DIY jewelry from beads and beads - patterns

Recently, it has become fashionable to do it yourself. This also applies to jewelry that is in the arsenal of any girl. Learning to make jewelry from beads and beads with your own hands, it’s easy to pick up patterns. You need to stock up on fishing line, beads and beads of different colors, sizes and patience. Moving from simple to complex, you will learn how to make rings, bracelets, necklaces and other accessories suitable for any outfit - from simple jeans to an evening or even wedding dress. We offer you simple options so that you can practice in such an interesting needlework.

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What tools and materials are needed?

In order to make even the simplest decoration, you will need special tools and materials:

  • Tongs come in handy to push the needle through the bead.
  • Scissors.
  • You can use the nail file when you need to file the sharp edges of metal fasteners or other elements.
  • Nylon thread is useful if you are going to make a necklace, beads, bracelet or earrings.
  • Beaded needles - thin flexible needles 5 cm long.
  • Bead accessories are used at the final stage to connect all the elements into a single whole.
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Types of beads

Depending on the material from which the beads are made, it is divided into the following types:

  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • ceramic;
  • metal.

Depending on its shape, the following types are distinguished:

  • simple - ordinary beads of different sizes with holes for stringing;
  • bugles - beads having the form of elongated tubes with holes inside;
  • cutting - short tubes with a hole for stringing.

Important! Beads can be of different sizes, shapes, colors. The appearance of the finished accessory depends on how the colors and size of the source materials are selected. Always keep that in mind.

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DIY bead and pearl jewelry

For beginners, we offer a simple master class of jewelry from beads and beads with your own hands. You will receive a beautiful product in your collection - a bracelet and a ring connected by a chain of beads:

  • Cut the desired length of silicone thread for the bracelet and ring.

Important! To calculate the desired length, measure the girth of the brush and finger, add a few centimeters for the connecting bead chain.

  • The bracelet is woven as follows: string on the thread alternately 2 white and 2 pink beads until you reach the entire length of the bracelet.
  • Now take a large bead - best in the shape of a pearl, and thread both ends of the thread through it so that they are directed towards each other.
  • On the two ends of the thread, dial the beads in the same way as on the bracelet.
  • In the middle of the ring, place a large bead, again in the shape of a pearl.

Important! From beads you can come up with many different things. If you like to engage in such needlework, you have plenty of material, read about the different options for its use in the following articles:

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Bead earrings

For young fashionistas, tassel earrings, which are easy to make from beads with your own hands, will be an excellent accessory:

  • Cut a piece of tape about 6.5 cm long.

Important! Fuse the edge of the tape with a lighter or matches to prevent it from opening.

  • Now take a bead string about 50 cm long, thread it into a needle, tie a knot at the end.
  • String the beads in the following sequence: 15 silver, 5 blue, 5 silver, 15 blue.

Important! You can choose a different color combination to your liking.

  • Now, with a needle, go through the entire row of beads in the opposite direction, except for the last. This last bead will be fixing with us.
  • Puncture the prepared ribbon, fix the bead row, step back 1 mm and start the next row in exactly the same sequence as the first.
  • You should end up with 15 rows.
  • Take a pin, using a pair of pliers, make a double eye on it. Sew the pin to the ribbon with this ear and continue twisting it, piercing along with the pin.
  • When you twist the tape to the end and sew it, the beaded low will take the form of a brush.
  • Put 1 blue bead on the finished brush, then attach the earwig.
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Beaded Bracelet

For such a bracelet, small beads of two colors are selected that are in harmony with each other. For example, we will take red and green colors, but you can choose any others to your liking:

  1. String green beads on a wire or thread at a distance of 15-20 cm from the edge, fasten. Needle to go through this bead again and tighten tightly.
  2. String 4 red and 6 green beads on the long side of the wire. Go through the first 4 beads again with a needle. After tightening the thread, you should get a flattened oval.
  3. String the red and 3 green beads on the thread, through the last 4 green beads you need to pass the needle. Three of them are already tightened, add another 1 and tighten.
  4. Thus, you weave the entire length of the bracelet, then a clasp is attached - one part on one side and the other on the other.
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Heart Shaped Bead Earrings

As an example of jewelry from beads and beads with our own hands, we also offer you a master class of earrings in the shape of hearts. For them you will need medium red and green beads:

  1. Attach the needle to both ends of the fishing line.
  2. Collect the beads in the following order: 1 red, three green, three red, three green, 1 red. The wire needs to be pulled through one bead.
  3. String 1 red bead on either end of the wire - a needle from this end is threaded through an adjacent green bead.
  4. Pass the opposite end of the wire through the last red bead you have dialed. The fishing line is tightened at both ends.
  5. Now weave the fourth row: 5 green beads string on the needle so that they are on top of the red ones.
  6. Fifth row: red bead, 4 green, another 1 red. Pass the needle from the opposite end through the last bead.
  7. Sixth row: five green beads.
  8. Seventh row: dial red, 4 green, still red, through which pass the needle from the other end.
  9. Eighth row: red, three green, red, through it, pass the needle from the opposite edge.
  10. Ninth row: pull the fishing line inside, string the red, two green, red beads.
  11. Now you can do two ways. The first way is to weave using both ends of the wire. The second way - use only the end that is longer. The tenth row is red, green and another red.
  12. 11 row of only two beads - both red.
  13. Start the last row by threading the needle through the last red bead, then another, also red, last bead is strung.
  14. Fasten the schwenzie from above. It is fixed with the same fishing line or thread as on the main product. The remainder needs to be cut off, having previously fixed.
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Beaded Necklace

From beads you can make a simple necklace of flowers. Make it easy, consider in more detail the whole process:

  1. String 5 beads of any color you like on the fishing line, pass one of the ends through the first bead, thus forming a ring.
  2. Pull the same end through one adjacent bead, string the bead, and then pass the line through the same bead and the third bead of the ring. The result is a petal.
  3. Make 5 petals this way.
  4. In total, you need to make 14 colors and sew them together using a thread. The gaps between the flowers can be decorated with beads or other elements.
  5. Attach the clasps to the ends of the jewelry.

Important! To dilute the image not only with bead jewelry, use our selection of articles about jewelry made from other materials. Detailed workshops will help you easily cope with such work:

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Weaving such a jewelry is simple, it differs from a necklace in the absence of an elongated part in the center:

  1. Cut a piece of fishing line 20 cm long.
  2. String the beads of the same color on it.
  3. Make 12 such threads.
  4. Tie 4 threads together at both ends. You will receive three items.
  5. Weave these three elements according to the braid principle, securing them from one edge.
  6. Attach a chain with fasteners.

Important! Any jewelry - with precious metals and stones, as well as more affordable jewelry, must be worn. The main thing is that all the products fit organically into the image as a whole, fit the chosen along with other accessories. All about how to wear jewelry, see our articles:

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Start creating your own bead and bead jewelry with these simple patterns. Further, having filled your hand and developing your imagination, you will certainly be carried away by this needlework, and you will be able to create original accessories for any outfit from your wardrobe.

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