White sneakers

If you are a lover of sneakers and they prevail over all other types of shoes, especially if you wear white sneakers as well, we advise you to stay a bit on this page of our site. Information on how to contain such shoes and how to clean white sneakers correctly will help you and will allow you to keep this specific shoe in order for a long time.

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Daily care

Sneakers have long become a kind of fetish and the wearers of these shoes are considered fashionable people with a peculiar taste. But when there is old dirt on the stylish white shoe and dust ingrained in the rubber sole, it doesn’t look so attractive anymore. And the white sneakers deserve special attention, after all, they just put them on and went out into the street, some dirt was already clinging.

With frequent wear, and even every day, you need to think about how to clean white sneakers from the accumulated dirt per day immediately. So you will then rarely have to resort to a more global cleaning of so difficult to wash away dirt, if it is already eaten.

Important! This shoe has its drawbacks: a textile boot and a rubber sole, which indicates its excellent ability to collect and absorb any dust and dirt.

First way

The procedure for caring for white shoes, which you will read about below, is an old Soviet boot method of washing the skin, which only a few now know about. This method is also suitable for you to remove white sneakers. Use the method every day or when you wear shoes - in the evening, as soon as you come home:

  1. Soap a sponge with household or baby soap so that there is no water left on it, but only a lot of foam.
  2. The third of this foam dry sneakers - both the sole and the top.
  3. Wipe off the already dirty foam from the shoes with a dry, well-absorbing cloth.

So simple. You will be able to keep your white shoes clean and new for a long time, and this applies not only to sneakers.

Important! If sports shoes are both a daily and smart option for you, then you need to choose good quality models. Check out our review for details.top sneaker manufacturers.

Second way

This procedure is also not intended for overhaul. It will not help to maintain the purity of your product for a long time, but it can bring it into proper form if you are in a hurry and you already need to run away on business.

To clean your white sneakers this way, all your actions will be very simple:

  1. Apply a toothpaste with a whitening effect to the soft-bristle brush and rub the sneakers.
  2. Wipe the paste with a dry cloth.

Your sneakers will turn white, but recall - not for long.

Important! Do not wash sneakers (and other shoes too) every day with a wet rag, even if with soap - this will not only not clean your shoes, but also vice versa - it will allow dirt and dust to be absorbed deeper.

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Washing shoes

As soon as you decide on an event such as thorough washing of the sneaker, do not rush to do it in 5 minutes with the help of the first funds that came to hand. Proceed sequentially, even if the material, at first glance, is very high quality, and the seller claimed that "they will not be demolished."


To get started, check the spots. If there are any, then determine what substances and liquids they are from. Methodically proceed to remove these spots.

Textile stains

To clean white fabric sneakers from stains without harm, use gasoline. Simply apply refined gasoline to a cotton wool or cloth and wipe away any dirt.

If you are afraid, then the same notorious toothpaste will help you. Mix the paste with lemon juice and apply the mixture to the stain with a toothbrush in circular grating movements. Rinse with water.

Rubber-soled stains

Soda will help you get rid of stains on rubber. Rub the sole thoroughly with a soda using a toothbrush, then wipe the cleaning area with vinegar. If it doesn’t help, complete the matter with gasoline or use other methods from our separate article "How to whiten the sole on sneakers?".

Now you can start washing your sneakers.

Tidy the sole

A very good way to whiten white sneakers at home, namely the sole is to use a chlorine-free stain remover:

  1. Make a strong solution at the bottom of the basin - so that it only covers the soles of the products.
  2. Put the products in the basin.
  3. Leave on for 2-3 hours.
  4. Take out and do not forget to rinse with water.

There are several other ways to wash white sneakers so that they do not turn yellow. Below you will learn about them.

Important! Before proceeding with the enumeration of options, it is necessary to mention one nuance. Never use chlorine bleach when washing, never. It is he who makes your sneakers yellow, and especially the sole.

Washing machine

Since white sneakers are usually shoes made of fabric, washing in a washing machine is a very acceptable option to return them to their pristine cleanliness. But don't get too carried away with it. Frequent machine wash over time can lead to premature detachment of parts of the sneaker.

Important! Before washing, it is recommended to remove the insoles and laces. Be sure to clean the soles of street dirt with a brush and soap.

How to remove white sneakers from dirt at home in a typewriter:

  1. Separate the insoles, laces and sneakers in a centrifuge. Wrap sneakers, laces and insoles separately in three old pillowcases or special bag for washing shoesso that they are not thrown on the drum. Thus, do not spoil the machine.
  2. Pour into the powder compartment washing powder and optionally a little soda.
  3. Set the washing mode without spin at a temperature of 30-35 degrees.

Important! After you have removed the products from the centrifuge, take care of proper drying. Fill them with clean, inkless paper and place in a dark, air-blown area.

Save white sneakers from yellowness

White shoes after washing turned yellow, what to do? You just need to soak them for a while in the water, adding a little vinegar. Then - repeat the washing procedure - either machine or manual, which you will read about below.

Important! In order to enhance the result, you can clean the sneakers with a toothpaste with a whitening effect before washing.


I think you know the hand wash of everything that we wear from ancient times, when our mothers and grandmothers washed by hand. At first we usually soak everything, then we erase it. We do the same with sneakers.

How to wash white sneakers during hand washing in several ways, as well as how to remove white sneakers from yellow spots, you will read below. First you need to wipe off all the yellowness of the shoes with the above methods. After completing this procedure, remove the insoles and laces.

And now start washing by hand:

  1. Soak products, including insoles and laces, in warm water no higher than 40 degrees.
  2. Wait 1 hour.
  3. Wash one of the following options:
    • washing powder plus stain remover;
    • soap and soda;
    • washing powder and soda;
    • just powder;
    • detergent and vinegar.

Dry in the correct manner described above.

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Full color update

If you can’t completely wash it, you can paint over the textiles. There is a special paint, the application of which can refresh white sneakers. Of course, it will be sheer stupidity to paint on dirty products. Therefore, in any situation, first make an effort to wash them. Read how to do it right in our special publication. "How to color sneakers?".

Important! A fat-free surface is always good for staining, so after washing and drying, wipe the cloth with alcohol.

After all cleaning procedures, apply paint to the cloth and after a while you will again have your new favorite shoes. The sole, however, cannot be whitened in this way.

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Well, now the thought of how to care for white sneakers will not create unnecessary problems for you and you will be able to carry out all important life matters in great new white sneakers anytime, anywhere!

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