Refrigerator installation

It’s one thing to buy a refrigerator, but installing it is quite another. Not everyone knows that installing a refrigerator requires special skills and knowledge on the part of the buyer. With its location, you need to take into account a number of nuances that help not only save space, but also extend the life of the household appliance. For all refrigerators, without exception, uniform installation rules have been developed, regardless of their useful life and the country of manufacture. We will talk about all these points today.
to contents ↑Installing a refrigerator in the kitchen - the rules
When buying absolutely any device, you should be given a passport describing the technical characteristics of this device. In the contents of this important document you can read not only the complete set of the refrigerator, but also get acquainted with the requirements for its further operation. The prescribed requirements must be strictly observed, since your personal safety also depends on the correct implementation.
Rules for installing the refrigerator:
- Avoid exposure to heaters and other sources of heat. This does not apply to sunlight, but directly to the stove and battery. Due to the fact that the main function of the refrigerator is the formation of a low temperature, any thermal effect can disable it.
- Humidity in the room where the device will be installed should not exceed 80%. This indicator is important in case of frequent opening of the refrigerator doors.
- The room temperature directly depends on the type of refrigerant in a particular refrigerator model. For example, Freon R 134 is considered the most popular today, which begins to thicken at a temperature of 0 ° C, so it is extremely impractical to place it on an unheated balcony.
- When installing this household appliance, do not forget to take into account the gaps between the rear wall of the refrigerator and the adjacent wall of the room. Specialists call this gap “air pocket”, which is essential for air circulation. A clearance of 10 cm will be sufficient.
Important! In some models, the compressor and fan are located at the bottom of the product, so you can safely install such a refrigerator against the wall, without worrying about the air entering the device mechanism.
- Make grounding the instrument safe. If necessary, you can always contact an experienced specialist.
Important! If you were offered to buy an autotransformer when buying a refrigerator, do not rush to make rash expenses. This device is needed only in cases where the happy owner of the refrigerator has problems with the uninterrupted supply of electricity to the house.
- If you bought the device without an automatic door closer, then set the refrigerator back slightly so that the door can close on its own.
to contents ↑Important! Try to keep the temperature between 18-32 ° C in the room where the refrigerator is installed. Also find outhow to set the temperature in the refrigerator know frost.
How to set the refrigerator properly?
It is extremely important to ensure the correct tilt of this household appliance, that is, set by level. Almost every refrigerator model has adjustable legs.Here is a visual instruction for the competent location of the refrigerator by level:
- We adjust the height of the legs by screwing and unscrewing them in the design of the device. We expose the refrigerator so that its main part is with a slight bias back - this is exactly what we need.
Important! Do not cross the tolerance mark - 15 °. If the unit is tilted more than 40 °, you risk breaking the compressor.
- Once again check the compliance of the level of inclination and the stability of the device on the floor - the refrigerator should not wobble from side to side.
- Make sure that the door is easy to open and that the surrounding environment will open it 90 °.
As you can see, installing a refrigerator by level will not take you a lot of time. Performing the above steps as well as correctly caring for a stainless steel fridge, you not only extend the life of the device, but you can also contact the service center in case of breakdown.
Built-in refrigerator
Not often, but you can still find a built-in refrigerator in the kitchen or in the hallway. To implement this idea, you need a special cabinet without a front door or a small niche.
Options for the location of the refrigerator:
- In the kitchen in a row with a sink or gas stove (linear installation).
- In the corner.
- At the door.
- Corridor, pantry, bedroom (in the case of a small kitchen).
Most often, for built-in refrigerators in the cabinet or under the worktop, order furniture under the order. If you decide to independently make a similar design for your refrigerator, then you should consider such basic recommendations for its size in the aspect ratio of the purchased household appliance:
- The height of the cabinet should be 5 cm more.
- Depth - 7 cm more.
- Width - 2 cm more on each side of the niche.
