How to clean the collar of a leather jacket at home?

Leather clothes are elegant and practical, they last a very long time and, moreover, never go out of style. Having bought a leather jacket, you can be sure that you will look spectacular now, and a few years later. However, clothes made of this material, like any other, need care and cleanliness. Dry cleaning is not in every village, and it is expensive. But the jacket can be cleaned at home. The necessary funds may even appear in your closet, and if not, then in the nearest store. The most vulnerable part of a leather jacket is the collar, so it is very important to know how to clean the collar of a leather jacket at home. It is about this, as well as about the general cleaning of such outerwear, which will be discussed in this article.
to contents ↑How to clean the collar with home remedies?
Even if by nature you are clean and your neck and hair are always in perfect condition, there will still be slightly noticeable traces of fat on the collar, to which street dust will inevitably stick. Within a few weeks, a wonderful jacket will not look exactly like on the cover of a fashion magazine. To keep your collar as dirty as possible, wearing a scarf or sweater with a high neck is very useful. If the problem already exists, you can clean the collar of a leather jacket at home using such tools.
Option 1
Soap or shampoo can be found in every home, as is soft tissue. It is best to clean the collar of a leather jacket at home, use a flannel, but chintz, satin, and cotton knitwear will do..
Important! Synthetic materials are not very suitable because they do not absorb water well.
If there are no shreds, a cotton swab will do. Make a soapy solution, wet a cloth, and gently wipe the contaminated area.
Important! This method is good if the jacket is not very dirty.
Option 2
Surely you have a bulb in your house. With it, you can easily clean the collar of a leather jacket at home:
- Cut it in half.
- Treat contamination with a cut, and then rinse.
Important! This method is simple, but not everyone likes the smell of onions, so you need to wash it off carefully.
Option 3
It is very good if there is baking soda in the house. This wonderful substance is useful not only for baking or soda baths, but also as a universal and, besides, very cheap detergent. Therefore, it is recommended to always have a pack of soda in the household.
A pinch is enough to clean the collar:
- Put it on a soft cloth and rub the stain.
- Titanic efforts are not required, you just need to rub the stain for a minute or two - and it will disappear.
- Wipe the stains in other places in the same way, and then wipe these areas with a damp cloth or sponge.
Important! Very often, immediately after purchase or long-term storage in the home closet, creases remain on the outer clothing. It is impossible to put on such a thing at once, since you will look like a thorough slut, and it is also undesirable to stroke the skin. Use the appropriate methods to resolve the issue. how to smooth a leather jacket.
Option 4
If the jacket has seen a lot in this life and you did not pay enough attention to it, a more radical remedy will be required. More precisely, a few - alcohol, lemon juice and glycerin.
Important! Medical alcohol and glycerin can be bought at a pharmacy (any alcohol product, such as tincture of calendula or hawthorn, is also suitable).
Mode of application:
- Lay out the jacket on the table, straightening the collar.
- Moisten a cloth or swab with alcohol and wipe the contaminated area.
- Then wipe it with lemon juice.
Important! In fact, lemon juice in this situation is an optional component, but you are unlikely to like it if your wonderful jacket smells like alcohol. Lemon juice is also needed in order to remove this dubious aroma.
- Then glycerin comes into play. It is needed so that the skin does not warp and remains soft even after many cleanings.
to contents ↑Important! Collar and cuffs are the most problematic places for such clothes. But there is also a lining, and the front part, which over time can also start to smell unpleasant and look worn out. Check out our helpful publications for the most effective solutions to these problems:
Ammonia and mixtures with it
Ammonia is a universal cleaner of various materials and recipes with a combination of various products with this alcohol is more than enough. Including many of them are suitable to clean the collar of a leather jacket at home.
Recipe 1
To prepare a skin cleanser, you will need another white spirit:
- In a small bowl, mix these two substances in a 1: 1 ratio.
- Dampen a cloth and wipe the contaminated area.
- Then rinse it off with warm water and hang the jacket to dry.
- You need to dry leather things in a natural way - a hair dryer or a gas stove in this case are not suitable.
Important! These substances dissolve any dirt very well, but they have a very significant drawback - a pungent and rather unpleasant odor. Therefore, all manipulations must be carried out in a room that is well ventilated.
Recipe 2
For the second detergent with ammonia, salt and water are also needed:
- Pour half a liter of water into a bowl.
- Add the same teaspoon of ammonia and a tablespoon of salt.
Important! It is better to use the most common salt, without any additives.
- Do not forget to wipe the cleaned area with a damp cloth after processing - this must be done with any cleaning method.
