How to choose a sewing machine for the home for all types of fabrics?

A sewing machine in the house is a daily necessity. Thanks to this unit, you can both repair old and sew new clothes, bedding or textile home furnishings. The modern market for household appliances is full of a wide variety of models of sewing machines. Therefore, even a rather experienced user may be confused when choosing them, and for a beginner this will generally become an insurmountable dilemma. In order for you to choose the right model correctly, we will tell you how to choose a sewing machine for the home for all types of fabrics.

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Choosing a sewing machine for home use - setting goals correctly

When deciding on the choice of model, one should take into account the fact that universal machines that would suit absolutely everyone in nature simply do not exist. Therefore, you must clearly understand and determine the criteria that you present to this unit, for what purposes you will use it. When choosing a particular model of sewing machine, you should consider the following.

Your skill level

If you are a beginner of sewing, you should avoid sewing machines with a large number of functions and programs, as you simply will not use them, but only get confused. For experienced craftswomen, this model will only help in improving skills.

Your material possibilities

The price range of sewing machines ranges from cheap mechanical to quite expensive modern computer models. Therefore, in order to narrow the search, it is best to initially determine the amount of money that you are willing to pay for the purchase of such a device.

Goal and objective

Think about what you will be sewing on a sewing machine, as your future choice directly depends on this:

  • For simple sewing and repairing clothes, the simplest options will suit you.
  • As for the implementation of more complex processes, it is necessary to choose models that are somewhat improved, for example, a machine with an overlock is suitable for cutting fabrics or sewing loops.

Important! By purchasing a sewing machine, you have the opportunity to sew new things for yourself and loved ones. We can offer you to try your hand at manufacturing the following things:

Flexibility and simplicity of settings

Look in detail at the models offered to you and consider those in which there is the possibility of adjusting the length and width of the stitch. Thus, with the same type of stitch you can produce several combinations.

Important! The best sewing machines are those in which the width of the stitch is adjustable in the range from 0 to 7 millimeters, and the length is from 0 to 5. Beginners can familiarize themselves in more detail, how to fill up a sewing machineas well as explore which threads are better to choose for overlock.

Availability of additional accessories

This greatly extends the functionality of the sewing machine.

Important! When choosing a particular model of sewing machine, always pay attention to the availability of separately sold accessories or spare parts in case of breakage.


Other criteria:

  1. Dimensions It should be borne in mind that small units occupy less work space, but are less functional, in contrast to more bulky models.
  2. Frequency of use. If you are going to work on a sewing machine daily, then the best option would be a mechanical model. As for the automatic ones, you will have to spend a little more time searching for them.
  3. Type of fabric. It is very important to determine which fabric you will work with, since most models can easily cope with light suit and knit fabrics, and you may have problems working with denser fabrics.

Important! To choose a sewing machine for the home for all types of fabrics or specific ones, consider the following:

  • For thin and delicate fabrics, you should choose a model with an adjustable Teflon foot and thin needles.
  • When working with thick fabrics, you need a long stitch, so you should pay attention to models with the ability to change the width of the stitches and a fairly high foot.
  • As for curtain fabrics, it is best to choose a sewing machine with an additional table.
  • For the processing of knitted fabrics, a special function and additional accessories designed for these purposes must be present.
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Main criteria for technical specifications

When choosing a sewing machine for beginners, you need to pay attention to models that meet the following basic criteria:

  • The material of which the case and accessories are made. Most economy-class models are made of plastic, which is quite fragile and does not withstand long-term work. Therefore, before buying, always pay attention to the fact that the main parts are made only of metal.
  • Puncture force. The strength of the puncture directly depends on the power of the unit. For example, budget models are not suitable for working with dense fabrics, so for these purposes you will have to find something more expensive.

Important! Some sewing machine models have a function for regulating the puncture force.

