Tiles on the floor 🥝 how to clean and wash the ceramic floor, cleaning and washing agent

Tile is one of the most durable floor coverings for bathrooms, kitchens and other rooms in which dampness appears from time to time. Durable, aesthetic, resistant to various influences and substances, with proper care, the tile will last for many years and will always look like new and matte. In this article, we will tell you how to wash any tile, rough,porcelain tile from stubborn dirt, for example, after repair or after a long absence of regular care, so that there are no ugly stains, deposits, scratches on it.
to contents ↑Basic Tile Care
With ceramic tiles were familiar in ancient Rome. Thanks to its advantages, which cannot be overestimated, tile still adorns our home. To verify this, just read the review fashion collections and the best manufacturers of ceramic tiles.
To ensure that this unique coating lasts as long as possible, while not losing its appearance, adhere to the following rules:
- Sweep or vacuum the floor daily to remove dirt, food debris, and other debris accumulating on the floor. Garbage that stays in a damp room for a long time can turn into dirt.
- If there are no stains on the coating, it is enough to wash it periodically with a damp cloth.
- After wet cleaning with plain water or detergent, be sure to wipe the floor dry. Thus, you will not only prevent the rapid accumulation of dust and dirt on the tile itself, but also the seam between the tile and the floor. Accordingly, you will be less likely to be puzzled by the question of how to wash tiles on the floor from stubborn dirt.
- Wipe off any spills in a timely manner. All spills from juice, tea, coffee or other liquids are not only very quickly absorbed into the joints between the tiles, but they are also very sticky, as a result of which dust and dirt are quickly attracted to them.
Important! Use a disinfectant against dangerous stains. For example, if a pet has defecated on a tile or you dropped raw meat on a coating, then spray the stained area with a disinfectant and wipe it off immediately.
If you have in your house in different rooms not only tiles, but also other materials, you must carefully look after each of them. This will help extend the life of the coating and its beauty. Read about:
- Which is better to usefloor cleaner.
- Which are on sale best tile cleaners on any surface.
How to wash tiles on the floor?
Before you start cleaning the tiles, you need to determine the type of contamination, since the choice of tools and tools depends on this. If the tiled floor can be wiped in a few seconds, then with the joints everything is much more complicated. Seams accumulate all contamination, respectively - become the ideal place for the propagation of fungus and mold. As a result, the question arises, how to wash tiles on the floor from stubborn dirt?
Most often, the joints suffer from the following pollution:
- Balances of funds, materials after repair.
- Food particles.
- Dust, dirt brought from the street.
- Dirty water.
- Detergent residue.
Important! Over time, during operation, the grout begins to darken, moreover, foreign particles stick to the contaminated joints. If you do not clean the flooring in time, then the problem of cleanliness and aesthetics will also be joined by the problem of fungus.
Means, like tools, in order to clean the tiles on the floor from stubborn dirt and the seams between the modules can be different. It all depends on the degree of neglect and type of pollution. Sometimes you can do with folk remedies and improvised materials, and in some cases - only household chemicals and a hard brush will solve the problem.
to contents ↑How to clean ceramic tiles from grease and dirt?
If the snow-white tile on the floor no longer pleases with its fresh look, then use the following means:
- Vinegar.
- Lemon acid.
- Ammonia.
- Dishwashing liquid.
- Soda.
- Chlorine or “White.”
- Washing powder.
- Kerosene.
Use the above funds as follows.
Dilute 0.5 cups of vinegar in 4 liters of water. Wash the floor with mortar. Rinse with clean, warm water and wipe dry.
Important! Do not use vinegar or other harsh chemicals to clean the marble coating.
Lemon acid
Gently dip a kitchen sponge in citric acid and treat problem areas to clean the tiles on the floor from stubborn dirt. Then rinse the area with clean water, wipe dry.
Important! Using citric acid is also effective in removing grout stains. However, if the seams between the tiles are not protected, then discard the acid - use a more gentle means.
