How to remove shine from trousers

You can always look solid in a pantsuit only if you look after it properly. The most common problem manifests itself in the form of unsightly shine of fabric, and then the question arises: how to remove the shine from trousers. The easiest way to solve it, you will learn from this article.

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How to remove shine from clothes?

Depending on the chosen cleaning method, in order to tidy up your favorite things, you may need these components:

  • water;
  • onion;
  • raw potatoes;
  • Black tea;
  • lemon;
  • 9% vinegar solution;
  • ammonia;
  • refined gasoline;
  • laundry soap;
  • pumice;
  • sandpaper;
  • newspaper;
  • a flap of woolen fabric;
  • gauze;
  • tablespoon;
  • glass;
  • a bowl or basin;
  • Hangers for trousers;
  • clothes brush;
  • iron.
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How to remove shine from the iron on clothes?

Gloss on things sometimes occurs due to their prolonged wearing, but in most cases the main reason for the appearance of glossy spots and stripes is improper thermal treatment. If the temperature regime is selected for ironing things that does not correspond to the type of fabric and the recommendations indicated on the manufacturer's label, such troubles may well await you. In order to avoid them from now on, take advantage of our useful tips for caring for such products:

Mistakes, as a rule, happen at all, the main thing in this case is to competently approach their elimination. We offer you several solutions at once, how to remove the shine from the trousers and return them to their original appearance - just choose the most suitable one for yourself.

Method 1 - Normal Steaming

  1. Type in a basin of water.
  2. Put on the stove and boil.
  3. Hang the pants on a hanger.
  4. Place over rising steam.
  5. Wait approximately 20 minutes for the tissue to saturate.
  6. Sweep away any remaining moisture.
  7. Lay the pants on the table.
  8. Brush several times over the shiny areas.
  9. Dry in fresh air or iron with cheesecloth at a moderate temperature.

Important! Such a decision would be most correct if the thing is new and the glossy traces are not very noticeable. This gentle procedure does not exactly harm your clothes.

Method 2 - Soaking in Acetic Solution

  1. Pour 3L of water into a bowl.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. 9% vinegar.
  3. Mix well.
  4. Dip the pants in the container.
  5. Leave on for 20-30 minutes.
  6. Easy to wring out.
  7. Dry it.
  8. If the shine still remains - iron the trousers with a warm (not hot!) Iron through a thin newspaper.

Important! The method is mainly suitable for products from light natural fabrics or things made of synthetic materials. It is undesirable to soak dark pants made of wool in vinegar - spots and stains may appear on them.

There are also other options for using vinegar in order to get rid of shine on clothes:

  • steaming (through cheesecloth) of problem areas with an iron, into the atomizer of which a solution is poured, consisting of 2 parts of vinegar and 1 part of water;
  • rubbing glossy areas with a rag of wool dipped in the same solution.

Method 3 - Treatment with ammonia

  1. Take 1 liter of water.
  2. Pour in 2 tbsp. ammonia.
  3. Shuffle.
  4. Moisten a rag or sponge in the solution.
  5. Wring out.
  6. Wipe the fabric in places with “shine”.
  7. Pass a warm iron through gauze or paper.

Method 4 - Rubbing Potato Juice

  1. Take raw potato.
  2. Rinse it under running water.
  3. Cut in half.
  4. Wipe the shiny areas with fresh juice (from the place of cut).
  5. Let the pants dry.
  6. Brush for clothes.

Important! Trousers are usually worn with suitable clothing. To fully comply with all the canons of the business dress code, read the information in the following articles and keep a note for the future:

Method 5 - Purification with Onion Gruel

  1. Take a large onion.
  2. Peel.
  3. Grate or grind in a combine.
  4. Apply the resulting slurry to problem areas.
  5. Leave for 2 hours.
  6. Rinse things in cool water.

Important! The method is recommended in order to remove shine from the iron on trousers made of delicate and colored fabrics. If the item is not worn, you can handle it faster - just cut the onion and wipe the greasy patches of tissue with its half.

Method 6 - Using Laundry Soap

  1. Grate the soap on a grater.
  2. Dilute in a small amount of warm water.
  3. Beat until foamy.
  4. Moisten gauze in it.
  5. Squeeze and straighten well.
  6. Attach to fabric.
  7. Iron the shiny areas of fabric.
  8. Remove excess foam with a sponge.
  9. Take a clean piece of gauze.
  10. Moisten it in water acidified with vinegar.
  11. Iron again.
  12. Wash the item if necessary.
  13. Dry it.
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How to remove shine from the iron on black?

The traces of the iron on the dark fabric are especially noticeable, and removing them from black things is more difficult than from ordinary ones. Neither vinegar nor ammonia are suitable here, since they can discolor products or stain clothing. However, to return to your favorite trousers an elegant look is quite up to you. To do this, use one of the proven methods.

Option 1 - The use of gasoline

  1. Buy refined gas from a hardware store.
  2. Apply a few drops to a flap of wool.
  3. Gently wipe the problem areas on the trousers.
  4. To remove the unpleasant odor - treat with lemon juice.
  5. If necessary, wash clothes in warm water.
  6. Air dry.

Important! To neutralize the smell, you can also use a weak solution of ammonia diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5. Just gently moisten the gauze in the liquid, wring out and iron the trousers through it.

Option 2 - Cleaning with tea leaves

  1. Make strong black tea.
  2. Dampen the brush in it.
  3. Clean the shiny areas on the trousers.
  4. Dry with a warm iron through cheesecloth.

Option 3 - Pumice processing

  1. Take a slice of volcanic pumice.
  2. Gently rub the glossy marks.
  3. Brush the item with a clothes brush.

Important! Fine grained sandpaper can also be used. However, be careful - these materials are tough enough. They will help to restore a decent look to clothes made of coarse and heavy fabrics, but are not suitable to remove gloss from trousers from thin knitwear - you may damage the product.

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Useful Tips

  • To avoid shine on things, always iron them through a cloth or gauze.
  • Before ironing the trousers, it is advisable to turn them inside out.
  • Periodically clean the sole of the iron, because often the gloss on the clothes occurs precisely because of soot on its surface.
  • Before using vinegar, ammonia or gasoline, test: apply a small amount of the substance to an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric. If the color has not changed, there are no stains or spots - you can safely use the selected product.
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We hope that our simple tips on how to remove shine on fabrics from the iron will help you not only solve the problem, but also always look at 100% - fashionable, clean and tidy. Please with impeccable appearance not only yourself, but also people around you!