  • Sewing speed. In this case, the principle “the greater the pressure on the pedal, the faster the machine sews”, therefore the sewing speed depends solely on your ability to work with this unit.
  • Foot pressure. Depending on the model you have chosen, this function can be adjusted either manually or automatically.
  • Type of shuttle. Depending on the model of the sewing machine, there are two types of shuttles:
    1. Vertical. Basically, he stands on inexpensive electromechanical and mechanical models. Such machines work quite loudly, and due to the fact that the shuttle is metal, the seamstress has no way to check the number of threads on the bobbin.
    2. Horizontal. Installed on professional and expensive units. In this case, the bobbin is under the transparent cover of the shuttle, due to which it is possible to control the number of wound threads.
  • Types of lines. Today, in most modern models, a huge assortment of a wide variety of types of stitches is presented, from basic ones to decorative hearts and twigs. Practice shows that even experienced tailors mainly use the most common and basic types of stitches. Therefore, if you are a beginner, you should pay attention to models that, in addition to the basic ones, have additional seams - overcast, buttonhole and zigzag.
  • Submission of material. Thanks to the presence of special teeth, which are under the needle, the process of sewing and embroidery becomes much easier, since there is no need to move the fabric manually.
  • The presence of a table - consoles or pockets for sleeves.They expand the workplace and greatly simplify the process of working with specific and volumetric products.
  • Automatic or semi-automatic loop. Models of sewing machines can also differ from each other in the way of buttonhole stitching. For example, in budget options, buttonholes are swept out in a semi-automatic mode in several stages. As for the more expensive and professional units, in this case, the loop is swept out automatically. To do this, simply replace the foot.
  • Equipment. Always pay attention to what is included in the package of your choice. As a rule, most often it consists of interchangeable legs and a set of needles.


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Types of Sewing Machines

It should be noted that sewing machines are divided into household and industrial. Industrial units have only one function, large dimensions and are adapted to work all day, without breaking. When choosing the best sewing machine for home use, you should pay attention to household units, as they are equipped with many functions. Household models, in turn, are divided into the following categories.


These are the simplest and cheapest cars. Its entire mechanism consists of gears, shafts and levers, and an electric motor drives them. The main advantage of such models is their low price, reliability, in case of breakdown - inexpensive repair.

But in speed, they are much inferior to more expensive options.

Important! This model will be a great start for inexperienced needlewomen who are just learning sewing skills.


Such units work due to the availability of a special computer board, which carries out general management of the entire process. On such machines, you can sew intricate and custom stitch programs, which are used quite rarely. The main disadvantage is its high cost and complexity of repair.


Embroidery and sewing embroidery machines

When choosing such an aggregate, one should take into account the fact that the budget versions work poorly and quickly fail. As for the more expensive models, their price will not be affordable for everyone.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that having bought an embroidery machine, you will not immediately create a masterpiece. You will have to learn to work on it for some time.



Such units are designed to make a flat seam, which is used to close the edge of the hem of a knitted or stretch product.


This unit is a machine with two needles, which is equipped with a trimming mechanism. This option is designed to process the edges of a wide variety of garments. When choosing a sewing machine with an overlock for home use, first of all, you need to pay attention to the convenience of threading:

  • Mostly in overlocks, there are 3- and 4-thread basting, which is suitable for absolutely all types of fabrics.
  • In more expensive versions, there is also a 2-thread overlay, which is used to work with very thin materials - silk or chiffon.

Important! In computer machines, an overlock function may also be present. But if you have the financial ability, it is better to purchase an overlock separately. Its advantage is the presence of trimming knives and a more accurate seam.


This is a completely new invention, which combines an overlock and a ploskoshovny machine. This unit can both process edges and make a direct chain stitch.

Important! Always pay attention to the number of accessories that are included in the kit, as the cost of the sewing machine directly depends on this. It is better to choose models with the minimum configuration, and already buy everything you need for work separately.


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The best of the best

We bring to your attention a detailed home sewing machine rating reviewand who have proven themselves to be the best and are popular among experienced craftswomen.

Janome 2212

Despite its simplicity, this is a fairly reliable model with all the basic functions necessary for work, which will be a great start for beginners. This model is suitable for working with simple sewing projects - bedding, clothes and accessories.

Important! Popularity among users of Janome 2212 has earned its effectiveness and durability. With proper skill, even professional crafts can be created on it.

The main functions of Janome 2212 include:

  • The presence of 12 types of lines;
  • Front loading of the shuttle;
  • Manual control of tissue tension;
  • Foldable carry handle;
  • Adjustable stitch length (up to 4 millimeters);
  • Built-in thread cutter;
  • Adjustable zigzag width (up to 5 millimeters);
  • Bobbin winder;
  • Vertical retractable coil holder;
  • Adjustable reverse stitch length;
  • Highlighting the workspace;
  • The set contains 9 presser feet, a set of needles, a small screwdriver, a seam ripper, a hook reel and a protective cover.

