How to choose earrings according to the shape of the face?

Earrings are an integral part of the image of a modern woman. This type of jewelry has a special place, as they are designed to focus on the face. The choice of species, styles of earrings is truly unlimited. These jewelry can be matched to each type of face, to a particular outfit, a special event, or for every day. The whole image and the overall impression of you may depend on the correct choice of earrings. These small jewelry accentuate the beauty, sense of style, features of each girl. In addition, the right choice will help to hide minor flaws. The main thing is to know how to choose the right earrings. Having familiarized yourself with the main types of earrings and following the simple selection criteria, you can easily create your own unique image.

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Basic rules for choosing earrings

  • When buying earrings, you need to pay attention to all the details.
  • You should carefully check, evaluate their design, appearance.
  • If there are stones on the earrings, then you need to check the quality of their fastening.

Important! Pay special attention to the castle. This part should be distinguished by simplicity, reliability, durability. In size, the lock should match the product and earlobe.

  • In the process of wearing, earrings should not bring anxiety to their hostess. Therefore, all parts that come into contact with the body must be of high quality. If the product has a hook or carnation, then it should not injure the lobe.
  • When choosing earrings for every day, give preference to products that are not too bright, catchy. It can be jewelry with small pebbles that fit perfectly into any look.
  • For publication, large jewelry with bright large stones will be appropriate.

Important! If you already have such jewelry or are going to buy them, then information will be useful to you:

Important! Massive earrings should be worn if there is no jewelry on the neck. They look good in combination with an elegant necklace or a thin chain.

  • It is better for the fair sex of short stature to refuse long hanging earrings.
  • Earrings and rings in the shape of a square are best for slim and tall girls.

Important! It is not recommended to buy earrings that are too heavy, as they drag out the earlobes, can cause damage to the ears, and it looks unaesthetic.

  • Do not forget about the shape of the earlobe. Matte, flat, oblong shaped jewelry will fit a miniature lobe. But with a thin lobe, it is worthwhile to prefer delicate and lightweight products.

Important! If you choose small earrings that do not overload the image, protruding ears will become less noticeable.

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Earring options and their benefits

On the shelves of stores there is a huge variety of options for earrings, and each of the species has its advantages:

  • Drop-shaped items look very stylish. Such earrings hold firmly on the earlobe. In addition, there is a kind of slightly hanging products - drops with pendants.
  • Studs - never go out of style. These jewelry are a small bead or pebble.These earrings are attached to the lobe with a special clasp-clove. These products are a wonderful universal option for any type of face shape.
  • The earrings-rings are a classic decoration. They have the shape of an oval or circle, can be of any size. Small items can be attached to the earlobe using special mechanisms.
  • Chandelier earrings are also a very popular option. Such products are distinguished by bright gems and an elongated shape. Decorations will be appropriate at evening events. Refined and luxurious earrings will emphasize the solemnity and good taste of the owner. Take note of our interesting ideas to makeDIY lace earrings.

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How to choose earrings by age?

It is not enough to choose earrings according to the shape of the face, the age category is of great importance. And here, consider the following:

  • Very young girls should pay attention to small jewelry of a flat shape with a smooth surface. Products can be very simple or with discreet inserts. The task of these earrings is to emphasize the naturalness and tenderness of young skin, while not diverting attention to themselves.
  • Often young girls give preference to earrings in oriental style, which differ in their length and can emit ringing while walking. Jewelry made of brightly colored plastic, hippie-chic rings and boho-style earrings, which are decorated with many stones, also look good.
  • For ladies of a more mature age, a large-sized earrings with gem inserts will be a wonderful solution. Such jewelry will attract the attention of others and distract from minor imperfections. You can also choose jewelry made of precious metals, but before that, read our article on properties and signs of gold and silver

Important! Mature ladies are advised to abandon cheap jewelry. This option is only relevant in the youth image.

  • The choice of earrings should be approached carefully. You can not be guided only by external preferences. The decoration should harmoniously fit into the image, emphasize the merits and correspond to the general style.

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How to choose earrings by the shape of the face?

When choosing earrings, special attention should be paid to the type of your face:

  • The ideal option for a female face is the correct oval. Girls with this face shape can confidently acquire any earrings. And women whose face oval has a slightly elongated shape, recommend choosing jewelry of a round type that visually expand the cheekbones. Products of a geometrical form are very popular.

Important! In order to avoid visual lengthening of the face, it is worth abandoning hanging dyeings of a narrow shape. Also, do not wear pendants and drop earrings.

  • If it is necessary to choose earrings according to the shape of the face when it is square type, it is necessary to visually soften the contours, namely the expressively outlined forehead and lower jaw. An oval elongated earrings with a laconic decor will be a great solution. Drops look good.
  • For chubby girls, the main task is to visually reduce the volume of the cheeks. Elongated products with pendants will cope with this problem well. Inverted triangle jewelry will look good.
  • Girls with a face type triangle should not buy products with a shape tapering to the bottom. An excellent solution would be oval rings and earrings. A striking example is the Congo earrings.
  • The rectangular type of face is very similar to the oval. In order to prevent visual expansion of the face, round earrings should be avoided. Drop earrings, pendants, chain earrings will look good here, and with the help of our workshops you can doDIY bead earrings. If you need to choose earrings according to the shape of the face when it has a silhouette of the heart, it is recommended to pay attention to ring-shaped products, such as rings or pendants. Such products will help visually expand the lower part of the face.

Important! Earrings can hide minor imperfections. Massive pendants distract the attention of others from the big nose. The studs will smooth out the protruding chin, drawing attention to the upper part of the face.

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Color magic

In addition to the fact that earrings, like any other jewelry and accessory, should match the color scheme to your chosen one, do not neglect such subtleties as the color of the skin and eyes, especially when it comes to stones and expensive metals.

Important! Metals of “warm” golden and bronze shades will be in perfect harmony with tanned and dark skin. While owners of lighter skin are best suited for white metals: cupronickel, silver, platinum.

To create the perfect look, in addition to the color of the metal, it is important to pay attention to the color of the stones. In fact, you have two options: play in contrast or choose earrings to match your eye color. But in both cases, make sure that the color of the stones in the jewelry does not “suppress” the color of the eyes. That is, if a blonde girl with green or light gray eyes picks up earrings of green or bright turquoise color, then due to the bright and rich color of the stones her eyes may fade. Therefore:

  • Blue-eyed beauties will suit all shades of blue, violet, turquoise and blue, as well as golden and orange.
  • Gray and green eyes will decorate shades of pomegranate, malachite, agate and turquoise.
  • Owners of brown eyes are perfect for any bright colors, I also amber, crystal and pearls.

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What else do you need to know when choosing earrings?

  • Experiment and try on! Be sure to attach jewelry to your ears before buying. If you were allowed to measure it, do not miss the opportunity, as some earrings can look very good on their own, but due to flaws in the design of the clasp, they hang crookedly on your ears and generally look bad.
  • If you like massive products - choose the most convenient and lightweight models.
  • Diamond earrings accentuate the tan and perfectly tint the skin. But jewelry with dark stones, for example, sapphires, on the contrary, emphasize the aristocratic pallor of the skin.
  • Products with emeralds are always festive and elegant that it is better to save such earrings for celebrations. They are best suited for redheads and blondes.
  • Very young girls can make earrings on their own, for this, use the master class from our article onhow to make polymer clay earrings
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In general, earrings are very beautiful and feminine. We wish you to have in your arsenal a whole collection of various shapes and sizes, however, if the “resources” allow you to buy only one set of good earrings, we recommend that you give preference to neat stud earrings with diamonds.

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