Bubble Washer

Today, almost every apartment has a washing machine. Usually we are satisfied with the operation of the household appliance and do not dream of any new functions, in addition to unloading it and hanging up clean linen. But technology does not stand still, so manufacturers come up with new washing methods that make this process simpler, more economical and effective. In this article we will consider what is an air-bubble washing machine, what are its features.

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The principle of operation of the air bubble washing machine

The principle of operation of this type of washing is based on air bubbles in the water, which have an intense effect on the processed laundry. Things that need to be thoroughly cleaned are placed in the bubble drum of the machine, at the bottom of which small holes can be seen.

During the washing process, the air supplied to the system forms many small bubbles that mechanically affect the laundry. Penetrating into the tissue, the bubbles displace pollution from it. They also contribute to a better dissolution of cleaning products, which also has a positive effect on the cleaning process.

Important! Cleaning stains in water saturated with air bubbles is faster and more thorough.

Activator type air bubble machine

Air bubble activator type washing machine It appeared a long time ago, but did not gain the due popularity. By design, such devices resemble the well-known Baby units, "Assol". However, air-bubble principle washing machines can have functions identical to automatic machines.

Important! Usually they are equipped with a built-in spin mode, a compartment for powder and rinse aid, a set of different programs.

For example, a Daewoo bubble-type washing machine is connected to hot and cold water, and therefore there is no need to heat the water for its use. If you have purchased such a washing machine, you can be sure that it will cope with all the duties assigned to it.

Important! Washing clothes in bubble activator machines increases efficiency and also increases the quality of cleaning textiles from various types of contaminants.

Bubble washing machines

Manufacturers of activator air bubble devices are not limited only to their release, and every year they improve their system. Now on sale you can buy a washing machine using bubble technology. Of course, there are fewer such cars than conventional washing machines, but they are.

Important! An air-bubble washing machine has a fairly high cost, which is associated with the use of the latest technologies that require financial investment.

To use this type of washing machine, you will not need to re-learn management. For the consumer, everything will remain the same, the exception will be only one new function - washing your things in bubbles.

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Advantages and disadvantages of bubble machines

Like any technique, a bubble washing machine has its positive and negative qualities.


Among the advantages of aggregates with a bubble effect, the following characteristics can be distinguished:

  1. High quality of washing - penetrating into the fabric, air bubbles additionally act on it, pushing out pollution, and therefore when using this technology the quality of washing is significantly increased.

Important! Such household appliances do an excellent job of washing heavily soiled items and kitchen towels.

  1. Profitability - due to the use of air-bubble technology, it is possible to wash in colder water, therefore, energy costs will be significantly reduced.
  2. Less detergent consumption - it dissolves better in such models washing powdertherefore it can be put less. In activator type washers, the use of powder for automatic machines is permissible.
  3. In the process of air bubble washing, the laundry does not sit down - the use of this technology allows you not to worry that your woolen item will sit down, having lost a decent appearance after washing. Accordingly - you do not have to use various tricks to restore its former aesthetic appeal. But still, even here you need to know how to wash clothes, and follow the recommendations for the care of each item.
  4. The fabric during such washing is less subjected to wear, as air bubbles form a barrier between textiles and the drum of the washing machine.


However, despite many advantages, bubble air washing machines have several disadvantages:

  1. For proper use of such units, the water must be soft enough. Unfortunately, bubbles in hard water form worse.
  2. An automatic machine with air bubble technology, as a rule, has slightly larger dimensions.
  3. The cost of such equipment is slightly higher than conventional washing machines.

Important! As an alternative to familiarize yourself and compare the capabilities of different equipment, read also about ultrasonic washing machines.

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Eco Bubble Technology - what is it?

Why did we decide to talk about Eco Bubble technology, which Samsung so advertises? It's simple, this is one of the varieties of air bubble washing that this company modified and implemented in its washing machines.

Important! Bubble translates to “bubble”, hence the name.

Eco Bubble is characterized by the following principle of action:

  • When the powder begins to wash off from the powder receiver, it dissolves in water with the help of a foam generator and forms a foam.
  • At the same time, air is supplied to the foam along with water.

Thus, when you exit the washing machine, we get a mixture of powder, water and air bubbles, which, getting into the drum, does the washing.

This technology has the same advantages as air bubble, but you can add the following to them:

  • not only foam, but also air penetrate tissue faster and easier;
  • the foam is better washed out of the fabric and requires less water.

Important! Eco Bubble equipment from the manufacturing company Samsung has established itself as a reliable and efficient assistant to modern housewives, which is an air-bubble washing machine. If you are interested in such models, follow the link where you will find a detailed review of washing machines Samsung Eco Bubble.

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Browse Popular Models

The most popular among modern housewives are washing machines of the following manufacturers and models.

Daewoo DWF-820MPS

The Daewoo DWF-820MPS washing machine has established itself as a reliable, convenient and high-quality equipment. This unit has a vertical type of loading and an electronic control system. The maximum weight of textiles per load should not exceed 6 kg.

Thanks to its compact size and modern design, this household appliance will look great in the interior of your bathroom.The special usability of the washing machine is determined by the presence of the following additional washing modes:

  • delicate fabrics;
  • downy things;
  • express program;
  • stain removal.

Important! Typically, washing machines of this model are presented in white and have a stainless steel tank.

Bosch WLF 1602 BY

Washing machines of this model have a special unit that is responsible for the production of air bubbles. They burst, penetrating the structure of the tissue, and contribute to the removal of spots.

Among the advantages of such equipment, the following characteristics can be distinguished:

  • compact size;
  • the possibility of reloading linen with an already running program;
  • durability;
  • high quality of washing;
  • energy efficiency;
  • the presence of additional functions - heating water, spinning clothes, washing delicate fabrics.

Samsung WF 60 F1R1 W2W

The front-loading washing machine Samsung WF 60 F1R1 W2W equipped with air bubble technology is also very popular among housewives. This equipment works according to the Eco Bubble principle and therefore provides excellent quality of washing even very dirty things.

The advantages of the model include the following characteristics:

  • energy efficiency;
  • ease of use;
  • compact size.

Important! This model of washing machines does not have the function of drying clothes and has a relatively high cost.

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In this article, we told you about the features and main characteristics of air-bubble type washing machines. We hope that thanks to the information provided, you can improve your own life and significantly improve the quality of washing.

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