Important! In addition to the basic functions, the Janome 2212 model is suitable for the use of thin fabrics, has a light weight, easy to operate, in relation to other sewing machines of the same configuration - quite budget.

The disadvantages of this unit include:

  • Limited number of settings;
  • Lack of automatic control;
  • Hand threading the needle;
  • The complexity of working with thick canvases.

Singer Stylist 7258

This is one of the best electromechanical sewing machines in terms of price and quality. Such a model will be an excellent option for both beginners of sewing, and for experienced craftswomen. Due to the presence of a huge number of various lines, it makes it possible to create rather non-standard clothes, to make decorative stitching of bed linen and accessories.

Important! The Singer Stylist 7258 provides automatic needle lifting when you remove your foot from the pedal if you forget to lift it before removing the fabric.

This model is equipped with a liquid crystal display with additional backlight, which displays the program you have selected.

The main functions of the Singer Stylist 7258 include the following:

  • The presence of 100 types of decorative stitches;
  • The package includes 10 legs designed for various purposes, a set of needles, a seam ripper, 3 bobbins, a brush for cleaning, a screwdriver;
  • The presence of a rod for the coil;
  • Auto winding function;
  • Programmed control of lowering and raising the needle;
  • The presence of 7 different types of one-step raising loops;
  • Automatic needle threader;
  • Speed ​​control;
  • 6-level tissue feed mechanism;
  • Possibility of tailoring with a double needle;
  • Integrated carry handle;
  • The presence of a DVD disc with a detailed video lesson and instructions;
  • Strong metal case;
  • The presence of an expanding table.

Important! The main advantage of this sewing machine is its full automation, which greatly simplifies the process and improves the quality of the original product. In addition, the Singer Stylist 7258 helps improve sewing skills.

The disadvantages of this model include:

  • Lack of function to manually adjust the pressure of the presser foot, as it is done automatically, which is not very convenient when working with different types of fabrics;
  • Limited stitch width (up to 6 millimeters);
  • The fragility of the pedal, which is made of plastic.

Brothers Innov-is NV1800Q

This is one of the best computer and modern sewing machines that allows you to create your own design of decorative stitches that are stored in the computer's memory.

Important! Due to the updated drive system, it becomes possible to work with different types of fabrics. Also, which is very important, this model, unlike others, provides for the adjustment of sewing speed.

The main functions of the Brothers Innov-is NV1800Q include:

  • The presence in the configuration of an additional device for sewing in a circle;
  • Multifunctional foot pedal;
  • The presence of an additional device, thanks to which it is possible to produce volumetric embroidery;
  • A set of additional legs;
  • The presence of a needle plate to create perfectly even lines;
  • The ability to automatically adjust the thread tension;
  • LCD screen with touch control;
  • Work knee lifter without the help of hands;
  • Automated threading of the needle;
  • The presence of additional illumination of the workspace;
  • 10 different programs for creating loops;
  • The presence of 232 types of lines.

Such a sewing machine attracts not only with its rather stylish design, but also with a huge selection of programs and functions, thanks to which you can create unique things. The disadvantages of Brothers Innov-is NV1800Q include:

  • Dimension and heaviness of the machine;
  • Due to the excessive sensitivity of the touch panel, there is always a risk of accidentally touching and knocking down all the settings;
  • Thread tension can be tight for use with base materials;
  • There are difficulties in working with knitted fabrics.

Important! Brothers Innov-is NV1800Q is a rather cumbersome model, and due to the presence of a large number of functions, it will not work for beginners, but experienced craftswomen will be just right. You should also take into account the fact that such a sewing machine is not from the budget and will cost you a pretty penny.

Working with a sewing machine every day, it would be nice to arrange for yourself a workplace dedicated entirely to your work. Accordingly, it was not superfluous to create do-it-yourself sewing machine table.

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The sewing machine is your friend and assistant for many years, so her choice should be taken very seriously. Using in practice the advice of our experts, you can choose for yourself the very model that will become simply irreplaceable for you in the process of repairing clothes, as well as creating new and unique things.

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