Choose a capsule coffee machine

Coffee is a unique drink. Perhaps the best characterization was given to him by Charles de Talleyrand, a French diplomat and politician. He said that good coffee should be as hot as hellfire, similar in color to the blackest line, and reminiscent of angelic sweetness and purity in taste. A capsule coffee machine will help you make just such a drink. The tips in this article will help you choose a capsule coffee machine.

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The popularity of capsule-type coffee makers is due to such advantages:

  1. Ease of use. At the touch of a button, you get an amazing coffee drink.
  2. Easy maintenance - no need to clean the ground coffee compartments.
  3. Compact size, beautiful design. This capsule coffee machines are different from carob and geyser devices.
  4. Quiet, almost silent work.
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What determines the cost?

At first glance, a capsule coffee machine may seem unusually cheap to you. But at the same time you need to know: device maintenance is associated with additional costs.

It is important to use special branded capsules in these coffee makers. And their price is quite high. The analogy with printers begs. The device itself is inexpensive, and the purchase of cartridges will cost a substantial amount.

Important! If you calculate the cost of a cup of coffee in a capsule type device, the costs are comparable with elite grains of coffee.

Important! A coffee machine is a moody technique that requires proper care. If you want the appliance to serve for many years, carry out periodic cleanings. Our article will help you find cleaning products. "Tablets for a coffee machine".

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Operating principle

The first coffee makers of this type appeared in the late 70s of the last century. The first device was patented in 1978. All that came next was various kinds of improvements.

So, what is the principle of operation of the device?

  • Coffee is compressed in special capsules.
  • The shells are placed in a special compartment where hermetically sealed packaging is punctured.
  • Hot water enters the coffee compartment.
  • The finished drink enters the container.

Important! Do you like to sit in good company with a cup of coffee or tea? Understanding the varieties and types of these drinks is a science. We have prepared a separate post for you to find out"The best varieties of coffee and tea".

If for most coffee machines coffee preparation parameters (temperature, strength) are set in advance, then the capsule machine does everything in automatic mode. There are pros and cons here:

  • Among the advantages, it can be noted that for the preparation of a coffee drink, a minimum of human intervention is required.
  • The downside is that no tasteful experiments will work. The whole process is fully automated. You just have to choose a drink that suits your taste and buy it all the time.

Important! Manufacturers are trying to smooth out this shortcoming with an extensive assortment of drinks. Market leading companies produce up to 20 types of coffee capsules.

Important! Delicious aromatic coffee can be prepared without the use of a coffee machine or Turks. In our separate review you will find some interesting recipes that you can easilybrew delicious coffee without turk.

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The best capsule coffee machines for the home

In total there are 4 coffee machines - the market leader in the production of devices for making coffee from capsules:

  • Dolce Gusto (Dolce Gusto).
  • Nespresso (Nespresso).
  • Tassimo (Tassimo).
  • Cremessо (Cremesso).

The principle of operation of coffee machines is the same. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider them in more detail. Maybe this will help you find the answer to the question: which capsule coffee machine to choose.


This Swiss company was the first to launch capsule coffee machines. The choice is very extensive, the reviews are positive. Coffee makers have a beautiful design, excellent build quality, good functionality.

A total of 17 varieties of capsules are available, so lovers of a fragrant drink have plenty to choose from. Including decaffeinated coffee. Nespresso is a godsend for coffee lovers. You will not find cappuccino, cocoa or hot chocolate here.

Each shell contains 7 g of coffee. This is the standard traditional dosage.

Important! Of the shortcomings, buyers note the high cost of the original capsules. However, there are cheaper counterparts that are not inferior in taste to the branded ones.


This is also a well-known Swiss company:

  • The choice of coffee capsules is not as rich as in Nespresso (only 11 varieties), but there are 4 types of shells with tea.
  • Making coffee or tea takes only half a minute.
  • The device has a remarkably beautiful design, for which it was awarded a special prize.
  • Despite the fact that there are only 11 types of coffee, the taste palette is very diverse. In addition to caffeine-free capsules, there are longo, espresso and macchiato.

Important! The cost of coffee machines is lower than Nespresso, and the drink is wonderful.

Dolce Gusto

According to customer reviews, in these French units the optimal ratio of quality and price. In total, 20 types of capsules are presented, including with milk, with chocolate and even with spices.

Important! Of the minuses, consumers note not very high-quality assembly. When compared with the previous two brands, the device fails more often. The pressure in the coffee machine is only 15 bar, so the quality of the drink is slightly worse, but the capsules are relatively cheap.


These are affordable, reliable and durable devices, the best option for those who think how to choose a capsule coffee machine for the home:

  • The pressure created by the device is low (only 3.3 bar). But the coffee in capsules is not very compressed, and this is enough to get a delicious aromatic drink.
  • These coffee machines are called smart. Reading the barcode from the shells, the unit selects the optimal mode for preparing drinks.
  • For these coffee makers, 11 varieties of capsules have been developed, including 6 with coffee.

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So, having analyzed all the characteristics of coffee machines, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • Tassimo is the best option for home use in terms of quality and price. Perhaps these are the best capsule coffee machines for the home.
  • Cremesso and Espresso are gourmet options. The coffee is really excellent. The disadvantage is only in the high cost of coffee drinks.
  • Dolce Gusto is suitable for those who like coffee with additives. There are capsules with vanilla, caramel and other additives.

Important! Waiting for guests, but there is nothing to put on the table for tea? This situation can be quickly corrected using the selection.cookie recipes in a pan.

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An important point: the capsule coffee machine is suitable for those who drink no more than 1-2 cups of the drink per day. If the capsule consumption is greater, it is simply economically disadvantageous. If you like to drink coffee a lot, opt for a different type of coffee maker.

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