How to clean silver at home from black 🥝 how to clean rings, earrings

Another reason for the darkening of silver is air humidity. If you store jewelry in damp conditions, then they will constantly darken and lose their attractiveness. You will constantly clean silverware until you find a dry place to store jewelry.

Important! The main cause of darkening of the metal is a poor sample. If in the manufacture of silver products copper was used, which oxidizes under the influence of human sweat, then jewelry will darken very often.

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Rules for storing jewelry

If you’re less likely to clean silver with stones at home and expose it to chemicals, find outwhy the silver cross turned black, and continue to follow these tips:

  • Do not leave jewelry near a heat source or in the sun.
  • Store the jewelry in a dry place, in a casket, wrapping them in parchment or a piece of soft cloth.
  • Silver should not come into contact with other products during storage.
  • Do not drop earrings and rings on the table.
  • Remove jewelry while cleaning the house and during cosmetic procedures so that silver is not exposed to chemicals.
  • Remove silver jewelry before taking a bath, as dampness is not good for metal.
  • Wipe your jewelry regularly against sebum, sweat and other impurities.

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How to clean silver jewelry at home? - General rules

The most reliable and safe way to clean silver items is to put them in the hands of specialists from a jewelry workshop. If this option does not fit, then you can purchase special tools in jewelry departments. In this case, you will not worry that the stone will fade or a coating will appear on the product.

Before you start cleaning, read the article abouthow to determine the authenticity of silver

But if you decide to clean silver with stones at home using folk remedies, then listen to the following recommendations:

  1. Do not use a rough sponge and abrasive products to clean the precious metal, as this will lead to micro-scratches and tarnishing of the products.
  2. Before using any chemical substance, soak the decoration in soapy water for a while, then rinse and remove excess moisture.
  3. The main rule for cleaning any items with stones is to avoid sudden changes in temperature, since with such an effect, gems are damaged and destroyed.
  4. If the jewelry is a little dirty (dust, sand, cosmetics), then wash it in hot soapy water. Instead of soap, you can use liquid detergent, shampoo, dishwashing detergent. Leave the decoration in the solution for an hour, and then brush it with a soft toothbrush, rinse and pat it with a paper towel.
  5. After water procedures, silver must be wiped dry, since the metal does not like moisture.
  6. Polish products to shine suede or flannel.

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How to clean silver without stones at home?

Jewelry made of precious metals must be chosen carefully, so it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself withproperties and signs of gold and silver. If silver has darkened under the influence of negative factors, then use the following folk improvised means to return the metal to its original shine:

  1. Ammonia. Dilute 1 teaspoon of the product in a glass of water, soak the product for half an hour. Rinse jewelry with running water and dry.
  2. Lemon acid. Prepare a solution: 100 g of citric acid in 0.7 l of water. Place the container with the prepared solution in a water bath. Place the products in a solution, boil for 20-30 minutes. Then - rinse and dry.
  3. Medical alcohol. Soak the earrings or ring for half an hour in alcohol. Then rinse and polish.
  4. Potatoes. In a mixture of grated potatoes and water, lower the decorations for a few minutes. You can use a decoction of potato peel. After cleaning the product, polish it with a woolen cloth to a shine.
  5. Soda. Pre-clean the silver from fat by holding it in a soap solution. Then clean the items with a solution or slurry of soda. Add a few drops of water to the soda until gruel is formed, and then use your fingers and gruel to clean the blackening. Wipe the jewelry carefully so that there are no scratches on the product.

  1. Toothpaste. If the dirt is slight, use a soft toothbrush and toothpaste to clean the blackness on the product. Rinse the decoration with warm water.
  2. Salt. Fold the darkened decorations (in one layer) in a foil-wrapped container. Sprinkle with salt (large or small no matter) and a small amount of soda. Add a few drops of detergent. Pour boiling water over everything and after 10 minutes rinse the products with running water.
  3. A piece of chalk. Grind the chalk into powder and dilute with water until gruel forms. Rub the cooked pasta decoration. Inaccessible places, clean with a cotton swab. Rinse jewelry and polish. For effectiveness, a few drops of ammonia can be added to the chalk paste.
  4. Lipstick. Apply lipstick to a soft cloth or toothbrush and polish the jewelry. Rinse the product with water and dry.
  5. Washing gum or eraser. You can polish with an eraser a ring, earrings and a brooch. A chain with a complex and small weave cannot be removed from the black with an eraser; it is better to boil it in one of the proposed solutions.

We also prepared interesting articles for you aboutultrasonic cleaning silver andcleansing silver coca cola.

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How to clean silver with stones at home?

In order not to spoil the gem, before cleaning the jewelry, find out about its density, since both the means and the method of cleaning depend on the stone. Then follow these recommendations to clean silver with stones at home:

  1. The highest density of sapphires, emeralds, aquamarines (diamonds are usually not used for silver). You can clean jewelry with these stones using washing powder (shampoo) and a soft toothbrush. Apply soapy water to the brush and clean the product. If the decoration is put in warm water for half an hour, the cleaning process will go faster.
  2. Opal, malachite, turquoise, moonstone have a density coefficient of less than 5 units, so you can clean them in the same way, you just need to replace the powder with laundry soap.

Important! Ruby, topaz, bright pomegranate can not tolerate high temperatures, so you can not clean them using hot water.

Here are a few tips, using which you can clean silver earrings with stones at home:

  • To clean any gems, use the safest tool - glycerin. Moisten a cotton swab in a product, thoroughly wipe the frame and stone. Polish with a soft cloth. If there is no glycerin, then use alcohol or cologne. Use this method if you do not know the type of stone.
  • Pearls, amber, mother of pearl, ivory have a very soft porous texture. Therefore, when washing, do not use any alkaline and acid solutions. You can not clean them with ammonia. Soak these stones in warm water, wipe them with flannel or suede, or better, let the stone dry on its own. To polish to a shine, we recommend only the metal part of the jewelry.
  • Clean heavily soiled pearls and turquoise with corn starch. Pour a pinch of starch onto the fabric, rub the pebble. After processing, rinse with warm (not hot) water, dry with a cloth.
  • Clean malachite, apatite, agate, opal with a cotton swab and alcohol. After processing, polish the stone with a soft cloth.

If you have antique silverware, or inherited jewelry, and it looks very dark, it may not be dirt, but the result of special processing. Be sure to follow the link and you will knowhow to clear blackened silver from blackening

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Useful Tips:

  1. Stones that are very sensitive to chemical solutions: amber, coral and pearls, it is better to give to specialists for cleaning.
  2. Silver items with stones should be cleaned best with special fluids that will not harm the decor element and cover it with an invisible protective film.
  3. After the cleaning procedure, do not immediately put on jewelry made of silver, since the metal needs several days to form a protective film on it.
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    We hope that you have chosen the method and cleaned the silver with stones at home correctly. Take care of silver products all the time and they will repay you with their beauty, brilliance, beautiful appearance. In such jewelry you will shine and attract attention to yourself!

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