered turbo brushes. Often the characteristics of their products are practically no different. Compare the best models that are popular among consumers.


This model is quite popular for the following reasons:

  • It is easy to clean and easy to disassemble and assemble.
  • The nozzle has a transparent cover, making it immediately noticeable to the user when the product should be cleaned.
  • Designed for cleaning animal hair, hair - both from hard and soft surfaces.

Important! The model is great for cleaning carpets and a variety of carpets.

  • The kit includes an adapter that allows you to attach a turbo brush to virtually any dust collector.

Important! Such a turbo brush is suitable even for vacuum cleaners of a different brand.


If you are looking for a brush that has more power and cleans better, then pay attention to the Electrolux product:

  • Its bristles are more powerful and better cope with the removal of animal hair, debris and dirt, even with carpets with a long pile and high density.
  • You can connect it, like the previous model, to vacuum cleaners not only of the Electrolux brand, but also of Rowenta and Philips appliances.

Important! The kit includes an adapter that allows you to connect the product to other devices.


This turbo brush for a vacuum cleaner is no less popular than the already mentioned models:

  • Its bristles are as stiff as those of Electrolux, so it also copes well with cleaning a variety of coatings from problem rubbish.
  • The turbo brush is made of plastic and equipped with a pollution indicator. It is easy to determine when the device needs cleaning.

Important! The disadvantage of such a nozzle is its high weight. It is inconvenient to constantly clean it with it, but this model is quite suitable for periodic cleaning of the room.

Philips and Samsung

The products of these companies also deserve attention:

  • Brand turbo brushes have good power and a fairly large roller.
  • The hard coating of the brush perfectly removes hair, animal hair and other debris.
  • You can use such brushes even when cleaning carpets with a very long pile. At the same time, the products are less heavy than the LG brush.
  • Philips and Samsung nozzles are characterized by high quality cleaning, a long service life and easy replacement of parts in case of failure.
  • The user needs to control the pollution of such turbo brushes on their own, because there are no indicators on the devices.

Universal models

  • This type of nozzle is suitable for almost every modern vacuum cleaner.
  • Universal turbo brushes are used for the same purposes as other models of these products.
  • The quality of the models is almost the same. Therefore, choosing such a brush, you must carefully examine it for damage and make sure the quality of the goods.

Important! When purchasing a turbo brush for a vacuum cleaner, nevertheless, it is better to give preference to the brand that you have the unit. In this case, you will definitely be sure that the purchase is suitable for the device.

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Stock footage

It is very difficult to remove the hair and coat of a dog or cat from the carpet. Previously, an ordinary brush was used for this and the process took a very long time, because each centimeter had to be brushed manually. Now there are special nozzles for the vacuum cleaner. A turbo brush will free you from this routine and will do everything in a few minutes. You already know how to choose a turbo brush for a vacuum cleaner, so you can accurately determine the choice of such a useful and necessary thing for you.

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