Replacing the drain hose of the washing machine

Today, there are a huge number of models of washing machines that differ from each other in price, quality and functionality. But it does not matter which one you choose, because such a technique can also break down and fail. For this device to work continuously, it is necessary not only to take care of it accordingly, but also to take care of the condition of all its parts and mechanisms. The most common service relating to this technique is to replace the drain hose of the washing machine, because experts recommend that you install a corrugated hose for draining and collecting water. If you carefully study the instructions and have at least some repair skills of such equipment, you can replace and install this device yourself. And how to do this - we will consider further.

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Can I replace the drain hose myself?

Of course, replacing the drain device is a little more complicated than the bulk, but still it is possible. In the case of the inlet hose, you only have to work outside, but to replace the drain hose, you will have to partially disassemble the washing machine. The fact is that it is connected to a drain pump, so you need to get to the inside of the case.

Important! Depending on the model of technology, the hose may be located at the very bottom of the rear wall, or vice versa - go from top to outside.

To understand where it is, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Remove bolts located on rear wall.
  2. Push the cover to the side.
  3. Remove the wall for further work.

As mentioned above, different washing machines have a completely different hose position and internal structure, so hereinafter we will learn how to change the drain hose in the washing machine Samsung, Zanussi, Bosch, Electrolux, Ardo, Siemens and many others.

Important! Remember that problems with breakdowns of the AGR can occur not only from the water supply line, but also from the mains. And the second option is more complicated and dangerous. And it is very simple to avoid the negative effects of power surges and power outages - select the ones that are suitable using our tips surge protectors for household appliances.

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General rules for installing a drain in washing machines

  • The main thing to remember is that any model of this technique is an electric device and works from the network. So - first of all, it must be disconnected from the power supply.
  • Before that, we check whether the previously installed washing mode has completed. If the washing process is completed, then you can safely disconnect the device from the network.

Important! Do not bend or twist the hose during all work.

  • Then you need to turn off the water supply, namely, disconnect the flexible tube for supplying water with a wrench or pliers.
  • Be sure to remove, wipe the rubber gasket.
  • Then the pipe is already attached to the back wall. A plug should be installed at the hose attachment point.

That's all the preliminary work that needs to be done, and then the installation itself follows.

Important! In order to deal less often with blockages in the future, during the current repair of the AGR, think about immediately installing a cleaning water filter.

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Features of installing a drain hose in modern automatic machines

Replacing the drain hose of the washing machine provides for full access to the internal structure of the unit.

Corrugation, as a rule, is attached not far from the drain pump inside the housing. To make a replacement, the hose must be detached from the body and from the pump.

Important! To make it more convenient to work, it is better to remove the top panel.


  • The corrugation is disconnected from the water supply and the outlet pipe is removed.
  • Be sure to drain the remaining water.
  • It is not recommended to tilt the device.

And now we’ll take a closer look at how to replace this important element in today's most popular washing machines.

Installation of a drain hose in Ardo, Indesit, LG, Samsung, Candy, Ariston, Beko devices

Now we will find out how to change the drain hose in the washing machine Samsung, Indesit, Ardo, Beko, since their internal structure and functionality are very similar.

Important! In such models, you can get to the hose only through the bottom.

This is done as follows:

  1. We remove the base panel.
  2. Without any fuss, remove the drain filter from the pump. We prepare in advance a container for draining the remaining water and a rag.
  3. To freely carry out all the necessary work, you should move the machine away from the wall.
  4. We remove the fastenings holding the snail device, and then it.
  5. We relax a collar, we disconnect an old hose.

Important! Remember carefully how the already obsolete element was attached, it is better to photograph all this.

  1. We unfasten it and take it out.
  2. We install a new hose, with the help of a clamp we fix it directly on the pump. 3
  3. Then we return all previously removed items to their place.

Important! Before using the machine again, make sure all joints and connections are tight. When you connect the hose to the sewer, it is recommended that both sides be checked for leaks.

Replacing the drain pipe in Zanussi and Electrolux machines

In these models, replacing this element will be more difficult, since it will take longer to work.

Important! Here, approaching it from the bottom will not work, so you have to remove the entire back wall.

All work can be divided into several stages:

  1. First, unscrew the bolts with the help of which the back of the device is attached. But you can’t remove it right away, because it is held by the filler valve. Therefore, it is necessary to first disconnect the valve itself and remove it, and only then the cover itself.
  2. Disconnect the pump from the hose by loosening the clamp as described above. We unfasten the drain, put it aside.
  3. We take out a new hose, lay it in the same way as the old one was connected, that is, connect it to the pump and fix it with the clamp.
  4. Securely fasten the hose to the body itself and put the back cover back into place, the filler valve and top cover on top of it.
  5. In conclusion, we connect the device to the sewer and water supply, as well as run a test wash to check how well the work was done.

Important! The key to long-term and proper operation of such equipment is competent prevention of possible breakdowns. You don’t have to spend a lot of time on this, and the result will be really effective if you use our tips and tools from the article automatic washing machine.

Recommendations for installing the drain hose in AEG, Siemens and Bosch machines

Replacing the drain hose of the washing machine of any of these manufacturers requires maximum effort and concentration, since all their models have a complex structure that does not allow easy access to the element that needs to be replaced.

Important! In this case, the front wall of the device will have to be removed, and this is a very difficult and complex process.

It happens like this:

  1. The first step is to pull out the powder container.
  2. Then remove the lower part, drain all the water to the last drop.
  3. Disconnect the cuff from the wall of the machine.To do this quickly, you need to use a slotted screwdriver and remove the clamp, which, in fact, holds it. After - we remove it.
  4. We unscrew the bolts holding the front part, which are located at the top and bottom. After that, it will hang on hooks, but you can’t remove it right away, because it will also be held by the wires going to the hatch blocking device. There are two solutions to this problem:
    • to twist the bolts fixing the door lock;
    • push the front part to the side and pull out the desired wire.
  5. Next, raise the wall and pull it towards you so that it disconnects along with the hatch.
  6. The process of removing the old and installing a new hose is no different from the previous options. The pump is also disconnected first and the clamp loosens. We change the old hose to a new one, but do not rush to attach it. We put on the end of the corrugation on the pump, fix it with a clamp.
  7. The hose is attached to the housing according to the already known scheme.
  8. We carefully check the tightness and reliability of each connection. We put on the front cover, insert the lock back and return the cuff to its original place.

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How to replace the drain hose on top loading models?

In fact, replacing the drain hose of the washing machine, where the laundry is loaded not from the side, but from above, is no different from the processes described above. The only difference is the need to remove just the side wall:

  1. The work begins already according to the well-known scheme with the removal of the bolts located on the adjacent sides of the device, that is, the rear and front walls.
  2. The side panel can be easily removed and set aside.
  3. We find the pump, weaken the clamp, remove the hose from the drain pump.
  4. Then we disconnect it from the body and, by analogy, lay a new hose, also connect it to the pump, fasten the clamp.
  5. We put back the “sidewall”, we do the laundry empty.
  6. If leaks are found, we immediately eliminate them.
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Now you have an idea of ​​how the drain hose of the washing machine is replaced. It is up to you to carry out this work yourself or to entrust a specialist with it. But remember that if your model of a washing machine has a complex device, it is better not to take risks, otherwise - you can get a more complex and expensive breakdown than it was originally. And only a qualified master can already fix it.


