Vanish for sofas 🥝 how to clean furniture upholstery at home without dry cleaning

Pollution on upholstered furniture is a common occurrence, and getting rid of dirt and dust is a troublesome and time-consuming task. If there are children and animals in the house, then the problem of the dirty sofa is all the more familiar to you firsthand. Fortunately, a very convenient, safe and effective “Vanish” for cleaning upholstered furniture has appeared on the market of modern household chemicals, and it’s worth a little effort - the sofa will be like new again. In the article we will introduce you how to use this tool.

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Preliminary preparation of furniture

Is it possible to clean the sofa with carpet vanish and is this suitable for cleaning the mattress? Of course, it is much easier to prevent the problem of pollution, for example, by covering your favorite sofa or chair with a thick blanket, which is easier to wash and get rid of stains than the resting place itself. But if you still decide to clean the sofa at home, then arm yourself with our tips and tidy the furniture.

Step number 1. Remove dust

Vanish for cleaning upholstered furnitureBefore washing the sofa from above, it must be thoroughly cleaned from dust. You can use the folk method: cover upholstered furniture with a wet sheet and only after that knock it out with a beater for carpets.

Important! In this case, all the dirt is absorbed into the sheet, and the rest of the furniture in the room will not be affected.

You can also use a vacuum cleaner, if there is a nozzle on the furniture: plug the device into a power outlet and go around the sofa, cleaning every millimeter of it. Use a hose to clean all inaccessible corners.

Important! Vacuuming preferably 1 time per week. So you not only get rid of the settled dust, but also do not leave the dust mite the slightest chance.

Step number 2. Print spots

Any stain at different stages of contamination can be cleaned with the help of “Vanish” cleaner for upholstered furniture.

Important! If you didn’t have this product at hand or if it is very small, it is not necessary to postpone the cleaning. Take advantage of our tips. carpet cleaning folk remedies.

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About Vanish

Under the brand name “Vanish”, various products are produced that are practical and convenient to use. Using the products of this brand, you can not only remove stains on upholstered furniture and carpets at home, but also extend the life of the washing machine, wash windows, clean the toilet, use the product when washing items from silk, wool, polyesterby removing pollution from them and making them attractive.

Important! “Vanish” brand products include “Calgon”, “AirWick”, “Cillit Bang”.

The range of cleaning products "Vanish"

“Vanish” for cleaning upholstered furniture is in constant demand not only among housewives, but also among specialists of professional cleaning companies. They note the effectiveness of the effect of the product on any pollution with minimal effort and time.

Before using the product, select the appropriate type, as this product line includes:

  • Shampoo. This Vanish product is ideally suited for cleaning upholstery of upholstered furniture and carpets, as well as floor coverings.This product is effective for removing persistent and old dirt. Available in volumes of 450 and 750 ml. You can learn about the methods of using shampoo from the instructions in the article "How to clean the carpet by Vanish?".
  • Shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners. The name itself indicates the method of its use - the product is added to washing vacuum cleaners. According to reviews of “Vanish” for cleaning upholstered furniture, the use of this product enhances the effect of the cleaning procedure by 2 times and minimizes the operating time. Available in packs of 450 and 750 ml.
  • Antibacterial Shampoo. This product is used exclusively for manual cleaning. When upholstery is processed with this product, all stains, as well as unpleasant odors, including “aromas” of mustiness from old coatings are removed. With the help of this tool, almost 100% of microbes and pathogenic bacteria are killed on the surface.
  • Powder. Choose this product if you want to clean upholstered furniture and carpets in a dry way. The main advantage of this product is that it does not need to be diluted with water or moistened with a soft coating. For use, you only need a brush or vacuum cleaner and a little time. 1 pack contains 600 g of the product.
  • Stain remover spray. This “Vanish” is ideally suited for the most quick, local cleaning of upholstery and carpets at home. The spray copes with stains from cosmetics, tea, coffee, wine, sauces, etc. The amount of the product is 500 ml in one spray bottle. Read more about this tool in a separate article. "Vanish Stain Remover".

