How to store pearls?

Pearls are a unique stone, consisting of organic components, which is formed in the shells of rare mollusks. It is very delicate and requires special care, so all owners of jewelry of this stone need to know how to properly store pearls and how to care for them.

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What is a pearl?

The pearl appears in this way: a grain of sand gets into the shell and the mollusk begins to produce mother of pearl, in order to protect itself from alien invasion. So layer by layer, this beautiful stone arises. Given this history of origin, you need to be careful about this miracle and follow the rules of how to store pearls so that it gives you its beauty as long as possible and decorates you yourself.

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Negative factors

The most damaging factors for this stone are:

  • heat;
  • high humidity;
  • contaminated air;
  • excessive bright light;
  • perfumes, hair spray;
  • dry skin;
  • cigarette smoke.


  • do not wear when going to the pool, beach, take off when taking a bath or shower;
  • do not wear the product with other jewelry, especially with sharp corners and patterned metal - you can easily scratch it;
  • Wear pearl beads about 10 minutes after you have applied cosmetics or perfumes to your body.

Important! These are the simplest rules on how to store and care for pearls.

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How to store pearls?

In order for this stone of amazing beauty to please you for a long time, it is necessary to observe the following rules when storing it:

  1. Store in a soft velvet or foam box.
  2. Store separately from other jewelry items - you can use a suede bag for this.
  3. It is also proper to store pearls wrapped in a soft, natural fabric.

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How to restore the pearls shine?

In order to return the product to its former shine, do one of these actions:

  • Wash the stone in a soapy solution, rinse with clean water and wipe dry with a rag of natural fabric.
  • Wipe the necklace with potato starch to remove excess moisture and dirt from it.
  • Refresh the pearl stone by wiping it with a weak solution of acetic or hydrochloric acid.
  • Wipe with a dry velvet cloth regularly to maintain the beauty, purity of the stone and prevent dust from accumulating on it.

Important! Even the simplest jewelry can transform a girl, and elaborate and expensive to permanently ruin it. And here it is not a matter of the cleanliness of the products, but the way they are worn, their own style and aesthetic taste. If you sometimes doubt the correctness of your choice, and you don’t want to refuse jewelry, take a note of a few practical tips from designers and designers, outlined in the following articles:

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How to remove oily plaque?

  1. Take a thin linen cloth.
  2. Pour 1 teaspoon of salt into it.
  3. Put soiled decor in the same place.
  4. Wrap in a knot or envelope.
  5. Immerse in a basin of warm water.
  6. Wait until the salt has completely dissolved.
  7. Remove the fabric and dry the contents.

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How to polish pearls?

After you have cleaned the jewelry from dirt, do the polishing procedure - this will give the surface a glow and protect it from cracks. For this:

  1. Dry the product after cleaning.
  2. Dampen a soft cloth with olive oil.
  3. Wipe the beads with it.
  4. Rub with a shred of natural linen.
  5. Leave on for 15 minutes, let it dry.

Important! Next - follow the rules for storing pearls mentioned above.

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What is absolutely impossible to clean the pearls?

In order not to damage the jewelry and extend its service life, in no case do not use such means to remove dirt from the beads:

  1. Ultrasonic machine.
  2. Ammonia solution.
  3. Abrasive cleaners.
  4. Strong detergents.

Important! Unique handmade jewelry is in fashion today. They may not be distinguished by the cost of materials, but by high artistic value. And the whole charm here is that you do not have to look for an artist and a specialist in modeling or other needlework. On our portal of useful tips there are several articles with detailed master classes that you can easily do with your own hands:

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Useful Tips:

  • Change the thread on the necklace at least 1 time in 5-8 years - this must be done so that it does not crumble.
  • After you removed the jewelry, wipe each bead with a natural cloth, and then wrap it in the same cloth.
  • Put the necklace in a glass of water, then rub it with a cloth made of silk - these actions will help return the product to its radiance.
  • Do not clean the pearls with soda powder and do not use brushes for these actions.
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We hope that our article was useful to you and now you know how to store pearls. Follow the recommendations of our experts and original and delicate jewelry will delight you for decades.


