TV Cleaners

Many people don’t even think about how to clean LCD screens until modern TVs appear in their homes. Some housewives, out of habit, wipe them with wet rags, and thus remove dust from the screens. Unfortunately, such actions often lead to damage to the equipment. Such cleaning methods damage the TVs; they have to be taken to service centers. In order not to encounter such a problem, you need to know what to choose cleaning products for TVs. Today we will tell you how to choose the right option so as not to get confused on the assortment offered in stores.
to contents ↑Why are TV screens getting dirty?
LCD screens broadcast rich, beautiful colors and clear images. Therefore, the kids in particular just want to touch the monitor with a finger. In addition to handprints, other impurities appear on them, for example, dust settles, splashes from various liquids get. Naturally, because of this, you have to constantly wash them, but it is important to know how to clean the TV screens. If you do not properly care for the equipment, then inevitably there will appear stains, scratches and glare on it. If you’ve already encountered such a problem, first use our selection of ways to remove scratches from the TV screen.
to contents ↑Precautions when cleaning TV screens
Before you start wiping the TV monitor, you need to understand what actions should be avoided so as not to spoil it.
Basic Precautions:
- If there is no special coating on the screen, then it cannot be cleaned with window cleaners, compounds and solvents that contain chemicals. Otherwise, the device will fail permanently.
- The TV must be turned off before cleaning. It is not enough just to press a button on the remote control. It is recommended that you first disconnect it from power, that is, remove the plug from the outlet. Such actions will protect you from electric shock.
- It is only necessary to remove dirt with a soft, lint-free cloth.
- It is impossible to apply gel-like, liquid products or ordinary water on the screen, since this can lead to the appearance of rainbow stains, the picture will not be clearly transmitted.
- It is forbidden to spray aerosols directly onto the monitor, since moisture can penetrate into the case or accumulate in the lower part of the panel. Such actions, as a rule, lead to breakage or short circuit. It is better to use special rags or napkins.
- When cleaning the screen, do not scrape it, in no case press on its surface or scratch it.
- Particularly carefully should be cleaned devices with LED surface, because from finger presses you can damage their coating.
- Until the monitor is completely dry, you cannot turn it on.
to contents ↑Important! Before you start cleaning the TV, be sure to read the instructions, pay attention to especially important points that the manufacturer noted.
How to clean LCD screens?
Means for cleaning TVs today are presented in a huge assortment, so it can be difficult to make a choice.Each owner of such equipment should clearly know what and how to care for it.
Basic rules for cleaning monitors:
- To remove dirt from delicate surfaces of electronics, you can use special napkins soaked in special compounds that easily remove static electricity. As a rule, they do not contain abrasive substances and alcohol, so you can safely use them to care for any type of monitor.
- Non-dried dirt and dust should be removed with a lint-free cloth or napkin. It is better to use flannel, fleece or cotton fabric. Ideal for this purpose - material for rubbing glasses. It can not be wet, otherwise - you can damage the surface.
- Fingerprints and dust are easily removed if you wipe the screen with anti-static wipes from time to time.
- Wet wipes clean the surface, and dry wipes absorb moisture and remove stains.
- Dust is ideally removed with microfiber cloths. They also do well with oily stains and stains. In general, this is an ideal cleaning equipment for the home, for more information about the properties, read the article "Microfiber Wipes".
- Special care products for LCD panels are produced in the form of foam, gels and aerosols. They cope with dirt of any complexity, have an antistatic effect. The main thing is that they do not contain alcohol.
- Every month, it is necessary to clean the housing from dust with a soft cloth.
to contents ↑Important! Aerosols, foam, gel must first be applied to a napkin, and then wipe the monitor.
How can I not wipe the TV screens?
LCD panels are quite sensitive to the effects of aggressive chemical compounds, which is why it is necessary to choose special means for caring for TV equipment.
They are not recommended to be cleaned with agents that include such components:
- Ammonia.
- Acetone.
- Dyes.
- Ethyl chloride.
- Solvent.
- Petrol.
- Abrasive particles.
All of these substances are capable of permanently spoiling expensive equipment. In addition, it is forbidden to process screens by the following means:
- Alcohol and alcohol-containing products.
- Means for washing glasses, windows, dishes.
- Soda.
- Washing powder.
- Paper towels and napkins.
- Wet wipes for hands.
to contents ↑Important! If in your apartment it becomes dirty even an hour after cleaning, it makes sense to sort out the reasons for a start and eliminate them. This will have a beneficial effect not only on the condition of all household appliances, but also on your health. To help you our reviews:
Professional LCD Monitor Cleaners
As we previously specified, in shops you can find a lot of special products for cleaning modern technology, all of them are quite high-quality and effective, so you can safely choose one of the proposed options.
Best TV Cleaners:
- Color Way 3333 - cleaning compressed air. It is sold in special containers, designed for efficient and quick cleaning of the most inaccessible places. It allows you to blow dust, dirt, small particles of debris. A special tube directing the air flow makes it possible to clean all cracks and corners. After applying compressed air, no residue remains. The tool is considered multifunctional, it can be used at home. It does not contain substances that destroy the ozone layer.
- Patron F3-029 - foam for cleaning television screens. This is a unique new tool for fighting dirt on screens. With it, you can easily clean any monitor, plasma screen, smartphone, laptop display, glass surface. Foam effectively and gently eliminates dust, fingerprints, stains, and other dirt. It does not contain flavorings, alcohol, does not leave streaks.
- Color Way 3730 is an alcohol-based spray cleaner that can effectively cope with oil, grease, and dirt on metal, glass, and plastic surfaces. With it, you can clean electronic contacts and boards, use to service and repair cartridges, electronic equipment, spare parts. The composition of the spray includes denatured alcohol, which easily removes oil, grease and rubber deposits. It is incredibly easy to use. It can be sprayed pointwise to clean hard-to-reach spots efficiently and easily.
- Color Way 1032 is a specialized spray for screens, which is used to clean screens of electronics, home, personal, office equipment. Due to the special composition, the product does not leave stains, delicately copes with dirt, does not damage the surface, creates an antibacterial and antistatic coating.
- Data Flash 1620 - a cleansing spray designed to care for TV monitors, laptop displays, projectors, computers. It is ideal for cleaning the most sensitive surfaces.
- Patron F4-001 - wet wipes for cleaning plasma screens, all types of monitors. They do an excellent job with removing dust, stains, and fingerprints. This is crepe paper with improved properties, impregnated with a special cleaning solution. It provides high-quality cleaning, does not leave stains, does not require time to dry. Napkins leave an antistatic protective layer, do not contain fragrances, alcohol, are absolutely harmless to the skin.
- Color Way 1071 - cleaning wipes for screens, laptops, monitors, smartphones, televisions, computers, home and office equipment. They are designed for wet removal of the most severe pollution, scuffs, stubborn stains, dust. They are made of high quality material. They have absolutely no smell, dry quickly, do not leave stains, provide an excellent result.
- Color Way 6108 - portable wipes made of silicone microfiber with ultra thin weave. They are intended for delicate cleaning of all types of monitors, screens, portable equipment. Due to the innovative ultra dense weaving of fibers, microfiber enters each slot, removes the smallest particles of dust and dirt. The material is completely safe for any surfaces, special coatings, coatings.
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As you can see, the choice of special cleaning products is quite large, so you should not expose expensive devices to the old-fashioned cleaning methods, because there is a high probability of their damage and failure.
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