How to whiten the sole on sneakers?

Sneakers and sneakers have long become comfortable everyday shoes for many. They are worn not only in gyms, but also on the street, and even at work with business suits and dresses. While the shoes are new, they delight us with their cleanliness and impeccable appearance. But over time, any sole becomes dirty or turns yellow. How to whiten the sole on the sneakers - we will tell below, but first you need to prepare the shoes for cleaning.

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If you prepare well, then any cleaning will be easy and will give an excellent result. To prepare shoes, it is important to consider a number of points:

  1. Before any cleaning, wipe the shoes from dirt and dust.
  2. For cleaning, do not use alcohol-containing products, as well as products containing chlorine.
  3. Stock up with white rags, as colored fabric can dye the sole of the shoe.
  4. If the sole is not smooth, a brush is useful for cleaning. You can use an old toothbrush or hard shoe.
  5. Remember to wipe the shoes, including the sole, every time you come from the street. Then your sneakers will remain clean for a long time and will please you with snow-white.

If, after all, sneakers need a thorough cleaning, then you can use the simplest tools that are in every home.

Important! If you have to do such homework too often, also read about special devices that can greatly facilitate your life and save a ton of time -electric shoe shine.

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Tools at hand

In order to bleach the sole it is not necessary to use the laundry services, you can cope at home. There are seven basic ways to clean the white sole on sneakers.

Option One: Powder

For the first method you will needgood washing powder, water, a basin suitable for shoe size, and a hard brush.


  1. To begin with, the powder is dissolved in water, and take it twice as much as usual.
  2. After - a little money is poured into the container, and the shoes are placed so that only the sole is in the water.
  3. In this form, sneakers are left for half an hour, after which the shoes are cleaned with a stiff brush, rinsed with clean water and dried in a well-ventilated place.

Option Two: Soda

For this method you will need a sponge and baking soda. The powder is poured onto a damp sponge and rubbed with this composition to the yellowed sections of the sole. After - the shoes are cleaned with clean water and dried.

Option Three: Toothpaste

This method involves the use of toothpaste (it is better to take a whitening) or powder and an old toothbrush. Apply a bit of the product to the brush and rub the yellow areas with force. Residues are easily wiped off with water.

Option Four: nail polish remover

For this method, take a solvent with acetone or acetone itself and a cotton pad. The disc is wetted with liquid, and the rubber parts of the shoes are wiped. After - the sneakers are cleaned with a damp cloth, and dried with a well-absorbing cloth.

Important! Before starting work, be sure to test the method in an inconspicuous area.

Option Five: Citric Acid or Vinegar

To whiten the sole on sneakers using these products:

  1. First you need to prepare a solution of 3 parts water and one part food vinegar.
  2. Blot a cotton pad or cloth with this mixture and wipe the product.

Important! When using only citric acid, shoes are immediately sprinkled on it, rubbed with a brush and, after all procedures, washed off with warm water.

Option Six: Bleach

This method is similar to the version using washing powder, only here the main cleaning agent is bleach or stain remover:

  1. We make a highly concentrated solution of warm water and a cleaning agent.
  2. Sole is soaked in a solution.
  3. After 30 minutes, wipe it with a sponge.
  4. Remains of the product can be easily washed off with clean water.

Important! If the stain remover is already liquid, the solution can be omitted.

Seventh option: stationery eraser

If black stripes appear on the sole, an ordinary eraser will come to the rescue, which can be purchased at any office supply store. Just wipe it with dirty areas and they will easily turn white again.

Important! Choose a white soft eraser - this way you will not transfer dirt from the eraser to the shoes.

These methods are simple, do not require special investments and are available to anyone who thinks what and how to bleach the sole on sneakers or sneakers. If the shoes are so dirty that cleaning the sole cannot be avoided, you can completely wash or wash it.

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How to clean the shoe completely?

Methods for washing sneakers are very simple, and if you remember about accuracy in work, then it is quite possible to handle at home.

Procedure and methods:

  1. Remove all dirt, dust from shoes with a damp cloth.
  2. Pull out the insoles, laces. They will have to be cleaned separately, which we described in detail in a separate publication "How to wash the laces?".
  3. If the sneakers are fabric or leather of good quality, they can be washed in a machine. For this, the delicate wash mode and protective bag for washing shoes. As a cover, you can use an old pillowcase or duvet cover.
  4. Do not dry your shoes with a hairdryer or on the battery - this product is deformed. The best option is to dry naturally in a well-ventilated area. If you need to speed up this process, click on the link where we suggested several effective and safe ways to dry sneakers quickly.
  5. You can wash your shoes by hand, having previously studied all the recommendations for cleaning sneakers completely, or turn to professional laundry services.

There are options for how to wash the white sole on sneakers, which are not often used for various reasons.

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Rare ways

Some methods are difficult to prepare, some are simply forgotten. Let's consider several options.

  1. Melamine sponges easily clean the rubber parts to white. Many housewives are afraid to use them, so before using, be sure to read about them, as well as the instructions for use, about which we all spoke in detail in a special post "Melamine sponge".
  2. A regular nail file or sandpaper can also easily clean the yellowness, but along with part of the sole. When working, you need to act carefully, try to remove the minimum layer from the shoes.
  3. Warm water, laundry soap, brush plus patience - these are four components that many forget about. Meanwhile, the laundry soap perfectly washes black stripes, removes yellowness. Why this tool for decades does not lose its popularity and remains so effective, we described in detail in the article “What is laundry soap made of?”.
  4. There is an option to wipe the sole with kerosene, ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. These funds will save the yellowed shoes, update its appearance.
  5. In shoe stores you can buy special paint for shoes or take acrylic white paint on rubber or fabric, and just paint over all the yellow areas.
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Stock footage

The white sole makes the shoes stylish, but impractical, as it quickly gets dirty. There is always an option to give your shoes dry cleaning. There, they will perfectly clean not only the sole, but also the entire shoe, and at the same time the wallet.But it is quite possible to do with improvised means. If you follow the recommendations on how to bleach the sole on sneakers, then the shoes will retain their fashionable look for a long time, and its sole will not turn yellow and will not be covered with black stripes.

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