How to choose a microphone?

Currently, the microphone from the device, needed by a narrow circle of specialists, has turned into a mega-popular device. It is used for dubbing amateur video, chatting on Skype, in network games - this is not a complete list of scenarios for using the device. We’ll talk about how to choose a microphone to suit your needs. To make the right choice, let's try to understand the technical characteristics of the device and highlight those that are especially important for most users.

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How to choose a good microphone for a computer by design

The way and the convenience of its use depend on how the device is made. Distinguish such varieties of designs.


This device is attached to clothes. The distance from the mouth remains constant, so the sound quality does not depend on the movements of the head. The loopback microphone is a very convenient and compact gadget, but you should not demand high quality sound from it.

Desktop microphone

As the name implies, the device is located on the table, on a special stand. The stand is also equipped with a set of control buttons. The minus of the design is that when the head moves, the distance to the microphone changes, which means that the sound level will not be unchanged. You have to keep your head in the same position.

Headset for computer

These are headphones additionally equipped with a microphone. The device is attached to the headphones with a special holder. The distance from the mouth to the microphone remains constant, which means that the sound is even.

Important! Regardless of which model you prefer, it will need to be properly connected. We offer you help special reviews-instructions on this topic, which you better save to your bookmarks so as not to lose before buying a microphone:

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Types of audio interface

Distinguish between such methods of connecting a microphone to a computer.


The device is connected to a standard connector. There are many advantages to this interface. For example, it is possible to include various devices in the general circuit that allow you to work with sound (for example, this is a preamplifier). If you do not use any additional equipment, then all hope remains on the PC sound card.

Important! If the sound card is mounted in the motherboard, then this design is unlikely to suit professionals. For simple communication, the difference is completely invisible.


The device is connected to a USB port. In expensive versions, there is a built-in preamplifier and other electronics. Cheap models lack integrated electronics.

Important! The USB microphone is not as flexible as the analog one, but if you choose an expensive model, then for most users its functionality is quite enough.

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The specifications given here have the greatest impact on sound quality. Basic knowledge of these indicators will help to understand the sea of ​​offers and choose a good microphone for your computer.

Sound pressure

This parameter determines the maximum level of sound transmitted without distortion, measured in decibels.


This is the level of sensitivity of the device to sounds that come from everywhere. For home PC, non-directional devices are suitable.

Important! A directional (one-way) microphone is indispensable if you need to clearly record a specific sound.

Sensitivity level

This is the minimum value of the sound picked up by the microphone. But highly sensitive devices have a serious drawback: susceptibility to extraneous noise. Therefore, it is impossible to assert unequivocally that the greater the sensitivity, the better.

Frequency range

The wider the range of supported frequencies, the better. But everything is within reason. The frequency range of human speech is in the range from 0.1 to 10 kHz, which means that a recording device that supports these parameters is quite sufficient for recording.1_5254fe745e7e75254fe745e825

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Sound transmission method

There are 2 ways of sound transmission - dynamic and condenser:

  • Capacitor. Sound transmission is carried out by changing the capacitance of capacitors located between the membranes. This option is used in professional recording studios.
  • Dynamic. A sensitive membrane in a magnetic field is involved in the transmission of sound waves. This is a simpler design, which is used in low-cost models.
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The best microphones for the computer - a mini-review of models

The review includes inexpensive microphones with good features.

SvenMK-630 - a good wired microphone

The sound range supported by this model is impressive - from 30 to 16 thousand Hz. The product is equipped with a convenient removable stand.

Important! The disadvantage of the microphone is not too much sensitivity.

Main characteristics:

  • Mass - 146 g.
  • The length of the wire is 2.4 m.
  • The sensitivity level is 58 dB.

Important! You might also be interested in the following information:

Plantronics Audio 300

Directional model equipped with noise reduction system. Great for voice transmission.

Main characteristics:

  • The sensitivity level is 39 dB.
  • The nominal resistance is 3 kOhm.
  • The length of the wire is 1.8 m.
  • There is a button on and off.

The device belongs to the category of omnidirectional.

Genius MIC-01A

A device with good (62 dB) sensitivity and a long connecting cord. All other characteristics are not particularly remarkable.


  • Mass - 64 g.
  • The sensitivity level is 62 dB.
  • The length of the wire is 3.0 m.
  • The supported frequency range is 100 Hz-10 kHz.

Important! Proper tuning of accessories generally affects the sound quality as a result. Therefore, we recommend that you read the following articles:

Defender MIC-155

Wireless microphone for karaoke and for TV, providing rich sound:

  • There is an opportunity for singing in a duet.
  • Range of action - up to 30 m.
  • The device is powered by Krona batteries.
  • The supported frequency range is from 100 Hz to 13 kHz.
  • The sensitivity level is 72 dB.
  • The mass of the device is 1.2 kg, the color is black.
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Having studied the technical characteristics of the device and not too lazy to read reviews, you can easily select the best microphone.

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