Acoustic selection according to technical parameters

You should not run to the first electronic appliance store that comes across for a sound system. The choice of equipment must be approached wisely, because rushing in this matter can lead to the purchase of a poor-quality product from a dubious manufacturer. How to prevent such a mistake? In order to be in a favorable position for yourself, it is worth learning to select acoustics according to the technical characteristics of the systems. Let's talk about these characteristics and pay attention to the main points.
to contents ↑We choose the equipment yourself
To make a high-quality selection of acoustics according to parameters is one of the main stages when choosing such devices. More attention should be paid to the characteristics of the amplifier, which is almost the most important link in the sound system. Professional masters in any service will tell you that you need to observe the power ratio of the amplifier acoustics.
Compliance with this rule guarantees you the best sound. Buying low-power equipment, in comparison with the speakers, can lead the buyer to a number of different problems, which we will talk about a little later.
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A little about the main thing
Previously, the power of the amplifier was the main criterion on the basis of which most consumers chose the system. The values of its parameters influenced the price tag, and consequently, the price of all acoustics.
But with the development of technology, power has ceased to be the “face” of sound equipment, and in its place has come the overall quality of sound reproduction with all the attendantcriteria for choosing the best acoustics.
Important! The same class A amplifiers with a power of 3 watts do not differ in cost from class “AB” based on transistors with power values of 2 kW.
How to choose acoustics by parameters? Perhaps we will begin the analysis with this same power.
Power value
When choosing an acoustics, it is recommended for any consumer to read the following information:
- The power values of the amplifier affect not only the volume level. In turn, the device itself with an output power does not directly affect the volume level that the unit speakers emit. This criterion depends on the aforementioned ratio of acoustics and amp.
- Sensitivity indicates to the user how sound pressure the device can operate. Usually this value is somewhere around 80-110 dB. For example, the same person during a conversation plays sound with a value of 60 dB, a rock music concert - 110 dB. Values that exceed 120 dB are harmful to the human ear.
- The more powerful you choose the equipment, the less sensitivity it should have. To clarify, then for every three decibels you need to double the output power.
- All measurements must be carried out strictly at a distance of one meter. Larger or shorter distances can lead to inaccurate measurements.
Important! The less resistance the acoustics have, the more problems it will cause for the amplifier. For the same value of 4 ohms, you need a system that can give a double return.
- If your choice fell on an impedance of 8 ohms, you should pay all attention to sound, not the ratio of parameters.
- For owners of systems with 4 ohms, it will be more rational to choose an amplifier that can double power when the resistance drops. If a device with a resistance of 8 ohms has 100 watts of output, then for 4 ohms this value will be all 200 watts.
Important! The latter type of acoustics is ideal for lovers of low frequencies and rhythm, the first is better to use for other purposes.
- Also, do not forget that all amplifiers without doubling the output parameter have much more attention due to the build quality.
- Any type of acoustics can be attributed to simple or complex, if we talk about the relationship with the amplifying element. This criterion will depend not only on the characteristics that were listed above, but also on the design features.
- When buying, you should be aware of the damping coefficient, which characterizes the ability to control the diffusers of the system speakers. Powerful devices have the best options in this regard.
Important! If the system amplifier does not experience heavy load, then even in the weakest models, high-quality sound will be output.
- If you want to buy a low-power amplifier element for low frequencies, then you will not be able to achieve optimal sound volume.
As you have noticed, the selection of acoustics is a very tricky business that requires knowledge of many things. What else to pay attention to when choosing? We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the tips.
Important! If you want to reach a new level of use of the speaker system, then this article is for you: “Coaxial speakers - what is it?”.
The main recommendations when choosing
As we have already mentioned, when choosing, you should achieve the ideal ratio of amplifier to acoustics, since it is the competent construction of this ratio that allows you to get the best sound performance. But honestly, this rule will not be enough to get the full effect.
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Now you can familiarize yourself with the rules, the observance of which will give you great benefit. Their list is as follows:
- It is very important to make good isolation from vibration and noise in your car in advance. Even the best system will give an incomprehensible sound at the output if there is no “noise” in the transport.
- Do not forget that the overall quality of the reproduction also depends on the front speakers, on which the buyer is not recommended to save. It is best to pay attention to those 2-component speakers, the cost of which starts at $ 150.
Important! For beginners, it is not recommended to use a three-way type of device, since it is extremely difficult to install and not everyone can cope with it on their own.
- Do not forget to get special podiums and shelves on which your speakers and tweeters will be located. Proper arrangement of the components also affects the quality of the reproduced sound.
Important! You can also save on the purchase of such equipment by making all the parts yourself.
- A very important step is the selection of the correct connection scheme. You can do with some budget, but quality. For example, you need a good tape recorder and a 4-channel amplifier with 2-way speakers and a subwoofer, and the rear speakers, which would need to be connected immediately to the player, would also be nice. Other users recommend that beginners use a slightly different scheme: a tape recorder, four-channel amplifier, two-component speakers and rear speakers, as well as a candy bar that is connected to the “bun”. In fact, it’s up to you to choose a circuit.But do not save on the quality of conductors, since the choice of budget products may let you down in the future.
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Now you understand how to select acoustics according to parameters. The most important thing is not to fall for the tricks of marketers who strive to palm off products of dubious quality. Carefully read the description of the equipment and follow the safety precautions during installation.
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