For snow-white tiles, use regular bleach or “White”. If bleach is powder, then dilute it in water according to the instructions. Pour the solution into the spray bottle, spray over the surface. After 5 minutes, brush the problem area. Rinse the floor with plain water, wipe dry.
Important! When treating the surface with bleach, adhere to safety measures: work only with rubber gloves, do not close the door in the room, turn on the hood or open the window to avoid the effects of a sharp smell of the product.
Washing powder
- Remove stains from spills with a paste of detergent:
- Pour detergent into warm water in a 1: 1 ratio.
- Use a dust cloth to rub the stain with the product.
- After 5-10 minutes, wipe the area with a soft sponge and wash the floor with clean, warm water to remove any detergent residue.
- If necessary, repeat the process, after which, wipe the floor dry.
Ammonia will rid the mold of mold. It will also help to clean the tiles on the floor from stubborn dirt:
- Prepare a solution: ammonia - 1 part, water - 1 part.
- Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands.
- Take a soft brush and wipe the tile with mortar.
- After processing and removing mold, rinse the surface with clean water.
Stains of rust and building materials will remove kerosene. Wear rubber gloves and dampen a rag with kerosene. Wipe the problem areas with a rag and rinse the surface with warm water. Repeat the process if necessary.
Useful Tips:
- Try to wash rough, embossed or dark ceramic tiles from glue (grout) as soon as possible. Use vinegar for this purpose: 50 ml of vinegar for every liter of water. Wipe the contaminated areas thoroughly with a solution, pay special attention to the joints between the tiles. After treatment, rinse the surface several times with warm water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.
- If there is no special tile brush, then remove dry grout with a piece of light wool or felt. After removing the grout, wash the floor with vinegar.
- After grouting, a glossy tile cannot be cleaned with abrasive powders and metal brushes, as it will lose its luster. Use only brushes with soft bristles and liquid products that do not damage the surface of the tile.
- Do not use household chemicals designed to clean the gas stove and plumbing to tidy the tiles. Before applying this or that “chemistry”, be sure to read the instructions for use.
- So that the joints between the tiles are not damaged, during cleaning and surface treatment, cover them, for example, with epoxy paint. And remember that unprotected seams can be damaged by solutions containing acids.
- In order to wipe the tile dry, use microfiber or terry (bamboo) towels.
You will find even more useful tips in a separate article on proper tile care.
to contents ↑How to wash the seams between the tiles?
A whole arsenal of tools is used to clean the seams from contamination. Of course, it all depends on the degree of neglect and the type of pollution.
To wash the tiles on the floor at the joints and seams, you may need the following materials and tools:
- Old toothbrush.
- Scraper.
- Rubber spatula.
- Eraser.
- Household chemicals: powder, spray or gel.
- Dishwashing liquid.
- Soda.
- Bleach.
- Hydrogen peroxide.
- Protective gloves.
- Pure water and a container for it.
- Sponge.
How to clean dirt at the joints?
If the pollution is not too serious, then use improvised means:
- Eraser. This method is suitable for cleaning a small area of the seam. Walk along the seam with an eraser and remove the stain. Use a white or pink eraser.
- Soda. Make a paste of soda and water. Apply to the seam with an old toothbrush. Rub the paste thoroughly into the seam. If the contamination is old, then give the paste a few minutes to eat into the stain, and then start rubbing it. After processing and removing contamination, rinse the seam with warm water.
- Bleach. If there is a white seam between the tiles, then use bleach to clean it: dilute the product in water, in a 3: 1 ratio. With a toothbrush or the edge of a sponge, clean the seam with the solution. After processing, rinse the surface with warm water to remove any bleach residues. As soon as the floor surface dries, apply a sealant to the seam to prevent further absorption of dirt into the joint.
Important! Do not use bleach for colored joints, as this may discolor them. When processing the joint with bleach, make sure that the product does not get on the surface of the tile.
Useful Tips:
- To clean the seam, purchase a special brush for joints in the household chemistry store. So it will be easier for you to wash the tiles on the floor from the stubborn dirt.