Use for cleaning flammable substances
In severe cases, to clean the collar of a leather jacket at home, you can use such radical means as:
- petrol;
- turpentine;
- diatyl alcohol;
- a mixture of gasoline with ammonia.
The usual procedure is:
- Wipe the contaminated area with a cloth with the selected cleaning agent;
- Rinse with water;
- Treat with glycerin;
- To dry.
Important! Do not forget that these substances burn perfectly, so you must follow the rules of fire safety.
How to clean a white leather jacket?
White skin is especially beautiful, but it also needs special care. Even if you wear the jacket very carefully and do not have the habit of leaning on the walls in the porches and sitting on the painted benches, the white jacket very quickly becomes grayish or yellowish. Greasy marks on the collar are also more noticeable than on black or brown. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the collar of a leather jacket in white more often.
A good housewife is unlikely to allow serious pollution to form on a white jacket, requiring radical intervention. Most often, white leather clothes look just stale. Therefore, the most popular methods are cleaning contaminated places with soapy water or soda. The methods of action are the same as when cleaning any other leather clothes - wipe, remove detergent and dry.
There are specific tools designed specifically for cleaning white leather clothes:
- Beat a couple of egg whites. Rub them into your skin with a soft cloth or sponge. Wait five minutes, and then wipe the jacket with a damp cloth. The thing will dry - and it will be as good as new.
- Fresh milk will also come in handy, especially since you need a little milk. Warm it slightly (to room temperature or slightly higher - but not to a boil). Moisten a cloth, wipe a white jacket - and you don’t need soda or glycerin, it will clean milk and dirt, and soften the skin.
If white skin is very dirty
A very dirty white jacket can be cleaned with gasoline or turpentine. However, it must be borne in mind that any marks are perfectly visible on the skin. Therefore:
- Gasoline should be taken aviation - it is the cleanest.
- It is best to mix it with white magnesia (the very one that gymnasts and weightlifters handle their hands).
- Put the mixture on the jacket, leave for twenty minutes, and then remove with warm water.
As for turpentine, then by itself it will also leave traces. Therefore, it must be mixed with talc. The ratio is determined by eye - you should get something that looks like snow in consistency. Apply this mass to contaminated places, hold for several minutes, then rinse.
Important! Perhaps after a few seasons of socks you will want to change something in the design of things, but do not spend money on buying a new one. For this case, we have prepared some interesting ideas, how to decorate a leather jacket.
How to clean the lining?
Lining can deliver a lot of trouble. The jacket cannot be washed, the lining does not come unfastened, there is no dry cleaning nearby. But there are no hopeless situations, and in the nearest hardware store or hypermarket you will surely find sprays for dry cleaning. This is what you need to clean the lining of a leather jacket at home:
- Read the instructions for the purchased product, lay the jacket with the lining up.
- Spray, hold as long as indicated in the instructions.
- Remove the remains with a brush.
Important! There will be no trace of spots, unless it is a paint stain. They will have to be removed with a solvent or gasoline, depending on what kind of paint it is.
In some cases, the lining has to be washed. How to do this without soaking your skin? Of course, not in the bath or basin. To clean the lining of a leather jacket at home, proceed as follows:
- The thing needs to be hung on a coat hanger over a bathtub.
- Soap the lining, then rinse with a gentle stream of shower.
Important! Lathering is best with the most ordinary soap. You can also use washing gel, but the powder in this situation is not the best assistant, then you will have to get rid of it for a long time.
- After washing the lining, leave the jacket hanging over the bathtub to allow glass of water. It is better to finish it in the room - on the bedding or on the shoulders.
Important! Humidity is too high in the bathroom; temperature differences may occur in the kitchen. Both of these will only bring harm to a leather product - the material under adverse conditions stretches perfectly, and the jacket, despite your efforts, can easily lose its elegant look.
Useful Tips:
- It is best to start jacket processing with a lining. When you wash it, detergents will get on the skin in any case. Having put in order the lining, take care of the collar and cuffs, and only then - the rest of the parts.
- Of course, there are situations when the order of work can be changed. If you, in spite of all efforts, still manage to stain your jacket with paint - first it is better to clean the stains, because you have to use a solvent or gasoline. Just remember to test the solvent in some inconspicuous area first. After that, clean the lining, and after it - everything else.
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Now you have a clear idea of what means you can clean the collar of a leather jacket, its lining and the entire surface at home. We hope you have managed to choose a more convenient option and now your leather jacket always emphasizes your individual style and gives your look an effect.