The best facial massager

Probably, there is no woman who would not dream of a beautiful, supple and smooth skin. Unfortunately, over the years, the skin ceases to be impeccable - wrinkles, age spots, and puffiness appear under the eyes. The oval of the face loses its clarity, a second chin appears. To make age-related changes not so noticeable, some ladies resort to the services of professional cosmetologists. However, the cost of cosmetic procedures cannot be called low, and there is not always time to visit a professional salon. A special massager helps to solve this problem. The article will discuss how to choose the best facial massager.

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Pros of home massage treatments

Home massage using a special device is a great alternative to expensive salon procedures. Of course, a good device costs a lot of money, but it will be an investment in a large number of treatment sessions that you can spend at a convenient time.

Important! Typically, such devices are small in size. They easily fit in your purse and can accompany you both at home and on various trips.

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What effect can be achieved?

Different massagers are designed for different skin types. With the right choice of the device and regular procedures in the skin, such changes occur:

  • Improving blood flow, enhancing tissue oxygen supply. This improves complexion, normalizes metabolism.
  • Normalization of the sebaceous glands, the disappearance of puffiness and age spots.
  • Pore ​​cleaning, reduction of inflamed areas.
  • Improving the tone of the muscles of the face. In this case, the second chin disappears, and the oval becomes more clear.
  • Healing of minor skin lesions, activation of its renewal.
  • Reducing, and sometimes eliminating, small wrinkles.

Important! Massager is a great device. But in addition, or even not having it, you can achieve good results through the correct procedures. To do this, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon. Use our selection of useful tips to restore beauty, freshness and youth to your face:

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How to choose a facial massager? Classification

Today there are a large number of massagers for different types of face. To make the choice of the best massager for your face a win-win, you should definitely visit a cosmetologist who will professionally advise you. Distinguish such varieties of massagers.

Mechanical (roller)

These are inexpensive devices available to almost every lady. They consist of two different-sized rollers interconnected. The rollers can be wooden, stone or plastic.

Massage effect on the skin is obtained from the movement of the rollers.

Important! Despite the fact that the design is extremely simple, even deep skin areas are affected. This provides a lifting effect. The skin becomes more toned and supple.

Electrical (muscle stimulators)

The main action of such a device is the lifting effect. This eliminates facial wrinkles, deposits of excess fat in the neck.Also, myostimulants have a lymphatic drainage effect and improve blood circulation.

Important! This is a good alternative to Botox injections and other expensive anti-aging treatments.



With their help, it is convenient to clean the pores of dirt. A vacuum device also helps fight wrinkles. The skin takes on a toned look, the second chin disappears, and the “black dots” from the enlarged pores cease to annoy.

Important! Vacuum massage has a number of contraindications - inflammatory diseases, skin injuries, severe vein diseases). Therefore, before purchasing a vacuum device, you must first consult with your doctor.


The main task is to activate the saturation of tissues with oxygen. The procedure also normalizes metabolic processes. With regular massage, the complexion becomes healthy, and the skin - radiant.


The main effect of ultrasonic exposure is the elimination of defects that make the skin surface uneven. In addition, exposure to ultrasound enhances collagen production. The contour of the face at the same time becomes more clear.

Important! Do not use ultrasound devices if you have an electronic implant (pacemaker or hearing aid). Ultrasound massage is contraindicated for any neoplasms with an unspecified diagnosis, for malignant tumors, acute dermatological diseases, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

For the skin around the eyes

Most often, infrared devices are used to massage this sensitive area. The skin around the eyes is thin, especially prone to wrinkles and age spots. A compact infrared massager with many nozzles helps to successfully deal with this problem.


The hybrid model combines infrared and ultrasonic exposure. This makes massage even more effective.

Laser - the best massagers for face at home

It helps to effectively tighten the oval of the face, smooth out facial wrinkles, Regular massage improves the complexion, normalizes metabolic processes in the skin. After the first session, a certain effect is noticeable.

Important! In addition to training and mechanical stress, it is also necessary to ensure that the skin is clean, receive a sufficient amount of nutrients. And here it all depends on its type, which we described in detail in the following publications:

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Recommendations to the owners:

  • If you are at a loss with a choice, you can “experience” the effect of various devices in a beauty salon. By comparing different options, you can make the right decision.
  • After buying a massager, carefully read the instructions for it.
  • Choosing a massager, do not forget about the technical specifications. For example, for electrical appliances, it is important how they work - from a network or an autonomous source. Naturally, the higher the power, the more efficient the device, but the energy intensity of such devices is higher.
  • Massage should be done regularly - several times a week or daily. The full course contains 10-20 procedures, but it can be repeated over time - after about a month.

Important! If you have no skin problems, then 1 preventive procedure per week is enough.

  • If you have conducted several massage sessions, and the effect is not very noticeable, do not be discouraged. It is possible that you can see the positive dynamics after a full course of procedures. If the effect is absent, this only says one thing: you have chosen the device incorrectly.

Important! Buy massagers only in specialized stores. It is imperative that products be certified. Must have a guarantee document.

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How to choose the right device and not make a mistake?

As you already understood, the choice of a facial massager is an individual task. However, there are general requirements for all types of devices:

  1. For electrical appliances - powered by mains or battery.Most preferably, two-in-one appliances.
  2. Sizes. A small low-power device is unlikely to be effective, and too bulky is inconvenient. The best option is the “golden mean”.
  3. Ergonomic non-slip coated handle.
  4. Power. The larger it is, the more efficient the device. The dependence is direct.
  5. A set of additional nozzles.

Important! Do not forget to also look through the entire arsenal of your cosmetics and replace unsuitable or expired new ones. To make it easier for you to decide, check out the ratings from the following articles:

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Facial massagers - top rated

Now in more detail we will consider the most popular options.

Darsonval Ultratech

This Russian device has a low cost, compact and convenient to use. The device acts on the skin with small current charges. The power of the device is adjustable, it works from the network.

Important! The device successfully copes with the defects of withered skin, even straightens wrinkles.

Gezatone SuperSonic

Ultrasonic device that normalizes metabolism. It has a rejuvenating effect, as it stimulates the production of collagen. Massage works from the network, its weight does not exceed 200 g.


The simplest mechanical device. Massage is carried out by special rollers located on three “antennae”.

Important! Daily 10-minute use of the massager tightens the skin, tones it and reduces wrinkles.


“Double roller”

Hand massager with two jade rollers. The stone holds the temperature well, so the “Double Roller” is suitable for a warm massage. A large roller is convenient to work on the contours of the face, smaller - small areas.

Important! The massager smoothes the skin, has a lymphatic drainage effect.

Slendertone face

This is a fairly expensive high-tech device. You put on special headphones, and current pulses affect the skin.

Important! The massager has a well-defined lifting effect, the results are visible after a week.

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A good massage device costs a lot of money. However, the right choice and regular use can create a real miracle. You will look much younger!

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