- If it is easier for you to work with household chemicals, then purchase special products designed for washing not only tiles, but also joints between tiles. Such products are produced in the form of a cleaning powder, spray or active gel. Apply the selected product to the problem area and leave for a few minutes. Then remove the remaining chemistry with clean water.
- In order to refresh and bleach the seams between the tiles, use the following mixture: mix the dishwashing gel, hydrogen peroxide and soda until a creamy gruel is formed. Take proportions approximately equal. Apply the composition to the seams with a toothbrush. Rub a little and leave for a couple of hours. The gel will remove grease and dirt, and soda and peroxide will give the seams their former freshness and restore their former whiteness. After processing, rinse off the rest of the mixture with clean water.
How to get rid of fungus and mold?
So that the tile does not hit the fungus, the surface must be regularly treated with antiseptic drugs. But if things have already gone too far and harmful microorganisms have already settled on the darkened seams, then simple cleaning methods will be powerless.
To clean the tiles on the floor from stubborn dirt and mold, the following tools will come to the rescue:
- Antifungal seam cleanser. Spray the problem area with the drug and leave for half an hour. After treatment, rinse the area thoroughly with warm water and wipe it dry.
- Bleach. Dilute the product in water in a proportion of 1:10. Wipe the contaminated area and rinse with water.
- Borax. Prepare a solution: a glass of borax in three liters of water. Apply the solution on a dirty surface and rub with the hard side of the sponge. Do not wash off the product, remove it with a dry cloth.
- Soda. Clean the problem area with soda and not only the mold itself, but also the unpleasant odor left by the microorganisms will be removed.
Seam Repair
The best way to combat mold and mildew is to completely replace the affected area. Proceed as follows:
- Clean the affected area with a scraper.
- Walk along the joints with antiseptic impregnation to protect the floor from the spread of germs.
- Let the drug dry.
- Dilute a small amount of grout.
- Grout loose seams.
to contents ↑Important! Renew seams regularly, as in addition to contamination, there is a gradual leaching and destruction of the material. This is reflected not only in aesthetics, water resistance, surface strength, but also on hygiene.
How to wash tiles on the floor after repair?
The joy of completing repairs can be overshadowed by the fact of dirty floors and cleaning, if the craftsmen did not really keep clean at different stages of the construction work. It should be noted that the tile must be cleaned immediately after getting on it with cement mortar or the composition of “liquid nails”. But if, nevertheless, building materials are on the tile, then you will have to work hard to eliminate them.
The choice of tools and methods to clean the tiles on the floor depends on the following factors:
- Tile surface.
- Nature of pollution.
- The time spent on the surface.
To clean the tile after repair, follow these guidelines:
- After repair, remove dust from the porcelain with a soft brush or vacuum it. This should be done as soon as possible so that dust and dirt do not eat into the surface of the coating. After dry cleaning, proceed with wet cleaning.
- First, remove stuck pieces of the solution mechanically using a smooth, well-sharpened chisel or a sharp blade, and then - treat the problem areas with a special solvent.
- Remove cement, putty and other similar materials from the tile with a plastic spatula and water. Wash paint off with solvent.
- Remove hardened lime with a solution of vinegar. As an alternative - vegetable oil. In warm water, add vegetable oil and wipe the solution with a white coating on the surface. Then - rinse the tile with dishwashing detergent.
- If during the repair process the tile was dirty only with construction dust, then clean it with a detergent, vinegar or ammonia. About how to use these tools, we wrote above.
- If there is a coating on the coating that cannot be removed with detergents, glue felt to some area with a handle and rub the surface with an impromptu tool.
- Remove tile glue and other similar materials using Silit, Cinderella, etc.
- If the grout for tiles is eaten into the grooves between the tiles, then process the seams with fine-grained emery paper.
to contents ↑Important! First, try all cleaning methods in a small inconspicuous area. If the surface of the tile does not deteriorate, use the product on the entire surface.
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Monitor the condition of the tiles and joints regularly. Once a week, use special means to clean the tiles from dirt, and you will extend the life of the decorative flooring for many years, and at the same time protect the house from mold and mildew.