How to make a humidifier?

The vital activity of a person is seriously affected not only by the external environment, but also by the microclimate in the house or apartment. Everyone knows that a dry microclimate in a house negatively affects not only plants, but also the human body. In dry air, a person feels constantly tired, he often sleeps. This topic is especially relevant in the winter season, when heating is turned on and the air in the house gradually dries. People who are worried about their health are concerned about the question: how to make a humidifier? In order to deal with this, you first need to understand what kind of device it is and how it works.

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What is an air humidifier for?

A humidifier is necessary in order to normalize the microclimate in the living room. If the apartment has very dry air, then the following symptoms may soon appear in households:

  • Runny nose.
  • Overdrying of mucous membranes (nose, eyes).
  • Deterioration of the skin.
  • Constant drowsiness.
  • Eye inflammation.

Important! Due to the appearance of the above symptoms, the body weakens and various diseases begin to develop. In order to avoid this, you can look for options on how to make an air humidifier yourself.

Few negative factors

Dry microclimate has an adverse effect not only on the human body, but also on furniture. If your apartment has a low level of humidity, you can assume that you are unlikely to bring the wooden furniture to its original form.

Important! In addition to humidity, the air temperature in the room is also important for comfortable well-being. If there are problems with this, use the separate selection of budget methods, how to make air conditioning at home.

It will also not be amiss to think about buying an alternative cooling source for the home. Read how to choose a fan - inexpensive but good.

Medical experts recommend using moisturizers all year round, since with their use you will fence yourself off unnecessary diseases, drying out furniture and plants.

Important! Use a humidifier without fanaticism, since increased humidity in the room is not good. The optimum humidity level in the living room should not be more than 60% and not less than 40%. It is advisable to stick to these numbers year-round.

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Should I buy a humidifier for air?

Today, in the markets and in specialized stores, customers are presented with a wide selection of various models of this type of equipment. If you do not have enough money, it is recommended to make a homemade moisture optimizer. If you have the opportunity to purchase such a product, then upon purchase you will receive:

  1. The optimum moisture level in the room, due to the mode you set.
  2. The possibility of free service in the service center from the company.
  3. Save time and energy.

This technique is divided into four groups:

  • Ultrasonic Optimizer - is a small, barely noticeable atomizer.
  • Cold Optimizer - spray cold steam.
  • Hot humidifier - spray hot steam.
  • Optimizer-sprayer - evenly distributes trickles of water throughout the room.

Important! It is difficult to say for sure whether to buy such equipment or not, since the issue of acquisition can be resolved on the basis of the availability of funds.

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We increase the humidity in the room

In order to increase the humidity level in the apartment, it is necessary to evaporate a certain amount of water. On the Internet, you can find several optimal solutions to the problem of dry air without costs and special efforts.

Consider the most popular ways:

  1. Hang a wet towel on a hot battery. Once it has dried, repeat the procedure. This method has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include minimal costs, since electricity is not used. The disadvantages of this method include low efficiency and constant monitoring. In addition, the air is humidified only near the battery.
  2. Place water containers around the entire perimeter of the apartment. Over time, the liquid will evaporate, and the moisture level will slowly normalize.
  3. Arrange plants in the room that have the function of moisturizing the air - orchids, hibiscus, dracaena.
  4. Wet clean regularly or dry your laundry in the room.
  5. Get an aquarium with fish. Due to the constant filtration of water in the aquarium, moisture will evaporate.
  6. Buy a room fountain. Do not forget to pour water into it regularly.

Important! The first method can be a little complicated. One end of the towel should be placed in a basin with water, and the other put on a warm battery. As a result, you don’t have to constantly wet the towel, as it will be moistened by containers with liquid.

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How to make an air optimizer at home?

Do-it-yourself humidifier can be made from a plastic bottle. This is one of the easiest ways to make an optimizer at home. Consider the two most popular ways to create such an aggregate.

Method 1

For the first option, you will need the following materials:

  • Bottle made of plastic.
  • Gauze.
  • A wire or durable piece of fabric.

We begin to manufacture:

  1. On the side of the bottle you need to make a cut of 12 centimeters long.
  2. We suspend the bottle with the wire to the battery so that the cut is at the top (you need to suspend it to pipes that are closer to the ceiling).
  3. Pour liquid into the bottle.
  4. Wrap one edge of gauze around the pipe, and lower the other into a bottle.

Important! Plastic bottles are generally an inexhaustible source of various ideas. Home craftsmen and craftsmen apply them everywhere, creating many practical household items with minimal investment. We shared some ideas with you in a separate article. "Crafts from plastic bottles".


Method 2

For the second manufacturing option, the optimizer will need:

  • Bottle made of plastic.
  • Fan from any equipment.

We begin to create:

  1. Cut the neck of the bottle so that you can easily screw in the fan.
  2. Make several holes on all sides of the bottle.
  3. Pour water into the container so that it does not leak out of the holes.
  4. Fix the fan with tape and connect to the network.

Important! Such a humidifier is very effective in combating the problem of dry air, as a powerful air stream evenly distributes moisture throughout the room due to a powerful fan.

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Do-it-yourself ultrasonic air optimizer

To make such a device yourself at home is not difficult if you adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. In the lid of the bucket you need to make two holes, with a diameter of 5 centimeters.
  2. Attach a small fan to one of the holes so that it blows inward.
  3. In a piece of polystyrene, make a small hole with a diameter of no more than a glass.
  4. The glass must be placed inside the hole.
  5. In the center of the glass, make two small cuts - fluid will flow through them.
  6. Pour water into the bucket, close it with a lid.
  7. Connect the device to the network.

If you performed all the steps correctly, then almost immediately after turning on the unit to the network, cold steam will begin to be distributed around the room.

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Just like that, you can increase the humidity level in a room to the optimal value without spending at all on the purchase of an effective but expensive household appliance.

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