How to care for a man's coat?

Men's coat as a wardrobe item exists for more than 150 years. XX century has become “productive” for a variety of styles, and it’s easy to get confused in the choice. A modern men's coat is an integral part of the wardrobe of many, but unlike in the past, today it has acquired a democratic character.
The men's coat creates a universal image of an elegant dandy: a bold, reliable and confident man. A man’s coat is sewn of high-quality fabrics, so it is important to properly care for it so that it does not lose its attractive appearance.
Features of care vary, depending on the type of fabric - cashmere, wool, tweed, drap - they all require different means and rules of care.
to contents ↑How to care for a cashmere coat?
Cashmere is a moody and expensive material, so care for it should be regular. Not surprisingly, many models are sewn with the use of cashmere, because its appearance can overshadow even genuine leather. Soft, cozy, comfortable, eye-catching coat, needs careful care.
A cashmere coat is often intended for the autumn-spring period, therefore it is afraid of overt moisture. If you are caught in a light rain, it’s not scary: you need to hang it on a hanger in a warm room and allow time to dry. But you can’t stay in a wet state of a cashmere coat for a long time. You need to use a terry towel to speed up the drying process. Spread a wet coat on its surface and leave it for 10-15 minutes so that excess water is absorbed into the towel, after which it can be hung on a trempel and allowed to dry. Having hung out your outer clothing, make sure that most of the water is absorbed into the towel, as under the influence of gravity the fabric can stretch.
Important! If the coat is light, use a towel that does not leave streaks on the surface of the product (ideally white).
If the cashmere coat is dirty (splashes of rain, dirt, drinks, etc.), correct the situation immediately. Dry cleaning is ideal, but access to it is not always possible, so you can do it yourself. Each individual model will have its own washing characteristics, not every one can be washed in a washing machine, so study the label. The higher the percentage of natural wool in the product, the more delicate care should be. Some models can be washed using the gentle washing mode at +30 degrees, but the overwhelming mass of outer clothing should be washed and cleaned by hand to avoid “shrinkage”, the formation of spools.
Rules for washing a cashmere coat
- Warm water (+30 degrees Celsius).
- Detergent must be completely dissolved in water.
- Before washing, coat should be soaked for 2-3 hours.
- Rubbing the coat is not recommended, you can slightly knead it with your hands.
- At least 4-5 rinses after washing.
to contents ↑Important! Before you perform any action, be sure to look at the tag and compare these recommendations with clothes decoding table. This will help you better understand what exactly can be done with a thing and what not.
How to care for a wool coat?
Wool is often used for the production of outerwear, it is able to retain heat even in the most severe frosts.A feature of this fabric is that it does not wrinkle and can self-smoothen, for example, being on a hanger for a long time in a closet.
A minus of a wool coat can be called the ability to collect dust particles and small debris on its surface, but you can get rid of them with a sticky brush, however, you will have to do this regularly.
Rules for washing a wool coat
- There is no need to soak the product, you can immediately wash it.
- It is possible to get rid of some types of oily stains only with the help of starch.
- Rubbing is also not recommended, only slightly knead.
- After washing, you need to use a terry towel in order to get rid of excess water.
Important! During prolonged wear of such clothes, spools may form on the material. They make your overall look messy. To quickly deal with them, follow the link to another article from which you will learn how to choose a machine for removing pellets.
How to care for a tweed coat?
Tweed is the easiest to care for, even though it also contains wool. This is the only type of fabric from this list that can be washed in a washing machine in delicate mode. Like wool, tweed does not crumple and does not require regular ironing, but some features of the washing need to be remembered.
Rules for washing a tweed coat
- Machine wash: temperature not higher than +30 degrees (higher temperatures can give a “shrinkage” of the product), delicate mode.
- Hand wash: without soaking, as is the case with wool.
- Dry cleaning is a guarantee of gentle care.
- You need to dry the tweed coat on a horizontal surface between terry towels to avoid deformation.
- Ironing is recommended from the wrong side.
to contents ↑Important! For a clearer understanding of the difference in materials and care for seemingly the same clothes, check out our overview of different types of coat fabrics with a detailed description of the materials.
How to care for a coat of drap?
Men's drape coat is the pinnacle of style and elegance, but only if it is properly cared for. A feature of the fabric is an increased ability to attract dust, which is especially noticeable on the surface of dark fabrics. To prevent the accumulation of villi on the surface of the draped fabric will help antistaticThe coat is periodically treated. You can also use a clothes brush with hard fibers in the direction of the pile. A good option is a sticky roller.
Drape splattered with dirt should not be cleaned immediately, wait until it dries completely, then use a stiff brush. Grease stains can be eliminated with a stain remover, without fear that the fabric will deteriorate. For this, the product is applied directly to the stain for 5-7 minutes.
To clean a collar that has become soiled, treat it with ammonia diluted with water (1: 3).
Rules for washing a draped coat
- Machine wash is not recommended.
- Use wool products.
- It is desirable to dry on the street (balcony), having previously squeezed it out and using a towel to absorb moisture.
How to iron a man's coat?
Ironing any type of coat is carried out exclusively from the wrong side. First, iron the pockets, and then proceed to the sleeves. It is necessary to iron from the bottom, gradually moving upwards, making sure that the edge of the sleeve does not become lumpy. The sleeve can be moistened and ironed until completely dry, making sure that wrinkles do not form on the elbow seam. Next, proceed to the back of the coat: moisturizing it, iron until completely dry. The last in line are the collar and lapels.
If you want to iron the front part of the coat, use a thin moistened cloth (the exception is a wool coat, which can only be ironed from the wrong side).
to contents ↑Important! It is much easier to care for such things, not with an iron, but with a steamer. If you haven’t gotten one yet, find out:
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Everyone knows that any thing needs care, but outerwear, in particular a coat of such delicate fabrics, requires special treatment. By making it a rule to regularly clean and prevent contamination of outer clothing, its service life can be extended, getting more pleasure from socks.
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