How to set up Smart TV?

Smart TV technology used on modern TVs is becoming more and more popular every year. Due to the expanded functionality, users get the opportunity not only to watch their favorite TV shows, but also even chat in real time, play games, watch videos on the Internet. To use all the features of Smart TV, you must immediately connect the equipment to the worldwide network. Today we will tell you how to set up Smart TV, how to solve common problems and possible connection options.
to contents ↑Connection via LAN
You can independently connect Smart TV to the Internet through a wired LAN using a router. To do this, you need a special wire and a LAN connector on the TV. Typically, this port is located on the back of the panel. In that case, if the router is configured according to DHCP parameters, then it is enough to connect it to the LAN cable, and that’s all. But there are other situations.
Connection occurs as follows:
- You must connect the cable to the correct port.
- Then go to the settings section to the “Cable” option.
- Based on the settings of the provider, specify the IP address, gateway value, mask, DNS.
On this connection of this function can be considered completed. As you can see, everything is quite simple, any person will cope with such work.
to contents ↑Wi-Fi connection
The new generation of technology is equipped with built-in modules of the Wi-Fi system. If it is not, then you should buy a special adapter for connecting to a wireless network. In most cases, the connection is via a special USB-connector. If the network has not yet been configured, then you need to purchase a router, then configure it, guided by the parameters of the provider. And in order to avoid any difficulties at this stage, keep our bookmarked post with instructions for installing and configuring the router.
You must do the following:
- The first way. It is made manually. Devices below the sixth series use the pictogram on the left to install the Internet. First, select the network, then settings and type. Next, go from the types of network connection to the tabs wireless or cable connection.
- The second way. It is carried out automatically. In this case, there is no need to enter the basic parameters, just turn on the option with the “Receive automatically” icon. As a result, the system will independently connect, then it will prompt you to select one from the available list of found wireless networks. Then you need to enter a unique code.
Important! If the Wi-Fi wireless response is too weak, you need to diagnose the device using the special Inssider application using a different connection channel. In addition, you will find it useful to troubleshoot common problems, if, of course, the TV can’t connect.
After connecting to the global network, an icon will appear on the monitor that the connection is completed. It remains to complete the final step and configure the Smart Hub service.
You can configure as follows:
- Go to the main menu, select the option called “Support”.
- Turn on the Smart Hub feature.
- Activate a previously installed system browser.
Such a setup of Smart TV with your own hands also does not cause much difficulty, if you use the recommendations of specialists.
to contents ↑Important! In order to fully appreciate all the possibilities of such a technique and easily select the necessary functions, use the detailed master classes to:
Connect smart TV using WPS, Plug & Access
Now we’ll look at how to quickly set up Smart TV using special Plug & Access and WPS systems. Each connection option has certain features that must be taken into account.
To make a connection using the WPS system, it is necessary that the router and the TV support this technology. Do the following:
- In the TV settings, select the WPS function.
- Click on the router button with the appropriate name.
- Wait until the system responds and the result of the connection is displayed.
To take advantage of state-of-the-art Plug & Access technology, make sure that your technology supports this feature. Perform these steps in strict sequence:
- Connect any drive to the router.
- As soon as the indicator light flashes, remove the device.
- Then plug the equipment into the USB port on the TV.
- Wait a moment for the system to perform automatic configuration.
- Pull out the drive.
Having performed such simple steps, you can enjoy all the features of the Smart TV function.
to contents ↑Important! Ready for the result? Once again critically examine the location of the TV and the room as a whole. You might find our ideas useful. how to hide the wires from the TV on the wall.
The main problems and solutions
Self-tuning Smart TV is not always so simple, often users have various difficulties that do not allow them to connect to the global network, or incorrect image transmission occurs. But if you know how to fix the situation, then you can solve everything on your own.
Typical problems connecting Smart TV and their solution:
- Incorrect adapter settings. To solve this problem, you must manually configure the Internet. If the WPS system is used on the router and the TV, you can automatically connect to the TV.
- No internet connection. You must restart the TV or adapter, disconnect and retry the setting.
- When watching videos, the image is not broadcast clearly, interference occurs. Often the reason for this phenomenon is a low level of data transfer, the processor in the router is too weak. To get out of the situation, you need to increase the speed of the Internet and replace the equipment with more powerful one.
- Pages load too long. You need to check the location of the router and, if necessary, move it closer.
- The device independently turns on and off. It is recommended to update the firmware, it is better to fix the socket, check the correct configuration of the equipment.
to contents ↑Important! Technology with features Smart is expensive. And if you decide on such a purchase, it makes sense to be puzzled by the proper care of her so that it lasts a long time. Read about how to wipe the TV screen.
Stock footage
Now you know whether it is difficult to set up Smart TV on your own. In fact, everything is quite simple, the main thing is to strictly follow the advice of experts and not violate the sequence of all actions.