How to assemble a TV bracket?

Probably, this topic will never lose its relevance. Old TVs have long gone out of fashion. Now there is a tendency to purchase large modern TVs in your home. Communication with every day only improves, houses become higher, and smartphones and televisions are thinner and thinner. Digital technology has given us televisions about forty inches in size, and no one bothers you to hang such a handsome man on the wall. Why should a large TV take up space on a shelf or table when you can install it on a bracket? This method of placement saves a lot of space and allows you to control the viewing angle. How to assemble a TV bracket? The answer to this question is in this article.

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How to choose a TV bracket?

Installing the TV bracket on the wall will wait a bit. First we need to choose the best model. In order to correctly choose a bracket and not regret the purchase, you need to know about many selection criteria. Some of them are individual, but others are worth following.

The geometric dimensions of the TV and bracket

Manufacturers make brackets for TVs of any size. The dimension parameter can be assigned to the range of the mounting device. All the difference is only in the distance between the holes on which the TV hangs safely and.

Important! There are standards for the location of the holes that the bracket must match. Modern LCD and plasma televisions fit the VESA standard.

The standard itself can be classified into three categories that differ in the distance between the holes.

  • 12-22.9 inches.
  • 23-30.9 inches.
  • 31-90 inches.

Weight Support Bracket

32-inch TV will weigh about 7 kilograms, and the minimum weight that the bracket can withstand is about 12 kilograms.

Important! Manufacturers always make a margin for safety reasons, so it is almost impossible to miss the choice of a model by this criterion.


Design Features

And according to this parameter, our device can be classified into several types according to the axes of movement. The most convenient option is to rotate horizontally and vertically. Such adjustments should be enough to set the TV to the desired position. But if you are a lover of flexibility, then in any store you can find devices with two and three knees, with which it is even easier to control the orientation of the TV in space.

Important! When choosing both the lock of the TV panel and its location in space, be sure to consider several nuances so that watching movies and programs does not cause you any inconvenience. All of them are described in detail in our next articles:

What are the constructions made of?

There isn’t much to recommend, because almost all models of brackets are made of plastic or metal, or from everything at once. But do not worry about durability, because the manufacturer “answers with his head” for his products, and all designs pass hundreds of tests before release.

Design solutions

Everything here is also a little boring, because these devices are not much different from each other. Color solutions often end on black, but if you try, you can find other shades.Also, some models are equipped with plastic pads that cover all fasteners and holes. Yes, and not really a design is required, since the TV will cover everything with its massive screen.

There are no more recommendations on this, but it’s too early to start installing the TV on the bracket, let's get to know the best manufacturers.

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Top brands

The Internet allows you to make the TOP-3 brands of gadgets for televisions based on consumer reviews. We suggest you familiarize yourself with these brands. You might like some of the following options:

  1. Holder. This is the most budget option for the user, who at his low price is not deprived of quality. The LCDS-5001 costs only $ 4, and the LCDS-5002 costs $ 6.
  2. Kromax (Kromax). It is also a cheap member of the family. The fixed SLIM-3 model does not cost more than $ 5.
  3. Hama. It is many times more expensive, but meets all VESA standards. Users praise the H-118667 for durability and ease of use. Such a purchase will cost about $ 60.

Important! These options are the best according to Internet users, but do not forget about other manufacturers as: iTECH, “Resonance”, “Aspect”, “Barkan”, “Vogels”, Vivanco, Vobix, “High Tech” and other options .

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Where is better to get a bracket?

You can easily find such a device. It is enough to visit any large store of household electronic equipment. If you are not a fan of such stores, then the Internet will help you - thousands of online stores with online consultants are based on the global network, which will help you choose the best option for your TV. Some of the stores are manufacturing devices under their own name, so there should not be any problems with the search.

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Of course, prices for different models vary depending on the characteristics, functions and the store-seller where you are going to make a purchase. The price range starts from $ 4 and reaches 100, depending on the weight and axes of rotation. The rotation angle, mounts and other properties directly proportionally affect the price of the device, so you should decide on the desired functionality in advance.

Now you’ll learn how to install a TV bracket.

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Instructions for installing the device

Take for example the swivel-and-tilt TV bracket from Samsung manufacturer with a diagonal of 32 inches. The installation process for different TV models is not much different from each other, so this example is perfect. As a fastener, we take the holder's model - LCDS-5037 of the VESA standard with parameters 200x100, 200x200.

The brackets consist of two components: a base, which is mounted on the wall and a mating part, which connects to the back of the TV. The installation itself is as follows:

  • Select an installation location.
  • Once selected, mark on the wall to make the installation perfect. A kit with holes is very often included in the kit, along which you can draw markings on the wall.
  • Now we turn the base of the structure to the wall. If your wall is made of foam blocks or drywall, you just need to screw one screw into each hole. Brick, concrete or cement walls require preliminary marking for holes. For such cases, a powerful impact drill is taken, which, according to the marking, needs to drill holes. The length of the holes should be slightly larger than the size of the dowel.
  • Now we insert the dowels, we attach the base to the wall and with the help of a screwdriver we screw in pre-prepared screws.

Important! If the length of the holes should be longer than that of the dowel, then with a diameter the opposite is true. It must not exceed the diameter of the dowel so that the fastening is of high quality and the bracket is stable.

  • If you have fixed the structure, then we take the pads from the kit, “string” them into the grooves until a characteristic click is heard.
  • It remains to attach the counterpart of the bracket to the rear wall of the plasma. Do not forget to remove the foot of the TV!

On this installation is completed! We connect the TV with wires and enjoy watching. And so that you can perform the settings quickly and easily, use our instructions:

  1. How to connect the Internet to Smart TV?
  2. How to set up Smart TV?
  3. How to tune digital channels through an antenna?
  4. How to set up a TV tuner on a TV?
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In this article, we examined all issues related to the selection and installation of a TV bracket. We hope that with our tips you can cope with the task in a couple of hours without any difficulties.


