How to remove coils from clothes

Coils are compressed yarns formed into small shaggy tangles that occur during long-term wear of clothing made of knitted or woolen material. Sooner or later, each of us faces the problem of swaying lumps on clothes and in order to get rid of them, use the advice of our experts - you will definitely know how to remove the coils from clothes.

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What do coils come from?

The causes of hairy lumps on the tissue can be different:

  • intense tissue friction;
  • improper care of the thing;
  • non-compliance with the temperature regime during washing;
  • the wrong means for washing things were chosen;
  • low-quality material was used in the manufacture of the product.

Important! Fabrics with a natural composition are most affected by the appearance of unsightly lumps, but fabrics with synthetic impurities, on the contrary, are less susceptible to this.

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How to avoid the appearance of coils?

Everyone knows that a problem is easier to prevent than to look for a solution later. The same approach is appropriate when you have repeatedly wondered how to remove the coils from clothes. This is a fairly common occurrence on clothes, so to minimize their appearance on your things, follow these rules:

  1. Study labels on clothes with the correct decoding these notation.
  2. Observe the required temperature when washing and ironing.
  3. Choose only suitable care products.
  4. Do not soak, rub, or wring clothing from knitwear when washing.

Important! For more detailed tips on caring for knitwear and wool, see our special publications:

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How to remove the coils?

When your clothes already have shaggy shreds of thread, before you remove the spools from your clothes, look at what you have at hand. For this you will come in handy:

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How to remove coils from clothes?

There are several proven methods that can easily help solve this problem and restore the appearance of clothing. Choose and apply one of the options below, based on what you have available and how much you are willing to spend on the procedure.

Option 1

Get rid of unsightly shaggy shreds on clothes with a razor. For this:

  1. Take the razor.
  2. Lay the product on a flat surface.
  3. Pull the fabric as far as possible.
  4. Bring the machine to the fabric.
  5. Cut the coils from bottom to top.

Important! Do not use a new razor, but with a slightly dull blade, otherwise you may damage the fibers of the product.

Option 2

In the event that lumps formed on things from angora or mohair, dispose of them as follows:

  1. Take a soft toothbrush.
  2. Remove formed clumps by directing the brush along the fluffy fibers.
  3. Pay particular attention to the sleeves and places where the elbows are.
  4. Pour a bucket of warm water.
  5. Add vinegar to it.
  6. Soak the product in the resulting solution, this will give the product fluffiness.
  7. Take a dry terry towel.
  8. Put a thing on it and wrap it.
  9. Dry away sunlight and heaters.

Important! This method requires quite frequent application.

Option 3

If you want to use a gentle way to remove fluffy shreds from the fabric, use this method:

  1. Take tape or duct tape.
  2. Cut it into stripes.
  3. Apply the resulting strip with the adhesive side to the desired location.
  4. Press it and tear it off sharply.
  5. Repeat the procedure on another, still untreated area.

Important! This method is effective only for those things on which hairy lumps have just begun to appear.

Option 4

Remove the appeared coils as follows:

  1. Comb the thing with a scallop with small teeth.
  2. Take the nail clippers.
  3. Cut the formed pieces of crumpled thread one by one.

Important! When using this technology, act very carefully, as there is a high probability of tissue damage and be prepared for the fact that this process is very time-consuming and slow. And in order to save yourself from such troubles in the future, read also about which is better antistatic for clothes, because static electricity also affects the accelerated formation of fallen threads.

Option 5

This method is not very common, but it still works very well to remove lumps. To use it, do this:

  1. Lay the product on a flat surface.
  2. Take the fine sandpaper.
  3. Walk it on the surface of the product.

Important! In addition to twisting the threads, from time to time with such materials another problem arises - hooks. And it, too, must be dealt with delicately so that things do not form full-fledged holes. Click on the link to a separate article from which you can choose your own suitable method, how to remove puffs.

Option 6

Another not very popular tissue restoration, which also requires your utmost care:

  1. Take the thing with which you will remove the rolling thread.
  2. Take a lighter or matches.
  3. Scorch neatly formed lumps.

Important! Use this technology very carefully, as you can ruin the product.

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How to safely remove the coils?

If you want to safely rid your favorite product of the coils, use this method:

  1. Take a special knitting machine.
  2. Lay the product on a flat surface.
  3. Walk the machine on the surface of the material from which you remove the rolling lumps.

Important! This method is not only easy and convenient, but also quite fast. In 15-20 minutes you will forget about the problem, and the thing will look like new.

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We hope that our article has brought you only benefit and you have found the right way to resolve the issue of how to remove coils. Undoubtedly, the correct application of our advice has returned your things to a neat appearance and your clothes look neat again. But remember, in order to extend the service life of your clothes, do not forget to look after them correctly, and you won’t have to rack your brains again on how to restore it.


