Repair of LCD TVs

It is impossible to imagine the modern housing of an urban man without video and audio equipment. Every person uses this type of equipment every day, and quite intensively and regularly, in fact, which is why it often breaks partially or completely fails. In principle, thanks to the detailed instructions and recommendations, it is possible to repair LCD TVs at home, because there is nothing too complicated.
You can deal with any malfunction of TVs on your own, the main thing is not to panic and follow the instructions. And now we will consider in detail how to repair Samsung, Thomson, Panasonic and Sharp LCD TVs and other models. And we will consider the most popular breakdowns and methods for their elimination in more detail and separately.
to contents ↑Monitor has stopped working
The TVs listed above differ only in backlight, but they do not have any fundamental distinguishing characteristics.
Important! In LED models, the monitor is illuminated with LEDs, and in LCD TVs with fluorescent lights.
Therefore, in the event of a monitor breakdown, it is necessary, first of all, to check the power of the backlight, that is:
- Regardless of the model of the device, remove the back cover and power wires from the matrix. Naturally, before this, you must definitely disconnect the unit from the power supply.
- To check the operability of the wires, you need to try to connect the most ordinary lamp to them.
Important! Modern TVs often have several backlight sources and therefore it is recommended to check them all separately.
- To test the matrix, you need to connect the lamp to the contacts and connect the wire to the network.
If everything is OK, the lamp will light up, and if not, you just need to replace the cable or repair individual threads.
to contents ↑Blown fuse
It is not at all difficult to determine exactly this breakdown, because a blown fuse immediately catches your eye, that is, there is no thread inside the glass bulb. Sometimes traces of soot are clearly visible on the glass.
Important! Remember, before you start replacing a fuse, only ten percent out of a hundred devices start working again.
A similar repair of LED TVs takes place using tools such as:
- tweezers;
- soldering iron with a set of tips;
- microscope;
- incisors;
- special meter.
Otherwise, you simply won’t be able to replace on your own such a fragile, small, but at the same time, important element for the TV to work.
Important! To next time rule out such a breakdown of the same TV or new, use to select a good protective model review of the best network filters.
Vertical stripes appeared on the screen.
What to do in this situation? The appearance of such strips on the monitor clearly indicates problems with the drivers, that is, controllers, decoders and decoders of the matrix liquid crystal panel.
Important! It is thanks to these microcircuits that the color signal is converted to redirect and start the operation of each pixel.
As a rule, they are located on flexible cables near the matrix, which divide its surface into several parts. We work further to repair the LCD TV, in this way:
- Turn the panel downside down and put on something soft.
- Then we unscrew the bolts and screws holding the back panel.
- We find the board of the power supply, signal processing unit and the board responsible for the backlight. The main task here is to get to the loops through all these elements, and to do this, you need to remove the device frame.
- We disconnect the signal processing board and free the loops, check the reliability of the connection of each connector.
- Carefully disconnect the loops of the intermediate matrix board and inspect, because it is probably here that small cracks formed.
- We install the boards in place, turn on the TV. The stripes will indicate to us the malfunction of a particular driver: it is simply necessary to click on the cables one by one, and if the stripes disappear, then the problem lies in this place.
- We return the cables to the place by pressing them at the right points, and you can use double-sided tape for this. Your main task is to press the departed loop as tightly as possible to the matrix.
- Sometimes contacts are restored using a soldering station or an iron. As a result, the cable is firmly glued with conductive glue, which has low resistance under pressing.
- A heated soldering iron helps to restore the matrix contacts with the loop.
Important! Once it was possible to restore the working condition of your screen, set it to the usual place for a test viewing. Please be sure to check with our instructions on how to set up correctly. TV viewing angle.
Malfunctions in the power supply
It’s easy to check the functionality of this item. It is necessary to disconnect the load and connect an incandescent lamp to it. If the voltage does not exceed 110 volts, then this will be a clear sign of a breakdown in the power supply.
Further, the transformer of the unit passes the test, which should produce a voltage of at least 160 volts. To understand, you should disconnect the power supply from the sweep by disconnecting the fuse or inductor.
Using the same incandescent lamp, we check the transistor, input circuits and a network rectifier. If the lamp lights up and immediately goes out, then this will clearly indicate a failure of the power supply.
Important! In order not to expose the device to the risk of final breakdown, it is better to replace the damaged element.
Backlight problems
Repair of LCD TVs is often associated with a malfunction of the scan unit and power supply, that is, its screen simply does not light up. As a rule, in such cases, the violation of the integrity of the monitor itself or of contacts, loops going to it becomes the fault.
The problem can also be related to the radio channel - in such cases there is no sound or image:
- If there is no picture, but there is sound, most likely the video amplifier or color block has become unusable.
- In the opposite situation, the problem is the breakdown of the tuner or its winding.
Important! During diagnostics, maximum attention should be paid to the control unit, and reference data or circuits present in the technical passport of the device can help.
TV does not turn on at all
Such symptoms, as a rule, are in one way or another connected with the lack of voltage in the mains, because if only a light bulb burned out, then the TV would work in the usual mode. But you do not need to despair right away, the main thing is to eliminate all possible malfunctions in time, which can be eliminated on your own.
Of course, situations also occur more seriously when the problems are related to the open circuit of the fuse resistor. Following detailed instructions and diagrams, even a person who is little versed in such a technique can solve such problems.
to contents ↑Important! Do not forget that many problems with the equipment are provoked by the most ordinary dust that covers the screen, clogs the contacts.To exclude this negative factor in the future, read about what to use. tv cleaners.
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We hope that you were able to independently restore the functionality of your TV and nothing more prevents you from enjoying your favorite shows and movies.
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