Important! Do not forget that the built-in refrigerator also needs good ventilation to transfer heat taken from the products in this unit. This problem can be solved using the lattice back wall of the cabinet or a small hole in the floor.
And also, following the link you will find outIs it possible to store washed eggs in the refrigerator.
How to install a refrigerator? - Step-by-step instruction
So, let's say you already bought a refrigerator, delivered it to you, and it's time to unpack it. Further we will focus on its cleaning and further location. We recommend putting the unit in the kitchen because it is the most convenient, and most importantly, practical place. All you need to take is at your fingertips. Often manufacturers describe the entire installation process and proper operation of the model in the product passport, but sometimes they miss this point.
Let's look at the instructions for the location of all types of refrigerator:
- We prepare a place in the kitchen - we carefully clean and wash the floor.
- Make sure there are no problems with the wiring. This is necessary so that even with a small circuit you do not have a breakdown in the refrigerator.
- We remove all unnecessary things from the refrigerator and freezer - polystyrene foam, boxes, film and stickers.
- Now we wash the household appliance well, because for the storage of our products we need a clean refrigerator without extraneous odors. We carry out the work with a mild cleaning agent - detergent for washing dishes. After the steps, wash off the product with warm water, and then wipe dry the walls and shelves of the refrigerator. Do not forget to clean the egg compartments from dust, because it is in them that all the garbage most often falls. Wipe the surface of the refrigerator with a damp and then wet rag outside the appliance.
- If a strong unpleasant odor comes from the refrigerator, then remove it with an aqueous solution of vinegar.
- After the initial preparation of the refrigerator, install it in a comfortable place in the kitchen. To do this, you will need a separate ground outlet or extension cord.Make sure that the power cord is not bent anywhere, but positioned freely. Otherwise, you run the risk of soon discovering a breakdown of the device.
- We look at the state of the plug and cord. They must be in perfect condition, without any damage. If you have found deviations in this element, then do not connect the device before the arrival of a specialist.
- Ensure the integrity of the outlet intended for this refrigerator.
Important! If you purchased an expensive refrigerator, then it is for sure equipped with a built-in ice generator; for installation of such a model, contact a qualified specialist. For its proper connection and location, you need to have the skills to connect the device to the water supply.
- Check the location of the refrigerator by level. If your floor is uneven, then in any case it will not stand level. This problem can be solved with the help of several substrates installed under the legs of the equipment.
Important! If you don’t have a building level at hand, use a plate of water to show the existing slope of the refrigerator.
- Connect the household appliance no earlier than 6 hours after installing it. During this time, the oil in the compressor drains to its rightful place, since, most likely, the equipment mechanism periodically failed during transportation.
- Leave the refrigerator on for 5 hours without food. So you check the correctness of his work.
In separate articles, we have prepared for you information abouthow much fish can be stored in the refrigerator, as well as, how to store greens in the refrigerator.
General recommendations:
- It is advisable that the refrigerator be brought home by a delivery service from a direct manufacturer. They will carry out this work professionally and as safely as possible. If you decide to independently transport the equipment, do not forget to check its operability on the spot, so that in case of discrepancy of the goods, you could ask the seller to replace the refrigerator. All this is possible if you have the accompanying documents and the warranty card filled out correctly.
- Try not to transport the refrigerator in a horizontal state and avoid shock and shaking, as this way you can cause great damage to the equipment (damage the case and freon, deform components).
- Do not throw away packing material - it will come in handy in case you return a poor-quality refrigerator to the seller. At the same time, you should have all the necessary documentation on hand.
- The angular arrangement of the refrigerator is considered the best of all. So you will save space and ensure yourself comfort in moving around the room. The dimensions of the corner refrigerator are selected in accordance with the sizes of other items in your interior.
to contents ↑Important! Class A and A + refrigerators can save energy in your home. Do not forget to pay attention to this indicator when buying this equipment.
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Now you know how to properly install a refrigerator in the kitchen. Given our instructions and general recommendations, your household appliance will serve you for a long time, performing its proper functions qualitatively.
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