Advantages of using Vanish for upholstered furniture

  1. Absolute safety for coatings, since Vanish for cleaning upholstered furniture does not contain chlorine, and the active components are harmless and do not destroy the structure of fibers and the fabric itself.
  2. Safety for others. According to research, “Vanish” products do not harm human health. The only problem is allergy sufferers, as their bodies are prone to reactions to different foods.
  3. Ease of use. The technologists of this company developed the products in such a way that when working with the product, you can quickly cope with any stains on all kinds of coatings as quickly as possible.
  4. The optimum ratio of price and quality. Using this tool for cleaning your home, you will see that the purchase costs are negligible and that cleaning is much more efficient and faster.
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How to use “Vanish” for cleaning upholstered furniture with video?

Vanish for cleaning upholstered furnitureCleaning the upholstery with any of the above Vanish products for cleaning upholstered furniture is very simple and quick. But when using any household chemicals, first try the product in a small area, preferably from the inside, especially if you have a silk or wool coating.

In order for the cleaning to be effective, we will introduce you how to use the above remedy:

Shampoo cleaning:

  • Dilute the product with warm water (40 C) in a ratio of 1: 9.
  • Whip the resulting solution into foam.
  • Using a brush or sponge, apply foam to the upholstery of upholstered furniture (avoid excessive wetting of the surface).
  • Allow the product to dry for 30-60 minutes.
  • Vacuum the treated surface.

Spray Remover Cleaning:

  • Shake the container thoroughly.
  • Turn the cap to “On” mode.
  • Spray the product onto a problematic, contaminated area.
  • Rub the applied product with a sponge into the surface.
  • Leave the product for 5 minutes.
  • Remove any remaining spray with dirt with a soft cloth.

Powder cleaning:

  • Sprinkle the powder evenly over the surface with a thin layer.
  • Rub the product into the upholstery with a brush.
  • Leave the powder for 30 minutes on the surface for exposure.
  • After processing, remove the product along with dirt with a vacuum cleaner.

Important! Use upholstered furniture in a well-ventilated area.

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Helpful hints:

  • After processing, the furniture upholstery should dry naturally.
  • In order not to damage the pile of upholstery made of velor, chenille, flock, do not use the vacuum cleaner too often, it is better to wipe the fabric with a soft cloth with warm soapy solution.
  • To save yourself from the problem of cleaning furniture upholstery, cover the interior with special covers made of a material that is easily erased by conventional means.
  • First, apply any cleaning technique in a small area, preferably behind the back of the sofa.
  • Refresh the sofa and give a “second life” to the upholstery can the steamer, preferably vertical. In addition, steam kills microscopic insects, cleanses and refreshes. But after steam treatment, allow the furniture to dry well in a natural way before using it again for its intended purpose.
  • Airing will help to get rid of the unpleasant smell of upholstered furniture. If possible, take the sofa out for a day or two in the open air in the warm season.
  • Always follow the instructions for use that appear on the product packaging.
  • If white marks remain on the surface after applying the product, then wipe the stains with a soft brush, and then vacuum.
  • Use the Vanish stain remover to clean upholstered furniture with caution on leather, silk, wool, and also on surfaces with a coating or finish, such as metal, wood.
  • To remove various stains, we recommend using different “Vanish” products:
    • Spray stain remover removes stains from cola, fruit juice, tea, red wine, coffee, cosmetics, ice cream, tomato sauce, chocolate, blood, herbs;
    • “Vanish Powerpowder” stain remover works well with deep stubborn dirt and earthen stains.

Important! If you want to find a budget cleaner for cleaning your home, choose one of the options from our selection good and inexpensive analogues Vanisha.

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We hope that our article has convinced you that it is better to clean upholstered furniture from any stains and dirt with the innovative Vanish. The effect will be stunning, a minimum of time will pass, and you will feel the result while relaxing on your favorite, updated upholstered furniture.


