How to get rid of the smell of urine on clothes?

How to get rid of the smell of urine on clothes? Almost every animal breeder has encountered such a problem at least once. Cats and cats are cute and funny creatures, and when you get an animal in your home, it creates an additional feeling of comfort, especially when a pet purrs softly under a warm blanket. But very often there are situations when cats break all the rules and fulfill their need in the wrong place, thereby violating the cleanliness and order of the house. Of course, a loving owner might not pay attention to a cat's “sin”, but the smell from the cat's stool makes the stay in the room unbearable not only for the owner, but also for people who came to visit. In our article you will find useful information on how to remove the smell of urine from clothes and maintain a pleasant aroma of your things.

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Why do cute cats do this?

As you know, cats are very clean animals, and they act in this way not because of a harmful and unbearable nature, but by their nature. In no case will they go to the tray if it is dirty by themselves. In the case when several cats live in the family, there are much more casual situations, because they do not tolerate the smell of others on their territory.

Pets are eager to mark interior items, furniture, bedspreads, shoes and even clothes, thus showing their dominance in this territory. Over time, the animal can be weaned from this kind of habit, but during the period of re-education, unpleasant situations, however, can periodically occur.

Important! Pets can play pranks in other ways. And you will have to eliminate the results of all these tricks until you understand the reasons and eliminate them. The tips from our next articles will help you deal with the consequences, as well as prevent some of these situations:

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Why does cat urine smell bad?

In most cases, the presence of an animal in the room is felt, you just have to cross the threshold. Consider yourself very lucky if your pet regularly goes to the tray and does not mark the territory. Often the owners, being indoors every day, get used to such an amber, but guests immediately feel the unpleasant aroma of cat urine. The animal’s urine contains caustic substances, so it is quite difficult to get rid of the smell. In some situations, it’s easier to throw away a damaged item than to try to clean it.

Important! The basis for the appearance of an unpleasant aroma of urine is its ability to crystallize quickly. After drying, crystals form on the surface that do not dissolve in water and are difficult to remove with detergents.

The composition of the urine of the animal:

  • Urea, it forms a stickiness on the surface after drying, it is easily soluble in water;
  • Urochrome gives stool color;
  • Urinic (uric) acid promotes the formation of crystals on the surface, does not dissolve in water.

Important! Uric acid is the main cause of the fetid odor and the difficulty of removing it from clothing.When washing a sweater or other wardrobe item, the first two components can be easily removed with detergents, while crystals of uric acid remain on the surface. After washing, you may get the impression that you managed to get rid of the smell, but this feeling will disappear as soon as the smell from the product and water evaporates.

The strength of the smell of urine depends on the type of tissue on which it fell. Rough and porous surfaces retain acid crystals for a long time, preventing their elimination. How to remove cat smell from clothes in this case? Washing such things is very problematic, in addition, using aggressive means can spoil clothes. In this situation, you must contact a professional dry cleaning service.

The means by which you can easily get rid of the smell of cat urine at home are divided into professional and folk.

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How to remove cat urine from clothes by professional means?

In household chemical stores, as well as in pet stores, you can find chemicals that will help you cope with the problem. Here is a list of the most popular drugs:

  • Nodor
  • Desosan;
  • Odorgon Animal Gold;
  • Monclavite-1;
  • Urine Off;
  • ZooSan.

Important! A detailed description of the product and its use are indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging of the goods.

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Traditional methods of how to remove cat urine from clothes

If in the first case, funds can be purchased in specialized stores with goods for animals, then using folk methods, all the necessary components can be found in a home medicine cabinet, kitchen cabinet or change house.

Potassium permanganate

Take a look at your home medicine cabinet. To clean the body from poisoning, potassium permanganate is often used, and it can also clean your blanket from unpleasant amber from urine.

Mode of application:

  • Dilute a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, add 5 mg of water to 5 g of manganese.

Important! Do not use potassium permanganate-based detergent for cleaning shoes and clothing.

  • Rinse the contaminated area with the resulting liquid.

Important! Before using potassium permanganate, test it on an inconspicuous area. Due to the saturated color, the product may stain the material.



Don't know how to remove the smell of cat urine from the blanket? In the kitchen cabinet of every housewife, there is always table vinegar. The use of vinegar essence as soon as possible will save the room from the fetid aroma.

Important! Vinegar leaves no residue, so you can use the product on any surface, shoes and clothing. The liquid has a persistent odor that cats can’t tolerate, so there will definitely not be a second incident, and the aroma will disappear as soon as possible.

Mode of application:

  1. Dilute the vinegar with water so that the smell of vinegar is clearly felt.
  2. Treat a contaminated area of ​​a piece of furniture or clothing.
  3. Leave to dry, if necessary - the procedure can be repeated.

Lemon juice

Next, to prepare the product, look in the refrigerator. A fresh trace of cat urine can be easily removed with lemon juice. You can apply lemon on any type of surface:

  1. Squeeze a small amount of juice into a container and dilute with water.
  2. The resulting mixture process the stinking place.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide not only disinfects wounds or serves as a bleaching agent for stains. It is also used to eliminate unpleasant odors of animal urine from the surface.

Mode of application:

  1. Treat the product with peroxide.
  2. Leave to dry completely.
  3. If odor remains, repeat the process again.

Important! Peroxide is not recommended for use on products with a varnished surface. Take special care when handling clothing.


Like vinegar, an iodine solution will help get rid of the smell of urine:

  1. Dilute iodine in cold water in the proportion: 10 drops of iodine per 1 liter of water.
  2. Treat the damaged area with the prepared solution.

Important! You might also find the following tips useful:

Baking soda

If your cat has tagged clothes, how to get rid of the smell with baking soda? White powder, which is used in cooking, is also an excellent tool for combating unpleasant odors from the stool of a cat.

Mode of application:

  1. Make slurry from soda and water.
  2. The resulting mixture treat the damaged area.
  3. Leave the product to dry completely.
  4. Finish off the powder with a soft brush.

Important! Do not use soda on glossy surfaces.

Laundry soap

Due to alkali, which is part of the laundry detergent, 72% soap perfectly whitens all kinds of dirt from clothes, launders dishes, and also very effectively removes the aroma of your pet's urine.

Important! Laundry soap can be used on any type of surface, furniture, shoes and clothing.

Mode of application:

  1. Treat the damaged area with soap.
  2. Leave on the surface for a while.
  3. Rinse off with water.

Important! If necessary, the process can be repeated.



Fluid is the most aggressive cat odor control product. However, chlorine effectively destroys crystals of uric acid, thereby eliminating odor in a short period of time.

Important! The disadvantage of using bleach is the ability to spoil cat-marked items.

Alcohol or vodka

Alcohol-containing liquids are not the most effective means to neutralize odors. They are more used to scare away animals.

Important! Treat the place marked by the cat with alcohol or vodka, an unpleasant odor from the liquid will scare the animal away, avoiding a second incident.

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It turns out that the use of folk methods to remove the smell of cat urine from clothes at home in most cases is more effective than special products. In addition, vinegar, ammonia, soda or iodine are not able to harm the animal, unlike household chemicals. The time it takes to completely get rid of an unpleasant odor depends on the health status, gender and age of your pet. For example, cats mark territory, defecating a special, more stable secret, in comparison with cats. Putting into practice the recommendations from the article, you will quickly get rid of the unpleasant amber of cat urine and in the future you will no longer encounter this problem.


